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Jewish Federation correspondence, meeting minutes, and other records, item 09




Board of Directors' meeting minutes for the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas, Nevada, November 12, 1987.

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    JFLV BOARD OF DIRECTORS' MEETING November 12, 1987 MINUTES PRESENT: Shelley Berkley Amy Boruszak Jerry Countess Dorothy Eisenberg Paul Eisenberg Donald Eisner David Funk Melanie Greenberg Mimi Katz Norm Kaufman Marlyne Kirshbaum Dr. Stephen Kollins Suzan Lane Dee Ober Hal Ober Dr. Marv Perer Arne Rosencrantz Lynn Rosencrantz Milton Schwartz Elaine Steinberg Irv Steinberg Bill Feldman Greg Kamer Walter Klein Marty Loeb Ken Schnitzer Dick Schoemann Alan Hirsh ABSENT: Cari Bernstein Ed Bernstein Dr. Allan Boruszak Michael Cherry Phil Engel Judy Frank Elaine Galatz Neil Galatz Dan Goldfarb Gene Greenberg Rabbi Mel Hecht Edythe Katz Irwin Kishner Rabbi Louis Lederman Art Marshall Todd Marshall Alan Molasky Ralph Plotkin Dr. Neville Pokroy George Rudiak Dennis Sabbath Mike Saltman Marta Sorkin Doug Unger Bert Black Florence Bloom Claire Dase Andy Katz Elaine Levco Dr. Tamar Saposhnik Jackie Schwartz Jack Super Lillian Wallace Michael Weisman Lewis Winocoor Mordechai Yerushalmi The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Arne Rosencrantz, President.2 RE: JFLV BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING November 12, 1987 COMMUNITY MISSION TO ISRAEL Shelley Berkley reported on this mission and expressed her complete satisfaction with the trip. It was truly an incredibly fulfilling and thrilling experience. The Mission's visit to Ashdod was reported by Elaine Steinberg. She spoke about the remarkable progress that has been made over the past 5 years. Norm Kaufman mentioned the notable scholars and political figures that addressed the group. This Mission was orchestrated entirely by the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas. GESHER MISSION '88 Arne Rosencrantz reported on the upcoming Gesher Mission scheduled for the end of February. The cost is $1850 from Los Angeles; however, for $1000 minimum contributors,the Federation and UJA will subsidize a total of $1000. This Mission will enhance one's commitment to Federation and visit Israel at the same time. CAMPAIGN Dr. Marvin Perer and Hal Ober were nominated to serve as co-chairmen for Campaign 1988. Dr. Perer has also been elected to serve on the Board of Directors to the Council of Jewish Federations. Hal reported on the status of Campaign 1987 which is currently at the same level as 1986; however, it is anticipated that additional revenue will be realized by the end of the year. The 1988 Campaign goal is $1,000,000. The Campaign Cabinet Kick-off Brunch is scheduled for Sunday, November 15, at the home of Hal and Dee Ober. Hal stressed the need for additional revenue to support future Federation programs and an increasing need in the community for such programs, especially as our population increases and the influx of senior citizens expands. WOMEN'S DIVISION Melanie Greenberg reported that the Shalom Las Vegas event took place on Sunday, November 9, at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Marv Perer. There were 50 people in attendance, most of whom were over the age of 50. Women's Division had scheduled a trip to Los Angeles for a "Jewish Experience". Unfortunately, the weather prohibited the plane from leaving the airport in Las Vegas. This event will be rescheduled for December 3. The "Big Event" for $5000 contributors will be reinstituted for 1988. In January, Women's Division will have NTC training in order to expose its members to the art of solicitation. A home tour of three Las Vegas- Country Club homes will be conducted as an end of the year event. Leslie Simon, Barbara Molasky and Liz Ackerman have graciously agreed to show their homes. A Community Relations Report was given by Dee Ober, Chairwoman. BUSINESS/PROFESSIONAL GROUP Shelley Berkley reported that these luncheons held about every 6 weeks have attracted between 60-80 people. Former Governor Mike 0'Callaghan, Attorney General Brian McKay and our Jewish State Legislators have been some of the speakers. The next speaker, scheduled in January, will be Governor Bryan. Congressman Jim Bilbray has expressed a desire to speak to the group.3 RE: JFLV BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING November 12, 1987 SUPER SUNDAY Marty Loeb reported on Super Sunday which is scheduled for JANUARY 10, 1988 at the Riviera Hotel. Everyone is encouraged to participate. JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE Greg Kamer reported that JFSA has become a licensed adoption agency, and that they had a successful retreat at Mount Charleston. JFSA and Temple Beth Sholom Sisterhood are co-sponsoring a luncheon meeting on November 18 Bill Feldman will be the guest speaker, and his topic is the "December Dilemma". CONGREGATION NER TAMID Ken Schnitzer reported that Rabbi Akselrad has been hired and will assume his duties in February. Ken also reported for the Bnai Brith Men's Lodge. Their "Man of the Year" dinner will be on Sunday evening, November 15, at the Riviera. Kenny Guinn is the honoree. HOLOCAUST Mimi Katz reported on a new project that is just getting underway. It is the videotaping of Holocaust Survivors, liberators and children of survivors under the direction of Mark Fiero and Marcy Welt. She also mentioned that the Clark County School District plans to feature the Holocaust Curriculum at the Feb. 1988 convention of the National Assn, of School Administrators taking place in Las Vegas. JEWISH STUDENT UNION On behalf of the Jewish Student Union at UNLV, Alan Hirsh invited everyone to the annual Chanukah-Christmas Party at the Univ. Center for Religion and Life on Tuesday, December 8. Co-sponsoring this holiday party are the Jewish-Catholic-Protestant groups at UCRL. A discussion was held regarding the effectiveness of publishing a list of contributors. Milton Schwartz, Dorothy Eisenberg, Arne Rosencrantz and Irv Steinberg spoke in favor of this concept. A suggestion was made that the names be listed by categories instead of actual amounts. It was the consensus of the Board that we establish such a list, and that it be published in a booklet. A motion was made by Melanie Greenberg, seconded by Elaine Steinberg, that a list of contributors be published by categories to be determined by the Campaign Cabinet. The motion was passed unanimously. Arne Rosencrantz announced that the first community-wide annual JFLV Board meeting is scheduled for WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, at Temple Beth Sholom. Mark Talisman will be the guest speaker. Shelley Berkley then advised the Board that Darra London, one of the Estorick Scholarship Winners, had asked for financial help to attend the Close-Up Foundation Seminar in Washington, D.C. for outstanding students. Anyone willing to help this student was asked to speak with Shelley after the meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Shelley Berkley Secretary