The preface and script for a sitcom television show conceived of by Hank Henry and Bill Willard "to evoke the spirit of fun and laughs springing out of conflict and understanding between the old comedy school and the new school."
Folder contains a report from the Liaison Committee with the Nevada Legislative Commission on the Nevada Law School, and Law School Advisory Board correspondence. From the University of Nevada, Las Vegas William S. Boyd School of Law Records (UA-00048).
Oral history interview with Lisa Hank conducted by Barbara Tabach on May 31, 2019 for the Remembering 1 October Oral History Project.
Lisa discusses her move to Las Vegas in the early 1990s from California for a job with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, and her current position as head of the Police Employee Assistance Program (PEAP). Lisa talks about the night of October 1 and the aftermath of the shooting, both in her work and personal life. She is the wife of Charles Hank III, police officer and another interviewee for the Remembering 1 October Oral History Project.
Subjects discussed include: well-being in aftermath of 1 October; PEAP preparation; healing.