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Jewish Federation of Las Vegas Annual Report, 1993



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    1993 ANNUAL REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS - Jewish Federation of Las Vegas 1993 Annual Report A Letter from Our President 01 Federation's 1993 Board of Directors 02 A Letter from Our Campaign Chairman 03 1993 Revenue 04 Local and National/International Allocations 05 Women's Division Report 06 Women's Division 1993 Board of Directors 07 Federation Foundation 08 Brandeis Society 09 Community Relations Committee 09 Connections / Young Leadership 10 Goldberg Jewish Lecture Series 11 Holocaust Education 11 Jewish Business and Professional Division 12 The Jewish Reporter 12 Jewish Student Union 13 Maimonides Society 14 Award Recipients 14 Recommendations of the Nominating Committee 14 Jewish Federation of Las Vegas Staff 15 Dates of Future Board Meetings 15 JEWISH FEDERATION OF LAS VEGAS 1993 ANNUAL REPORT A LETTER FROM OUR PRESIDENT Arthur Marshall, 1992-1993 President This has been a year of tremendous challenge, also one of great opportunity. We moved into a beautiful new facility made possible through the generosity of Sharon E. Sigesmund. We searched for a new Executive Director and said good-bye to a former Executive Director who stepped forward to help us with our responsibilities. Seventy-two members of our community visited Israel on an Interfaith Mission with Las Vegas Mayor Jan Jones. It brought us together as one community and allowed us to see first-hand, the tremendous needs in Israel as a result of the ongoing exodus of Russian Jews from the former Soviet Union as well as the thousands who came from Ethiopia. During the year, we provided high quality programs for members of our Las Vegas Jewish community. These included the Dr. Harry S. Goldberg Jewish Lecture Series, our community-wide Yom Hashoah Program and Israel Independence Day. In addition, we reached out to the young adults of this community by strengthening our Leadership Development program and bringing the Connections Group ~ a group of talented young Jewish men and women -- into the Federation family. We saw the continuation of our successful outreach programs to the medical and legal communities with programs for the Maimonides and Brandeis societies. Our endowments continued to grow. And, our Holocaust programs reached out to all segments of the community. In a year when financial resources were limited, we continued to assist Jews in need through our Annual Campaign. Many were helped with counseling, case management and services to the elderly. Children were given opportunities to participate in Jewish education programs, college students at UNLV were involved in Jewish issues and our Jewish brothers and sisters in Israel and around the world were given hope and assistance through our contributions to the United Jewish Appeal. All of these wonderful programs - and there are many more too numerous to mention -- would not have been possible without the assistance of so many dedicated and committed volunteers. I would like to thank: General Campaign Chairman Mike Novick for leading our Campaign; Women's Division Campaign Co-Chairwomen Geri Gilman and Marta Sorkin; Dr. Allan Boruszak for heading our Search Committee; Dr. Neville Pokroy and Cantor Simon Bergman for heading our Israel Independence Day Program; Amy Boruszak for guiding our Finance Committee; Edythe Katz for her continued fine work with our Holocaust programs; Dr. Stephen Kollins for his help in finding our new building; and, Arne Rosencrantz for directing our Nominating Committee. I would also like to give a special thank you to Jerry Countess, our interim Executive Director, for his friendship, dedication and Jewish heart. To each and every one of you, thank you for giving me the privilege to serve again as the President of this Jewish Federation. 1 JEWISH FEDERATION OF LAS VEGAS 1993 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President First Vice President - Campaign Second Vice President Secretary Treasurer Executive Director Women's Division President Women's Division Campaign Co-Chairwomen Women's Division Director Community Relations Director Arthur Marshall Michael J. Novick Dr. Stephen A. Kollins Daniel Goldfarb Amy Boruszak Jerry Countess Sandy Mallin Geri Gilman & Marta Sorkin Suzan Loeb Beverly Eisen Council of Presidents A1 Benedict David Goldwater Jerome D. Mack Arne Rosencrantz Dorothy Eisenberg Senator Bill Hernstadt Hal Ober Phil Engel Lloyd Katz* Dr. Marvin A. Perer Past Campaign Chairs Nate Adelson Stan Mallin Dr. Leon H. Steinberg Board of Directors Daryl Alterwitz Heinz Boldes Ron Cook Gene R. Greenberg Richard A. Hollander Ron Kirsh Dr. Neville Pokroy Sharon E. Sigesmund Gerald M. Welt Mel Exber Leonard Rosen* Jean Z. Weinberger Dr. Stanley Ames Dr. Allan Boruszak Judy Frank Melanie Greenberg Gregory J. Kamer Irwin Kishner Milton I. Schwartz Douglas Unger Neil G. Galatz Irving Steinberg Eli Welt Shelly Berkley Michael A. Cherry Elaine Galatz Danny Greenspun Edythe Katz Marty Loeb Lenard E. Schwartzer Dr. Harris J. Waters Recipient Organizations Adat Ari El B'nai B'rith (Nate Mack/BBYO) Catholic, Jewish & Christian Student Center at UNLV Chabad of Southern Nevada Congregation Ner Tamid Jewish Family Service Agency Jewish War Veterans Post 711 Las Vegas Hebrew High Milton I. Schwartz Hebrew Academy Temple Beth Am Temple Beth Sholom * Deceased 2 A LETTER FROM OUR CAMPAIGN CHAIRMAN Michael J. Novick, First Vice-President, Campaign Chairman Dear Jewish Federation of Las Vegas: Thank you all so much for your support of our people. Although our own commitments are often made from a sense of "doing the right thing," unfortunately we are special in that not all our neighbors understand the importance of helping others in need. I congratulate you on your vision and deeply appreciate your help in our task of "Tikun Olam" - building a better world. It has been an exciting year, both personally and to have had the privilege of serving as your Campaign Chairman. I truly hope you find, as I have, that the greater responsibilities you accept for your community -- through service and Tzedakah ~ the greater will your blessings be. As you read this "financial" report, please keep in mind that your dollars represent essential humanitarian aid - food for the hungry, shelter for the homeless, freedom for the oppressed. Our dollars are saving lives and souls. In 1993 we accomplished the following goals together and should be very proud of: * 132 new gifts accounting for $70,000 in new funds raised. * 5% increase "card-for-card" for 1993 pledges made. * $2,500 per person Major Gifts event honored Senators Bryan and Reid and Congressman Bilbray and Vucanovich. Each spoke of their strong support for Israel. * Interfaith Mission to Israel led by Mayor Jan Jones helped educate and rejuvenate members of our community. Visiting Israel is the best way I know of to learn where we've been and determine where we're going. * $500 dollar event featuring entertainment by the Nevada Dance Theater. * Super Sunday raised $40,000 (with only $80 of expenses). * Outreach event in Summerlin/Sun City with guest lecturer Jonathan Kessler, former director of the Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Development. We are truly fortunate to have accomplished the above feats in 1993. My personal gratitude to President Art Marshall under whom it has sincerely been a pleasure to work. Art is a special man who accepted this leadership responsibility at a difficult time --1 know of none who could have done a more excellent job and I learned a great deal working with him. Thanks also to Dr. Allan Boruszak, our 1993 Major Gifts Chairman and incoming President. We would be hard pressed to find anyone who has volunteered more time to Federation -- making solicitations, chairing the by-laws committee, chairing the search committee for a new executive director ~ than Dr. Boruszak over these past few years. We wish him all the best as our new leader. Thanks to Sandy Mallin, Marta Sorkin and Geri Gilman for their leadership in Women's Division which accounted for almost 40% of our campaign. Your hard work is deeply appreciated. Special thanks to Dr. Neville Pokroy and the other members of our Campaign Cabinet, including individuals named above and, Daryl Alterwitz, Ron Cook, Rick Hollander, Greg Kamer, Dr. Stephen Kollins, Arne Rosencrantz and Doug Unger. Asking others to give money is often harder than giving one's own money. All these individuals have 3 repeatedly done this difficult task and have led by example. May all you have done for your community give you great joy and peace. Our community owes a debt of thanks to Sam Young who interned with us for six months as a Campaign Associate. Sam put in countless late nights and hours upon hours of time with our community to organize and accomplish our campaign. He is bright, enthusiastic and focused and none was more important to the success we accomplished than Sam. Thank you. In spite of all our successes, there is still so much work to be done. On the heals of raising truly extraordinary amounts of money for Operation Exodus II (the rescue of Soviet Jewry - $714,000) and our own Sigesmund Center Building ($1.2 million), our general campaign needs continue locally, nationally, and internationally. Our general campaign for 1993 raised $820,000 from over 1,100 contributors. It was unanimously decided by our board to change our fiscal year-end to June 30 from December 31 to be more in line with the practice of other Federations and to assist in the allocations process. We have outstanding gifts totaling over $100,000 from prior givers who have not made their 1993 commitments at this time. Because of our new accounting policy, which will be of great help to us in the future, pledges made after June 30 will be used to allocate resources as part of our 1994 campaign. These are historic times we are living in - the State of Israel exists again after 2,000 years of wandering and the exodus of Jews out of Russia is greater than our exodus out of Egypt. In Las Vegas, we now have our own building, an energetic new executive director, and we live in one of the most prosperous and exciting cities in the world. Are we going to watch things happen, wonder what happened, or make things happen? We are the chosen people -- that makes us special, not better. We were chosen to carry the burden of bringing ethical monotheism to the world. Thank you for making the commitment to yourself, your community, your generation, your people. Enjoy the happiness of helping others; appreciate how fortunate we truly are; grow personally from the relationships and knowledge you gain. In closing, my most important thanks go to my wife, Emily, for her understanding and sharing of me with the Federation. You are always there for me. 1993 REVENUE 1993 Federation/UJA Campaign $820,000 1993 Operation Exodus II $ 68,579 1993 Project Renewal $ 26,650 1993 Building Fund $ 15,900 Misc. Income $ 16.500 TOTAL $947,629* * based on six months (due to change of fiscal-year end from December 31 to June 30) 4 LOCAL AND NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL ALLOCATIONS 1993 Your tax-deductible contribution is translated into hundreds of vital services provided by these beneficiaries of our 1993 Jewish Federation of Las Vegas Campaign (as approved by the Federation Board of Directors June 3, 1993): UJA/ISRAEL ALLOCATIONS: NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL ALLOC/ American Society for Handicapped Children in Israel American Academic Association for Peace in the Middle East American Jewish Congress Ammunition Hill Memorial (Shderot Eshkol) Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith CAMERA CLAL Committee for Economic Growth of Israel Conference of Jewish Communal Service Druze Scholarship Friends of the IDF $254,940 5: $ 8,000 Hebrew Union College Friends of Israel Disabled War Vets Jewish Braille Institute of America, Inc. Jewish Education Service of North America Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) Jewish Welfare Board (JWB) JINSA National Conference on Soviet Jewry National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Committee National Yiddish Book Center North American Jewish Students Appeal Tay-Sachs World Jewish Congress Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) LOCAL ALLOCATIONS: Adat Ari El Catholic, Jewish & Christian Student Center at UNLV Hebrew Academy (non-admin, expenses) Jewish War Veterans Post #711 Temple Beth Am JEWISH FEDERATION: Administration/Fundraising Programs: Jewish Reporter Yom Hashoah Memorial Service Leadership Development Jewish Student Union Federation Foundation $194,500 B'nai B'rith Youth Organization Chabad of Southern Nevada Congregation Ner Tamid Jewish Family Service Agency Las Vegas Hebrew High Temple Beth Sholom $325,725* $ 88,184 Goldberg Jewish Lecture Series Holocaust Resource Library Israel Independence Day Community Relations Committee * Includes the following campaigns: General, Operation Exodus, Project Renewal and Building Fund. 5 WOMEN'S DIVISION 1993 ANNUAL REPORT Sandy Mallin, President Suzan Loeb, W/D Director Women's Division had an interesting, satisfying and successful year. With Campaign again topping the $300,000 mark, W/D is continuing to cultivate new residents to our community while keeping step with those already involved and affiliated. We did not have to look far for impetus this year! W/D Executive Committee Member Sharon Sigesmund provided it through her generosity and leadership. The Dream of a "Federation presence" became a reality through the purchase of a building now named The Raymond H. and Sharon E. Sigesmund Center. To complement our "new" theme, President Sandy Mallin and Campaign Co- Chairwomen Geri Gilman and Marta Sorkin, with the help of our UJA community consultant, restructured Women's Division's approach to Campaign 1993. Approved by the W/D Board, a new Campaign plan was adopted. This plan was incorporated into our calendar, solicitation and event planning for the year through a very successful series of Summer Planning Conferences. At our Annual Retreat, Board Members explored Jewish Las Vegas and kicked-off our Campaign efforts. During our primacy period, women contributors of $225 and up were personally contacted by Board Members to discuss current commitments. Members then participated in Federation's Super Sunday Month to call contributors of $1 to $224. A three-part series of letters was developed and mailed to non-contributing women to encourage them to participate in our annual Campaign. Our Main Event Luncheon of March 8 was at Spago, at the Forum Shops at Caesars Palace. UJA National Women's Division Chairman Yona Goldberg delivered the keynote address. In the capable hands of Event Co-Chairwomen Jane Schorr and Carole Turk, the event proved to be a tremendous success and attendance topped all previous records. An elegant dinner at Spanish Trail to honor both our Lions of Judah and Pomegranate Women was Co-Chaired by Yvette Gilburne and Shelley Berkley. Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, the Guest Speaker, educated and entertained the women and their guests with his presentation on Jewish Humor. To enhance our additional responsibilities beyond those of Campaign, Outreach Vice President Bonnie Berkowitz and Education Co-Chairwomen Carole Turk and Liz Waters combined their portfolios. A new program was designed to reach more women in our community. W/D provided informative and educational programs, as well as the opportunity to learn about Federation, and what we have to offer. Wednesday's Women ran from October through February. It offered a series of four forums with a wide range of topics. Shelley Berkley spoke on "Women in Politics"; Governor Mike O'Challaghan presented "Israel Through the Eyes of the Media"; Dr. Lew Etcoff discussed "Ingredients for a Happy Life"; Eileen Anes explored our views on "Aging Parents". President Mallin, Ex-Officio Judy Frank, incoming Campaign Co-Chair Leslie Simon and W/D Director Suzan Loeb attended the Western Region Women's Division Conference in Phoenix in May. They will be bringing even more innovative components to this year's Summer Planning Conferences as we begin concentrating on Campaign 1994. 6 WOMEN'S DIVISION BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1993 Executive Committee President Co-First Vice Presidents - Campaign Co-Second Vice Presidents - Education Third Vice President - Outreach Secretary Treasurer Publicity Women's Division Director Sandy Mallin Geri Gilman & Marta Sorkin Carole Turk & Liz Waters Bonnie Berkowitz Sharon E. Sigesmund Yvette Gilburne Arlene Blut Suzan Loeb Board of Directors Ex-Officios: Liz Ackerman Judy Frank Carolyn Goodman Melanie Greenberg Edythe Katz Marlyne Kirshbaur Lynn Rosencrantz Roberta Sabbath Reba Saiger Board: Miriam Adelson Karen Borgelt Amy Boruszak Linda Chenin Linda Cohen Marilyn Etcoff Fran Fine Gerry Fischer Sandi Fried Eva Kallick Debra Kaner Dyane Kohnen Lil Kronberg Phyllis Lewis Cari Marshall Vivica Marshall Cindy Milmeister Dee Ober Irene Perer Esther Pokroy Lotty Polis Bonnie Pomerantz Jane Schorr Leslie Simon Betsi Steinberg Harriet Warm Jean Weinberger Wendy Wiener Hyla Worth Chai: Jayn Marshall Esty Rousso Sara Saltzman Honorarian: Evelyn Bittker Sustaining: Dorothy Eisenberg Myra Greenspun Shirley Kravitz Elaine Steinberg Faye Steinberg 7 JEWISH FEDERATION FOUNDATION Daryl Alterwitz, Chairman The Jewish Federation Foundation seeks to assure the perpetuation of the organized Jewish community by encouraging philanthropic grants, bequests and deferred gifts. The Foundation currently includes 15 Philanthropic and Endowment Funds. Listed below is a statement of the value of the holdings encompassed by those funds as of May 31, 1993. Philanthropic and Endowment Funds: B&J Endowment Fund Jerry and Rae Countess Philanthropic Fund Dorothy and Paul Eisenberg Family Endowment Fund Eric Elihu Estorick Philanthropic Fund Abe Fox Family Philanthropic Fund Harry Goldberg & Home for the Aged Fund Lloyd Katz Memorial Endowment Fund Jewish Lecture Series Arthur and Jayn Marshall Family Philanthropic Fund MAP Family Philanthropic Fund Herbert and Estelle Rousso Philanthropic Fund Michael and Sonja Saltman Philanthropic Fund Sam Shipper Endowment Fund Sperling Library Endowment Fund Eli and Doris Welt Endowment Fund In the year 1993, grants from the Jewish Federation Foundation family of funds were made to the following organizations: Hurricane Andrew Relief; Federation Building Fund; University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Sperling Library; Nevada Animal Society; Animal Rescue; Student Trips to Israel; Student Trips - United States; Community College of Southern Nevada; and, United Synagogue Youth. Donations were made to the above organizations from the Eisenberg, Katz, Shipper and the Welt Endowment Funds as well as Foundation unrestricted funds. Total Cash Assets: Notes Receivable TOTAL ASSETS: Cash (Restricted Funds) Cash (Unrestricted Funds) $ 7 3 2 , 1 4 5 $ 1 9 8 , 0 5 0 $ 9 3 0 , 1 9 6 $ 4 7 , 7 1 1 $ 9 7 7 , 9 0 7 8 BRANDEIS SOCIETY Lenard E. Schwartzer, Chairman Beverly Eisen, Community Relations Director The Brandeis Society, under the auspices of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas, was formed for the Legal professionals in our community. The proposes of the division are to foster a sense of common purpose and commitment to work for the betterment of Jews everywhere; to mobilize the Legal profession to serve as resources to the Jewish and general communities; to increase revenues through the Federation to support Jewish life; and to serve as a means to identify and honor legal professionals willing to make these commitments. Membership prerequisites are: 1) Participation in the Legal profession; 2) Commitment to the ideas of the Brandeis Society; and 3) a minimum annual contribution of $500 to the Federation Annual General Campaign. This year we have held cocktail receptions for members and their guests with noted speakers and at one event we presented a panel of three local Judges (Becker, Lehman and Sobel) that was a tremendous success and well attended. We look forward to future programs of interest to the members, under the direction of our legal division steering committee. COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Michael A. Cherry, Co-Chairperson Edythe Katz, Co-Chairperson Beverly Eisen, Community Relations Director Through a broad, coordinated program of activity, the Community Relations Committee (CRC) gives high priority to fostering American support for Israel; aiding endangered overseas Jewish communities; combatting anti-Semitism at home and abroad; protecting democratic constraints, particularly the Bill of Rights; and fostering a plural, democratic society in the United States. CRC is trying to convey to the Administration, political party leadership and members of the Senate that the Jewish community is deeply concerned about the erosions of the rights embodied in the religion clauses of the First Amendment, and will vigorously oppose, with coalition partners, any threats to further erosion. We will continue to monitor activities in the schools on a range of church-state issues. We will work with our local Clark County School District in developing, drafting, and adopting guidelines on holiday and other religious observances in the public schools, providing the school district with examples of guidelines. Finally, we will continue to oppose any legislation or proposed constitutional amendments that would allow school prayer in any form or other religious practices in the public schools. The CRC plays a central role in assuring Jewish continuity and building Jewish identity. First, as the public affairs arm of the Federation, the committee seeks to assure the well-being and enhancement of the democratic principles that enable Jews to freely participate in the political, social and economic life of this community, state and nation. Secondly, the community relations committee provides an important point of entry into the organized community for individuals who wish to engage in public affairs but from a Jewish 9 communal perspective. Thirdly, the committee prides itself on bringing to bear on issues of public policy the ethical precepts of our faith.. We suggest that we look at public policy issues, being informed by a Jewish tradition, a Jewish vision, and a Jewish language of social concern that does not foreordain a policy position but establishes a communal universe of discourse that is central to the priority of Jewish continuity. During this past year, our office has dealt with reports of anti-semitism, bigotry, ignorance and fear. Calls come in daily with complaints of unfair practices in the work place, differential treatment by apartment management, and biased teaching in the public schools. This season we were even asked to assist with the proper wording for legislation in the State of Utah, regarding "Hate Crime" bills, based on those which have been adopted in Nevada. Our affiliation with ADL has been quite productive, as educational programs have now been introduced in our synagogues and temples and informative speakers have addressed our community. We must remain diligent and always alert to the needs of our community and always protect our rights and freedoms, never presuming to take any of them for granted. Jewish people are generally considered "activists" - because we care, we speak out and we take action! CONNECTIONS / YOUNG LEADERSHIP Sindy Steinberg, Connections President Dee Harrison, Young Leadership Chairperson Sam Young, Campaign Associate Federation's newest division, Connections/Young Leadership, focuses on educational, cultural, spiritual, social, community and campaign activities for Jewish Professionals and Business people 21-40 years of age. In past years, Connections and Young Leadership have operated independently. This year the two groups have merged in order to more effectively reach-out to the young people of our community. Activities held this year have included: a Purim Dance at Caesars Palace; a Shabbaton with the Brandeis-Bardin Young Leadership Group; participation in the 1st UJA Western Region Young Leadership Conference in San Francisco; monthly happy hours; Shabbat Dinners; a Passover Seder led by Rabbi Louis Lederman; assisting with the Israel Independence Day Celebration; and, educational lectures on a variety of Jewish topics. There has been much emphasis on forming a strong and lasting foundation for this division. We have established an elected board of officers along with committee chairs. By-laws including descriptions of the officer positions and committees are currently being generated. The board of officers stands as follows: Sindy Steinberg - President; Scott Post - Vice President, Campaign; Shevi Lederman - Vice President, Programming; Kelly Owens - Treasurer; Jacqui Sussman - Secretary. Membership has doubled in the last three months and the future looks bright. 10 DR. HARRY L. GOLDBERG JEWISH LECTURE SERIES Cindy Milmeister, Chairperson Beverly Eisen, Community Relations Director The Dr. Harry L. Goldberg Jewish Lecture Series of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas just concluded its 11th season, having presented four outstanding speakers to the community, one a month from January to April. Once again, philanthropic individuals and organizations worked cooperatively to sponsor outstanding scholars for our community's education and benefit. The Guest Speakers included: Arden Shenker, immediate past Chair of the National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council (NJCRAC), Dr. Michael Thaler, Holocaust Survivor and Professor of Pediatrics at the University of California at San Francisco, Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, noted author and speaker, as well as past Executive Director of the Brandeis Bardin Institute and Professor Steven Spiegel, who teaches Political Science at UCLA and is a published author and frequent guest speaker both nationally and internationally. We encourage each of you to continue your support of this worthy endeavor by both your financial contributions and your attendance during the 1994 season. We once again will provide you with speakers, whose topics and approaches are varied and enlightening. We shall continue following the example set by the late Dr. Harry L. Goldberg, when selecting speakers who strengthen Jewish consciousness, expand our horizons and enrich our personal lives. HOLOCAUST EDUCATION Edythe Katz, Chairperson Beverly Eisen, Community Relations Director The Holocaust Education Committee of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas strives to teach the lessons of the Holocaust to the students of Clark County, and surrounding areas. The units used are a study of the Holocaust: its cause, implications, and impact on all humanity. The purpose of the Nevada Study on the Holocaust is to help students understand human nature and human behavior when confronted with the concept of good and evil. The units address the individual's responsibility to oneself and to society. The study was compiled by and produced by this committee in cooperation with the Nevada Humanities Committee and the Clark County School District. This year's Annual Yom Hashoah Community-wide Holocaust Memorial Service was held at Temple Beth Sholom and chaired by Rabbi Mel Hecht and co-chaired by Rabbi Sanford Akselrad and Cantor Simon Bergman. The program was dynamic, informative and extremely emotional. The event took place on Sunday evening, April 18th and was open to the entire Las Vegas community. Local affiliates of both ABC and NBC filmed portions of the program for news broadcast later that evening. Guest speakers were: the Rev. Dr. John T. Pawlikowski, Professor, Catholic Theological Union and Major General Sidney Shachnow, Commanding General, JFK Special Warfare Center and School. The Governor's Council on Education Relating to the Holocaust sponsored a highly successful Trainer of Trainers Conference at the Palace Station for teachers in the rural 11 areas of the State of Nevada. As a result, there have been many classroom programs in schools around the State. Thanks to the generosity of Hy Kashenberg of Reno, a member of the Governor's Council, we are sending Professor Viktoria Hertling, UNR to study at Yad Vashem in Israel. In addition, we are sending two teachers (Katherine Dodgion of Carson City and Patricia Holland of Las Vegas) to Poland and Israel, under the auspices of the Jewish Warsaw Ghetto Fighters Committee and the Jewish Labor Committee. They are financially sponsoring this educational experience in cooperation with the Governor's Council. The entire group is limited to participation by 45 teachers in the United States and, as always, they have reserved two spaces for the State of Nevada. Throughout the year, we maintain the Holocaust Education Library where both students and teachers borrow books and videos to enhance their studies in this area. We are constantly updating our many volumes and tapes, as well as providing qualified speakers to the entire community upon request. The media keeps us ever informed of the growth of bigotry and anti-semitism. Our work continues daily - the need for vigilance is constant - freedoms must be protected and education is our only hope for the future of humankind. JEWISH BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIVISION Doug Cohen, Chairman Beverly Eisen, Community Relations Director The Business and Professional Group of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas holds luncheons with guest speakers throughout the year. These gatherings serve as an opportunity for concerned Jewish business people and professionals in our community to interact and become more informed about current events and issues of concern to each of us. This year, our guest speakers included the following: * Dr. Ronald A. Brauner, Community Scholar for the Jewish Foundation for Jewish Studies, Inc. Topic: "Issues of Concern" * Dr. Ralph Nurnberger, Adjunct professor of diplomatic history and international relations at Georgetown University. Topic: "The New Congress and Israel" * Dr. Michael Thaler, Professor of Pediatrics at UCSF and Holocaust Survivor. Topic: "Medical Ethics During the Holocaust" * Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, Author and Speaker. Topic: "Jewish Humor and What it Says About the Jews" THE JEWISH REPORTER Maria G. Hockfeld, Editor A monthly newspaper published September through June ~ ten issues yearly - the Reporter serves as a communication link amongst Las Vegas' Jewish community and is direct-mailed to almost 8,000 homes. Additionally, several hundred papers are delivered to local temples, Jewish organizations, and businesses for further distribution. 12 The Reporter provides its readers with updates on Federation activities, informative guest columns, local reporting on issues of interest to the Jewish community, articles on local Jewish organizations and temples; feature stories; national and international news; and, a comprehensive calendar of Jewish community events. Five special supplements to the Reporter, entitled, "Back to School", "High Holy Days", "Women's Division", "Chanukah", and "Jewish Weddings" were published this past year. Considering this was the first time these projects were undertaken, the supplements were well received by the community. They were produced with the assistance of Emily (Fishman) Novick who served as Advertising Representative for the Reporter from July, 1992 to February 1993. Additionally, the paper was redesigned this year resulting in a cleaner and more contemporary look. JEWISH STUDENT UNION Daliah Zodieru, JSU Coordinator Marta Sorkin, JSU Advisor Beverly Eisen, Community Relations Director/Student Center President The Jewish Student Union (JSU) is a division of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas and operates in accordance with the Federation's procedures, rules and by-laws. JSU aims to provide Jewish students attending the University of Nevada, Las Vegas with the opportunity to celebrate the Jewish experience through social, religious, educational and recreational activities. The students participate in and are an integral part of the Jewish community at large in Las Vegas. JSU maintains a close working relationship with the Catholic and Christian student groups at the Catholic, Jewish and Christian Student Center at UNLV (CJCC), as well as other ethnic g