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Jewish Federation correspondence, meeting minutes, and other records, item 08




Board meeting minutes for the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas, Nevada, June 10, 1987.

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    JEWISH FEDERATION OF LAS VEGAS JFLV BOARD MEETING June 10, 1987 MINUTES Present: Shelley Berkley Cari Bernstein Ed Bernstein Dr. Allan Boruszak Amy Boruszak Michael Cherry Jerry Countess Dorothy Eisenberg Paul Eisenberg Phil Engel Judy Frank Dan Goldfarb Norm Kaufman Marlyne Kirshbaum Suzan Lane Dee Ober Hal Ober Dr. Marvin Perer Arne Rosencrantz Lynn Rosencrantz Marta Sorkin Elaine Steinberg Irv Steinberg Marla Gerecht Marty Loeb Bill Feldman Greg Kamer Mort Kirsch Paul Merchasin Blanche Stein Lewis Winocoor Absent: Don Eisner David Funk Elaine Galatz Neil Galatz Gene Greenberg Melanie Greenberg Rabbi Mel Hecht Edythe Katz Mimi Katz Irwin Kishner Dr. Stephen Kollins Rabbi Louis Lederman David Levine (Reno) Art Marshall Todd Marshall Alan Molasky Ralph Plotkin Dr. Neville Pokroy Leonard Rosen George Rudiak Dennis Sabbath Milton Schwartz Doug Unger Gerry Welt Claire Benza Florence Bloom Elaine Levco Dr. Saposhnik Ken Schnitzer Jackie Schwartz Steve Stein Jack Super The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by President Arne Rosencrantz. The Campaign Status Report was given by Hal Ober. To date, the Campaign has raised approximately $700,000 which is $50,000 less than last year. There are 486 new gifts reflected in the total which is encouraging for the future. The reason that we are below last year's total is that we have lost several big donors and other big donors have cut their pledges substantially. President Rosencrantz will appoint a sub-committee this summer to explore new and innovative ways of improving the campaign. 1030 East Twain Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 39109 (702) 732-0356RE: JFLV Board Meeting June 10, 1987 page 2 The sub-committee will examine various strategies such as team efforts to raise pledges and changing the Big Gifts event to include new people and stimulate our current donors. - The Women's Division Report was given by Women's Division Campaign Chairwoman, Amy Boruszak.. To date, Women's Division has raised over $165,000 with approxi?mately $7,000 to $10,000 still outstanding. President Rosencrantz reported on the Mission schedule for this fall. Currently, there are three missions scheduled for October, the President's Mission, the Community Leader's Mission and the Young Leadership Mission. Arne is hopeful that these Missions will stimulate the Jewish Community and will be an exciting, educational and heartwarming experience for those that attend. The Federation Board was treated to the Kadima 1987 tape which depicted a meeting of Jewish American Community Leaders with Refuseniks in Russia and a status report of conditions in Israel. Dee Ober reported on behalf of the Community Relations Committee. The CRC will be meeting every two months with a short business meeting and a guest speaker. On June 16 the meeting will feature Clark County Health Department Medical Officer, Dr. Otto Ravenholt, and Clark County School District Exeautive, Dr. Augustin Orci, discussing AIDS education in the Schools. Mrs. Ober encouraged all members to attend. Dr. Allan Boruszak reported on behalf of the National/lnternational Allocations Committee. The Committee received approximately 10 times the number of requests than allocations made. The allocations presented to the Board for its approval represented groups and organizations that Federation has funded in prior years. A motion was made by Ed Bernstein and seconded by Irv Steinberg to accept the committee's recommendations. Arne Rosencrantz reported on behalf of the Local Allocations Committee. He ex?plained the differences between the 1986 Allocations and the 1987 Allocations. The two major allocations are the Jewish Family Service Agency and the Hebrew Academy which were funded at 1986 levels. Minor adjustments were made in funding to the various Temples and the Jewish Student Union at UNLV. He emphasized that the allocation to BBYO had a caveat that the money be spent solely on programming. He also emphasized that the allocation to Hebrew Academy be used for curriculum and not administrative expenses. A motion was made by Dorothy Eisenberg and seconded by Dan Goldfarb to accept the Committee's recommendations. Ed Bernstein reported on behalf of the Leadership Development Committee. The next meeting is Sunday evening, June 14, at the home of Allan and Amy Borsuzak. The local Federation officials will be speaking on the purpose of Federation. Since this is the last meeting of the season it will be quite festive. Ed is anxious to start integrating the members of the Leadership Group into the mainstream of the Federation. Shelley Berkley reported on behalf of the Business and Professional Group? TheRE: JFLV Board Meeting June 10, 1987 page 3 next luncheon meeting on June 30 at the Limelight Restaurant will feature Assembly- man Marvin Sedway, Chairman of Ways & Means, reporting on the Nevada State Legis?lature. We will be honoring our Jewish legislators,.Sedway, Eileen Brookman and Myrna Williams. Jesrry Countess reported on behalf of the Endowment Committee. An Endowment Seminar is scheduled for June 15, 7:30 p.m., at the Federation office. Guest speaker is Mr. Doug Freeman who will address the art of giving in light of the new Federal Tax laws. Mr. Freeman is one of the outstanding experts in the area of Endowments and tax savings. Norm Kaufman reported on Israel Independence Day which was an unqualified success. Almost 2,000 people attended and enjoyed the food, entertainment, dancing and displays. Next year will be Israel's 40th anniversary, and Federation will celebrate on April 24. Marty Loeb reported on the new look of the Jewish Reporter. The computer has saved both time and money. The Jewish Reporter is now almost totally self-supporting and may someday, in the future, make money. Business people were encouraged to place ads in the Reporter.....also people were asked to become sponsors of the Reporter for $100.00 per year. All Jewish organizations are encouraged to provide information to the publication. The deadline for articles in the Reporter is the 15th of the month. Norm Kaufman reported on the success of the Golf Tournament. Shelley Berkley mentioned that Temple Emanu-el is searching for a place to hold High Holiday Services this year. In addition, they are looking for a place to have their weekly services. Arne introduced guests: Lewis Winocoor, Commander of the Jewish War Veterans Mort Kirsh, President of Bnai Brith Men Greg Kamer, Jewish Family Services Paul Merchasin, President of Temple Emanu-el Arne expressed the appreciation of the Board for the wonderful work, dedication and tireless efforts of the Federation staff. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.