Note: Rocher des Cancales, Anvers is written in pencil on the cover. Some prices and items have been inked in. Menu pages are tabbed Restaurant: Rocher des Cancales Location: Antwerp, Belgium
Note: Written in pencil on the inside front cover "Hotel Chateau Paris, Service a la Carte avex Apartaments." Menu pages are tabbed Restaurant: Hotel Chateau Paris Location: Paris, France
Note: Annual banquet for the Marie-Henriette squadron. Concert given under the direction of Charles Michiels. Illustration of horsemen on cover signed "A. Clarys, 1904." Crown and monogram with ribbons with legend "Cavalerie Garde Civique Bruxelles" on back of menu Menu insert: Music Programs Restaurant: Le Grand Hôtel (Brussels, Belgium) Location: Brussels, Belgium
Note: Palais Royal, Paris is written in bottom left corner and there is an illegible signature in bottom right corner Restaurant: Palais Royal Location: Paris, France
Note: Palais Royal, Paris is written in bottom left corner and there is an illegible signature in bottom right corner. A list of wines served with the courses is printed to the left of the menu Menu insert: Wine lists Restaurant: Palais Royal Location: Paris, France
Note: Palais Royal, Paris is written in bottom left corner and there is an illegible signature in bottom right corner Restaurant: Palais Royal Location: Paris, France
Note: Menu is handwritten. Illustration is of Venus in a shell with a cherub on either side Restaurant: Restaurant Cubat Location: 25 de l'avenue des Champs-Élysées, Paris, France
Note: Handwritten menu, figures in the illustration are embossed. "A. Boutillier. Gr. Paris. Modèle Dèposè" printed at bottom of illustration. The wine list is at the bottom Menu insert: Wine lists Restaurant: Restaurant Cubat Location: 25 de l'avenue des Champs-Élysées, Paris, France