The Kathy Augustine Papers date from 1977 to 1997 and are comprised of the documents of Augustine's political career as an Assemblywoman and State Senator in Nevada. The collection includes political correspondence relating to State Senate Bills (SB) and Assembly Bills (AB), material from Augustine's Assembly campaign, and newsletters from Desert Express, Sage, and Sagehen. The collection also includes other correspondence related to Augustine's time in office, and social events.
Archival Collection
The Maryellen Vallier Sadovich Papers include transcripts and handwritten and photocopied documents pertaining to early Nevada history from 1852 to 1934. Documents include information about the boundaries of Nevada; mail service contracts between Utah and California; documents from the Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs concerning reservations in Southern Nevada; a copy of Gibb's Phonetic alphabet of Southern Nevada Native American languages; maps of tributaries in Southern Nevada; notes about the National Archives photographic holdings of Nevada; and documents from mining reports.
Archival Collection
The Thunderbird Hotel Records are comprised of material that documents the work of the Las Vegas, Nevada hotel's entertainment department from 1964 to 1973. The records consist of photographs, memorandum, newspaper clippings, and publicity materials.
Archival Collection
The Johnny LaVoie Papers on the Culinary Workers Union 226 (1958-1993) contain photographs of Culinary Union meetings; Culinary Union strikes at the MGM Hotel, Frontier Hotel, and other Las Vegas, Nevada hotels; agreements; by-laws; and Culinary Union collective bargaining booklets. Also included are negatives that correspond to the photographs, audiovisual material, newsletters from the Culinary Union and Catering Industry Employees, pins, buttons, and postcards.
Archival Collection
Commencement program from University of Nevada, Las Vegas Commencement Programs and Graduation Lists (UA-00115).