University of Nevada, Las Vegas Library Society Board, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Front row, L-R: Helen Mortenson, Nevada Assembly member Renee Diamond, UNLV English professor Patricia Geuder. Second row, L-R: unidentified woman, UNLV Libraries employee Marta Sorkin, Blanche Zucker (in yellow dress). Third row, L-R: Shirley Hurt, UNLV librarian Mary Harrison, Susan Jarvis (director of the UNLV Gaming Resource Center), Dr. Robert "Bob" Boord (UNLV College of Education), UNLV librarian Jim McPhee. They are in the Administration conference room of the James Dickinson Library, University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
University of Nevada, Las Vegas University Library Society Board. Front row, L-R: Helen Mortenson, Nevada assembly member Renee Diamond, UNLV English professor Patricia Geuder. 2nd row, L-R: unidentified woman, UNLV Library employees Marta Sorkin, Deanna Stefanelli. 3rd row, L-R: Shirley Hurt, UNLV librarians Mary Harrison, Susan Jarvis ((director of the UNLV Gaming Resource Center), Dr. Robert "Bob" Boord (UNLV College of Education), UNLV librarian Jim McPhee, Dean of UNLV Libraries Matt Simon. They are in the Administration conference room of the James Dickinson Library, University of Nevada, Las Vegas.