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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, August 2005



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    Congregation Nek Tamid Looking Towakds The Fin like Worship Services Friday, August 5 7:30 pm Shabbat Services ~ Oneg sponsored by Karen Galatz & Jon Wellingoff Saturday, August 6 10:00 am Jacob Wellinghoff Bar Mitzvah ~ Kiddush sponsored by Karen Galatz & Jon Wellinghoff 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan (BeitTefillah) 11:00 am Torah Study Friday, August 12 7:30 pm Shabbat Services at Government Center ~ See page 14 for information Saturday, August 13 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan (Beit Tefillah) 11:00 am Torah Study Friday, August 19 7:30 pm Shabbat Service ~ Oneg sponsored by Lori Frankl Saturday, August 20 10:00 am Ashley Frankl Bat Mitzvah ~ Kiddush sponsored by Lori Frankl 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan (Beit Tefillah) 11:00 am Torah Study Friday, August 26 7:30 pm Shabbat Services ~ Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Saturday, August 27 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00am Minyan (Beit Tefillah) 11:00 am Torah Study }, Candle Lighting Times ^?gust 5 7:25 pm August 12 7:17 pm August 19 7:09 pm August 26 7:00 pm August 2005 Vol: XIX No. 3 Tammuz/Av 5765 Welcome Our New Education Director! Congregation Ner Tamid is pleased to announce that Ayelet Dagan-Blit has become our Education Director. Ayelet has an impressive and extensive background in education. Her involvement in education began early on the Kibbutz in Israel where she grew up. Needing to select a profession, she chose education and was the lead teacher for the Pre-K class for two years, then as an assistant teacher and eventually teaching both Kindergarten and first-grade classes.. Moving to the US in 1990, Ayelet received a BA in dance education from New World School of the Arts and Florida International University, both in Miami, and from Queens College in NYC. She continued her studies in a special professional program at the 92nd Street Y in NYC, receiving an MA Equivalency Degree for designing curriculum and academic programs and teaching it through creative dance. In 1993, Ayelet became affiliated with Central Synagogue (one of the largest Reform congregations in NYC) where she taught Hebrew and Judaica and designed and taught special programs for the High Holy Days to both the Religious and Pre- K schools. After relocating to Las Vegas in 1998, Ayelet began her own business, teaching curriculum through creative dance. This involved collaboration with schoolteachers, community centers and private educational programs throughout Las Vegas. Over the next few years Ayelet would begin working for an area synagogue, first as curriculum developer and teacher and eventually as the education director. Some cont. page 4 ) * ?<* K V Signed Up For Religious School Yet? It's not too late! Contact the Temple Office 733-6292. t V 5 5 $ t unice /jj-ozyz. a ^ V $ Religious School Begins 1 ? September 11th! X SAVE THE DATE! Tell Your Friends, Tell Your Neighbors! Prospective Member Shabbat September 9th 1st Shabbatone Service!From The Rabbi This column brings with it a variety of thoughts. The first is that of personal H nachus My father, Rabbi Sidney Akselrad recently published his memoirs. This is a I milestone in ourfamily and I share this information with great pride. His book, L'shma: I For His Name's Sake is a fascinating oral history of a rabbinate that dovetailed with BgjpL JJR great moments in history-particularly the crusade for civil rights and the Vietnam HMeW ' I k War. This will mark the second summer that we have been privileged to have had r she had time to work on special liturgical projects for our Congregation as well. We look forward to welcoming our new rabbinic intern Jon Jaffe in September. Jon is a third year rabbinic student who has a wonderful rapport with teenagers. He was on staff at Camp Newman during this past summer. His first program will be planning a unique program for Selichot. More information in next month's bulletin. After an extensive search we have found a wonderful new education director Ayelet Dagan-Blit. She comes with excellent credentials and a tremendous enthusiasm to guide our school. I know that you will want to stop by the Temple and introduce yourself to Ayelet. Please contact her as well with any concerns you may have about your child's educational experience. As everyone knows (hopefully!) our building has been sold. We are now on our way towards moving to our new site and with it building a facility which will house our dreams. Our relocation committee is hard at work to make plans for the interim time-office needs, religious school needs, and worship needs. Your patience is appreciated especially during this transition time. The generosity of our membership has truly been gratifying in supporting our new campus. Even so, our fund-raising goals are far from complete|| If you would like to discuss your concerns or a gift opportunity please let me, our Executive Director iW Duchowny or Jerry Gordon, our NCC chair know. Any one of us would be more than happy to meet with you. This is an exciting time of change and growth for our Congregation. I encourage all of you to make involvement in the Temple in some fashion a priority in the year to come. B'shalom - Rabbi Sanford Akselrad To clarify the Temple's policy, 75% of your Annual Commitment must be paid in order to receive your High Holy Day Tickets. This means 75% of your Annual Dues plus 75% of this year's Building Fund Commitment. For example: If your Building Fund Assessment Total were $2,500 (your full 5 year commitment), you would need to have a minimum of $375 paid towards your 2004 BF Commitment ($2,500 divided by 5=$500 X 75%=$375). If your Annual Dues were $2,000, you would also need to have a minimum of $1,500 paid towards your 2004 Annual Dues ($2,000 X 75%=$1,500). In total, you would need to have $1,875 paid towards your 2004 Annual Commitment in order to receive your High Holy Day Tickets. (These are only examples; your actual Commitment amounts n If you have any questions or need to speak about any of these numbers, please feel free to contact Irv in the temple office. Cookie Olshein as our summer rabbinic intern. As always it has been a great pleasure having Cookie on staff. It is wonderful to see her growth as a rabbi and her commitment to Judaism. Her classes have been well attended, her sermons well received, and High Holy Day Tickets differ.) 2 w w w .lvnert3m Committees & Auxiliaries Adult Learning Adult Education 9 MMER SCHOOL" Monday, August 1st RSVP to Temple Office 733- 6292 Rabbinic Intern Cookie Olshein will be teaching her last one- night class for the summer - "Need Some Re-Jewvination? 10 Ways to Spice Up Your Spirtual Life" . This class will introduce you to different ways to bring creativity to your expression of Judaism. There is no charge for these classes but pre-registration is required. / \ Committees / Auxiliaries v___________?___________J CNT MEN?S CLUB # PRESENTS ?TAKE ME OUT TO THEBALLGAME!? Welcome Our Student Rabbinic Intern Hi, I am Jonathan Jaffe, the HUC student intern slated to work with you over the coming year. I am excited and eager to meet you and begin to work with your congregation! I will be joining you in September. Like many Las Vegas residents, I was born and raised in Hawaii. But don?t worry, I learned not to wear flip flops and aloha shirts on the bimah quite awhile ago! I left Honolulu to attend Duke University in Durham, North Carolina where I received my Bachelor?s degree in philosophy with a business minor. I continued to teach and work in the Jewish community on nights and weekends. Eventually, I found my Jewish endeavors more enjoyable and successful than my day job at the Gap, and so I left to work as the education director for a small synagogue, Temple Beth Torah in Fremont. At the same time I founded a program with the San Francisco Bureau of Jewish Education teaching youth group leaders professional skills to better promote their programs. It wasn?t long before I realized that my future lay in rabbinical school and so enrolled in HUC and left for Israel, where I also met Yael, my wife as of 8 days ago. I have served Congregation Aitz Chaim of Great Falls, Montana for the last two years, while also teaching 5th grade, high school and b?nai mitzvah students at Wilshire Boulevard Temple in Los Angeles. I will be spending this summer at URJ Camp Newman in Santa Rosa, California where I will be working as education director and song leading. Overall, I thoroughly enjoy studying at HUC and anticipate the upcoming opportunity to learn with you. L?Shalom, Jonathan Jaffe August 14,2005 There?s still time to join us for another day trip to see the LA Dodgers vs. the New York Mets. We will meet here at 6:30 am and return around 9:30 pm. Fun for the whole family! Bus, food, drinks on the bus, and field level seats are included. All this for $75/ person! Tickets are limited so RSVP now to the temple office, year there was a FULL bus! Parents, Students...Join us for PACKING FOR COLLEGE, WHERE DOES JUDAISM FIT? One of the most exciting and anxiety-producing times in a family's life cycle is when a teen prepares to transition from life as a high school student to life on a college campus. This college-prep program, created by the Union for Reform Judaism Youth Division for 11th & 12th graders, will help you answer questions such as: ? Not sure which college to choose? ? Concerned about Jewish life on campus? ? What will saying good-bye be like? Join us for a series of workshops to address these topics and more September 20, November 15, February 21, April 4. For more information and to sign up for class, contact the temple office or Yvonne Greenfield at 304-0605 or Jolie Alhadeff at 610-1858. Ju n e 2 0 0 5 3 Philip?s Message________________________ lust a ? <*/** J ^ A study in contrasts, the Hebrew month of Av contains both the solemn fast day, Tisha b'Av (the Ninth of Av) and a holiday popular at the time of the Second Temple called Tu b'Av (the 15th of Av). Tisha b'Av is the anniversary of the destruction of both the first and second Temples in Jerusalem, and by tradition, the anniversary of the expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492, the beginning of the deportation of Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto and of many other events disastrous to the Jews. By contrast, Tu bAv was an occasion of rejoicing and romance. The Talmud relates that on Tu bAv, young women dressed in white and went out to dance in the vineyards. By custom, they wore borrowed garments to minimize competitiveness over one another's couture. Young men would come out to the vineyards to survey the dancing women and to select their brides. While the music, dance and most of the details of that festival have been lost forever, a more conventional approach to music and socializing happens at CNT at approximately the same time as Tu bAv. Yes, I am talking about rehearsals for the High Holy Day Choir! While we can't promise matrimony will result, we can promise that the experience of singing on the High Holy Days will increase your connection to the liturgy and enhance High Holiday services for you and the entire congregation. Rehearsals are on Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. in the Beit Tefillah. For more information, contact me at 733-6292 x106 or of her achievements include leading the religious school through a tremendous growth and achieving Framework for Excellence School Accreditation from United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. Bringing with her a wealth of experience, Ayelet will be involved in every aspect of the Temple's Education Department ? designing curriculums, choosing books, interviewing teachers, public relations, problem solving, and the many other day-to-day needs required in a large congregation. Her responsibilities also include running the Conversion/ Introduction to Judaism program, adult education and the supervision of our Youth Program Ayelet is also accredited by Clark County and the City of Las Vegas Department of Education to lead teach? training and workshops. Ayelet?s busy life also includes her husband Raz and their children, Omri who is seven-and-a-half, and five- year-old Tomer. Let?s show them why this is such ?a special place to belong1 4 www.lvnertqmicboi-g B?nai M itzvah & Youth N ews ATTENTION ALL GRANDPARENTS AND GRANDCHILDREN! A special Saturday morning Shabbat service is being planned for this fall, lead by Rabbi Akselrad and Cantorial Soloist Philip Goldstein, allowing grandparents and grandchildren to worship together. As part of the service, grandparents will have the opportunity to tell personal stories, share special moments, and pass on family traditions. The children will also share special thoughts and moments with their Grandparents. Think how wonderful it will be to worship and study Torah together - L?dor V?dor. After services, enjoy a light Kiddush luncheon followed by a special project to be shared by both generations. So all you t^^dparents and grandchildren watch your Temple Happenings and email for more information! The Temple Ritual Committee proudly sponsors this program. Welcome Back! It's NTTY time again!!! Attention All 9th - 12th Graders! Come join the fun as we start a new year of great times and wonderful memories. Keep this date open - Kick off event Sunday August 28th - more details to follow!!! Also our first regional event will be the weekend of September 8-11 at Camp Pearlstein in Arizona. Applications will be mailed out soon! For more information about joining NTTY and events please call Jolie at - 610-1858 or Yvonne - 304-0605 SAVE THE DATE! Annual Sukkot Dairy Dinner FricUy, October 21, 6:00 pm Watch your Temple Happenings an4 Bulletin for more Retails! Ashley Frankl August 20,2005 Hi, my name is Ashley Frankl and I ? ~ V".!10 A'TC?X ' ? Z enjoy all my classes especially Math Counts and am 13 years old. I w,H become a participate in Junior Varsity Quiz Math Counts and Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, August Krypto Club and Bowling Club. Nextyearl will betaking 20th. I enjoy swimming, horseback riding and Geometry and Spanish at Green Valley High School in shopping. My favorite animals are dogs. Im addition to my honors eighth grade classes at Thurman happy my brothers and lots of other family and White. friends are coming from all over the United States For my Mitzvah project I am collecting hygiene t^|in with me on this special occasion. My Bat products for the local refugee resettlement program. IVwvah is going to be extra special because I'm Refugees are people who have fled their homelands going to have people from my family chant from the because of persecution, arrive legally in the US with Torah. literally just the clothes on their backs to begin new lives. Jacob Wellinghoff August 6,2005 My name is Jacob Galatz Wellinghoff, and I will be called to the Torah on August 6,2005. I've just finished seventh grade Thurman \A/hitp K/liHHIp Srhnnl I June 2 0 0 5 5 This past weekend, I attended (in this order) Shabbat Services, a Bar Mitzvah, a funeral of a 17-year old and a wedding. Talk about high highs, and'low lows. And through it all there's my connection to my temple - in this case, not as the Executive Director, but a| a Congregant of CNT. All these life cycle events, all within 48 hours. Incredible. Now I know that life cycles are part of life, and we all go through the trials and tribulations of day-to-day life. However, this seemed to be an exceptional weekend. And again, through it all was my connection to my temple. Temple, or synagogue, means different things to different people. Connections to ourselves, our families, our friends, our religion, our past and of course, our future, all enter in people's thinking. Why join a temple? For all of the above reasons, plus many, many more. To help ourselves, friends and families to show support of our regional family of other Jews, our national and international family of Jews, and those who might be interested in becoming Jewish. Internal, external, social reasons, you name it, it counts as to "why join a temple". One of the benefits I fully appreciate in my position here is my membership. I have the opportunity to meet many people who are congregants, who want to be congregants, who were congregants, and those people who come to temple from out of town for Shabbat services. Each person brings his or her own reasons, and I'm happy to share what people have to say to me. Your Executive D irector______ Life....Deatk...and No family is perfect, no temple is perfect. However, families survive, they prosper, they lean on each other, they laugh together, they suffer together. In the same light, temples (and their members) survive, they prosper, they lean on each other, they laugh together, and they suffer together. However, just the facf that we do this together makes it easier for us to get through life - we do this together! I ask that you continue to come to Congregation Ner Tamid - tell your families, tell your friends, tell people you just meet-we are not perfect, but we sure do help each other, and we do more than survive. Please, join us in our activities, in our plans to move to Green Valley, to continue what we're doing, and to make it better. I look forward to hearing from each and every person who would like to share with me what they find as members of CNT - to me, and to many people, truly "A Special Place To Belong". Thank you, and as always, to be continued. Irv l, 6 High Holy Days Reserved Parking Spaces Available! Contact the Temple Office for Details! Annual Commitment To clarify the Temple's policy, 75% of your Annual Commitment must be paid in order to receive your High Holy Day Tickets. This means 75% of your Annual Dues plus 75% of this year's Building Fund Commitment. For a* example, see page 2 of this month's bulletin. w w w .Ivnert3m i4.01-g Temple Board Scott Stolberg, President Marla Letizia, VP Administration Mike Unger, VP Ways & Means pmomike@aol.cqm Beth Falk, VP Education & Youth Maxine Molinsky, VP Ritual Jay Poster, VP Membership Recruitment Marsha Goldberg, VP Membership Retention CindyJensen, VP Social Action . Gregg Solomon, Treasurer Yvonne Gordon, Corporate Secretary Jordie Primack, Trustee David Shapin, Trustee Stacey Yahraus, Trustee Harry Sax, Trustee Debra Cohen, Trustee Michele Fendel, T rustee Beth Bromberg, Trustee Barry Lewisohn, Trustee Daryl Alterwitz, Trustee No Email Maxine Gratz, Sisterhood President Dr. Fred Toffel, Men?s Club President Bromberg, NTTY Co-President twism34821@aoLcom Hilary Scheele, NTTY Co-President _______________President?s Message It is the middle of summer and I have spent a lot of time thinking about what we, as a congregation/family, will go through over the next eighteen months. I must admit there is some trepidation and angst. However, there is more hope and happiness. I can assure you, we have the best people working on every facet of our coming year. We have formed a relocation committee whose task it is to find space for us to have religious school, Friday services, B'nai Mitzvah, offices, committee meetings, social and other special events. They have already secured Gibson Elementary School in Green Valley for Sunday religious school, as well as the Tuesday's we were already there. So, the first semester will be held at our current sight on Emerson and the second semester will be held at Gibson on Sunday's. Our Westside Thursday school will continue at Ober Elementary school. Our other needs will be finalized shortly; we will have the details at High Holydays. The other reason for my hope is our NCC Committee. This committed group of individuals has taken a vision, a dream five years ago, and is making it a reality. Because it is early July and we have not finalized our selection of a builder, I cannot give you a firm time line. Be assured we are moving forward as quickly as is prudent for such a large project. Once these details are finalized we will be able to give the congregation more information. Since the announcement of the sale of the building, the fund?raising has moved into high gear and we are approaching our major gift goal quickly. However we need your help. The committee has attempted to reach as many people as practical to ask for your help as a major donor. If we have missed you, please contact Irv, the chairman, Jerry Gordon, or myself so we can discuss your additional support of our new campus. Another reason for my optimism is the latest addition to our senior staff. Ayelet Dagan-Blit has joined us as Director of Education. As you all know, Jackie Fleekop retired last spring after 12 years with the congregation. We then conducted an exhaustive nationwide search. When we found the best candidate, we knew it- right here in Las Vegas! She brings 10 years experience both teaching and running religious schools. In addition, she will oversee our adult education as well as our youth groups and their advisors. When you see her around thetemple, please welcome her and herfamily to ourfamily. And finally, this month I want again to thank those who are leaving the temple board for their service. I also want to welcome the new board members; we have a lot of work to do. Each person on our board brings a point of view or experience that will allow us to make all of these important decisions with the best interest of everyone at heart. B?Shalom, Scott June 2 0 0 5 7 Special Announcements August Birthdays 1st ? Mrs. Sheila Grossman Mrs. Delores Katz Ms. Marilynn Mack Ms. Cari Marshall 2nd - Mr. Vinny Celano Mrs. Yvonne Gordon Jordan Greenberg Mrs. Jacky Rosen Mrs. Dorothy Wanderer 3rd - Zachary Capp Stefan Crighton Ms. Jerene Friedman Mrs. Elaine Siegel 4th - Mr. Neil Beller Katie Fine Ross Fremer Marcie Goldberg Mr. Gerald Gordon Austin Jasienski Cheyenne Jasienski 5th ? Mr. Jeffrey Markewich Adam Weiss 6th - Mr. Arthur Berger Mr. Lou Buffman Azriella Colen Mr. Richard Isen Mrs. Helen Mack 7th - Mrs. Amy Christensen Mrs. Toby Edelman Aaron Simon Mitchell Weinstein 8th- Ms. Michal Bloom Ms. Stephanie Friedman Mr. Harold Glasser Madisan Greenberg Jordan Levine Mrs. Susan Rodin 9th - Dr. William Denton-Pratt Dustin Tiep Aaron Volpone 10th - Mrs. Muriel Adler Mr. David Cadish Mr. Brett Shorenstein Mrs. Mindy Wadkins Wyatt Weiss Mr. Marvin Zindler 11th - Mrs. Lexy Capp Sarah Lieberman Mr. David Polis Rachael Watman 12th - Mr. Herman Rabinowitz Mr. Harold Roberts Brandon Spector 13th-Dana Schwartz 14th - Lauren Epstein Mrs. Shirley Gellin Rory Holladay Mr. David Nathan -- Mr. David Robins Jade N. Soresman Michael Swezey 15th - Mrs. Lisa Beresid William Tyler Dobbs Mrs. Karen Fisher Mrs. Sheryl Goldstein Erica Melville Ms. Maxine Molinsky Sarah Shiroff Melissa Simon Alexander Stemhil! Noah Wachs 16th -Mr. Roger Ewan Mr. Stuart Ingerman Stephanie Joseph Mrs. Eve Marco 17th-Daniel Capp Mrs. Joyce Mack Mrs. Simone Schwartz BrennaYahraus 18th -Mrs. Elana Appleyard Ms. Elissa Cadish Mr. Alex Gottlieb Mr. Steven Jasper Dr. Dennis Lardent Kayleigh Lindemuth Ms. Erika Mathers Mr. Jack Silas 19th - Carey Levy Ms. Jennifer Shorenstein 20th - Mrs. Laura Butwinick Kelly Chenin Nicholas Dreiman Dr. Robert Shiroff Ms. Betty Strauss 21st - Amanda Gordon Mrs. Wendy Meoz Mrs. Rosemary Tuzinski Ethan Weiss 22nd-Mr.Allan Legator Mr. Herman Stone 23rd-Rachel Alterman Charlotte Carlson Mr. Burton Cohen 24th - Dr. Stephen Chenin Mr. James Wadkins 25th - Andrew Glyman Mr. Gerd Sternberg 26th - Mr. Alan Perlmutter 27th-Zachary Lapidus Arielle Lewis Jacob Peck Jennifer Watman LeahYaffe 28th - Ms. Suzie Chenin Joseph Epstein Addison Heit Mrs. Marian Moss Mrs. Carole Shapiro Rachael Skolnik 29th - Mr. David Applebaum Mr. Evan Bredlau Rayna Estelle Freiburger Courtney Goldstein Mrs. Lois Green Mr. Jerome Matz 30th - Mrs. Marilyn Brill Dana Pomerantz Jaime Wikler 31st- Mr. Ray Gordon Dr. Stephen Kollins August Anniversaries dAugust 6 Mr. & Ahs. George Moore Mr & Mrs. Daryl Nasser August 7 Mr & Mrs. Neil Miller August 8 Mr. & A'lrs. IVayne Palbaum August 10 Mr. & Airs. Steven Bass Air. & Airs. David Christensen Mr. & M/s. Richard Frockt Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Herman Mr. & Ahs. Ira Levine Mr. & Ahs. Marc Schorr August 11 Mr & Ahs. Harry Alter Mr & Mrs. Trevor Curran Mr. & Airs. Leslie Dunn Air. & Airs. Thomas Alelville Air. & Airs. David Alendelson August 12 Air. & Airs. David Cohen Air. & Mrs. Gerald Einsohn Mr. & Ahs. Richard Goldstein Mr. & Mis. Lawrence Sanded August 14 Mr. & Airs. R ichard Oshins August 15 Dr. & Mrs. Stewart Blumenfeld Dr. & Mrs. Dennis Lardent August 16 Mr. & Mrs. Ken neth Epstein Mr. & Ahs. Brett Primack August 17 Mr & Ahs. Joseph Fink August 19 Mr. & Ahs. Roger Cooper August 20 Dr & Airs. Jack Hirsh August 24 Mr. & Ahs. Scott Benedict Dr, & Ahs. Alark Dnicker August 26 Air. & Ain. Jerald M. Cohen Check Out Our Gift Shop! Don?t forget to visit our Gift Shop while you still can! Great gift ideas for B?nai Mitzvah, Birthdays, Anniversaries! Fridays 6:30 - 7:15 pm Sundays 9:15 am -12:15 pm Wednesday 11:00 am - 2:00 pm August 27 Dr & Ahs. Lyn n Greene August 28 Mr. & Airs. Kenny Berman August 29 Rabbi & Ahs. Sanford Akselrad Mr. & Mis. Sidney Marco Dr and Airs. Lar/y Rosen August 30 Air. & Ahs. Roger Ewan Ah: & Ahs. Gary1 Lieberman August 31 Mr & Ahs. Ira Miller 8 www. Ivnertg m i4 .org YAHRZEITS ' M emoriams - Simchas IN MEMORIAM: ?ry Higgins, beloved great aunt of Joni ;elrad Rose ?Cookie? Skurow, beloved grandmother of lisa Skurow and beloved mother-in-law of Sarah Goldstein Jason Heckathorn, beloved brother of Deanna Thuna, beloved brother-in-law of Marcus and dear uncle of Justin, jade, Samantha and Sydney MAY THEIR MEMORY BE FOR A BLESSING Help With End-of-Life Decisions past spring the Terri Schiavo case placed end-of-life decisions front and center in the national consciousness, and led millions of people of all faiths to write living wills. Fortunately, the Union publishes a guide that addresses end-of-life decisions from a Reform perspective. A Time to Prepare, written by Rabbi Richard F. Address and published by the URJ Press, is a resource?part informational guide, part workbook?that covers topics including durable power of attorney, organ donation, wills, ethical wills, rituals for saying good-bye, and more. To order, contact the URJ Press toll-free at 888.489.8242,, or order online at v^ For still more inrormation on end-of-life decisions, please visit bioethics/life. August 5 Bernard Adler Jayne Benedict Helen Bossak Zelda Cassatta Elaine Cohen Julius Louis Cohen Max Cohen Dr. Robert Daitch KarolineDiwald Anna Feldman Syna Leah Fischbein Leonard Herzog David Hirsh Sylveajoelson Irving Kirshbaum Benjamin Kishner Miriam Lewis George Marco Edith Margone Dorothy McDougall Gussie Newman Louis Reich Harry Schwimmer AbeTamofsky Matthew Wagner Judith Wikler Sidney Wilder Samuel Winnick August 12 George Brody Harry Eisner Milton Ferber Albert Friedmutter Sally Glassman Albert Goldstein Anna Greenspun Vivian Haptor BeverlyJ. Horowitz Robert Jacobson Clarajolcover Lilly Kollins Albert LeNoble Carlos Levy Robert H. Levy Rose Lewis Yahrzeits August 12 cont. Anne Rabin Leo Rakov David Sendrow Harry Sendrow Esther Shore Ruth Solomon Samuel Stahl Israel Stessel Margaret Wolf August 19 Charles Bendit Fanny Charach Leroy Cherry Addie Fox Corn Alfred Correia Blanca Del Valle Max Friedman Michael Giarrusso Jennie Goldberg Anita Harris Anne Hirschom RayKubelun Jack Langer Jeanne Levy Hyman Marco Myra Meyers Abraham Nash Dean Peskin Libby Posen Abe Saltzman William Schultz A1 Wexler Donald Yahraus August 26 HortenseAlper Dorothy Anhaltzer Leo Borenstein Alfred Butwinick Simon Chenin Moe Cohen Samuel Fessler April Fisher Bessie Freiden Armin Friedman Arnold Ginsburg Henry Henkin Ari Holladay Eugene Kirshbaum Sonia Lee Claire Lewis Beatrice Lipkin Alan Joseph Martin Donald Olshein Marie Shapin Lillian Silver Lee Singer Gerald Sloane Alma Spector Max Strauss David Sucher Shirley Werber Michael ?Mickey? Wright Harry Yaffe Honor the memory of a loved one, celebrate someone's birthday, or any other Simcha Place a Temple Tribute! Contact the temple office at 733-6292. s________________________________J Ju n e 2 0 0 5 9 Ongoing Monthly Programs Community/Self-Help JACS TUESDAYS, 7:00 pm. Room 6 Are you a Jewish alcoholic or cheical'ly dependant person? Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent and Significant Others is a self-help support group. Tell someone you love. Alzheimer's Support Group MONDAY, August 8 6:30 pm This support group is open to caregivers, family, and friends of loved ones suffering from dementia related to alzheimer's disease. For more information please call 617-6430, Alcoholics Anonymous THURSDAYS, 7-9:00 pm In the Social Hall Now meeting at CNT weekly. For more information, contact the temple office at 733-6292. Do you have a family member or friend who is hospitalized? JFSA Needs Food Questions? Call Temple office CNT delivers food left in the bin in the front lobby to JFSA Community Food Bank all throughout the year. Baby formula, cereal, peanut butter, canned vegetables, pasta, soup, and canned chicken or tuna are always needed. Committees/ Auxiliaries ! H N/Fa m i ly Promise Needs Volunteers To volunteer, contact Bette Stahl 735-8104 / OR Jennifer Cohen 896-4973 / jcohenl IHN/Family Promise is a community wide program. Homeless families come to our synagogue each evening for a week, enjoy a hot meal, sleep in one of the classrooms, and then return to a day house each morning. Volunteers are needed to spend one night with them at the temple or bring hot meals to the temple for them in the evening. Social Action News Your Social Action Committee remains active in the "off season". We continue to work on projects and events to support the meaning of Mitzvot, Tzedek and Tikun Olam. As discussed in my last article, a number of familiar projects have been delegated, some have been retired and we are exploring new events. The Committee will be meeting August 28th, if you have a desire to participate please contact me at 437-7757. I want to express the Committee's sincere appreciation to David Stahl for his unwavering support and advice to the Committee as Vice President of Social Action. Additionally, we welcome in?coming Vice President of Social Action Cindy Jensen and we look forward to working closely with her. Michael Rissien Social Action Chair Get Involved! Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Due to confidentiality laws, there is no notification from the hospitals. Please contact Karen at the temple office 733-6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. Rosh Chodesh MONDAY, August 8th, 6:30 pm Each month the women of CNT gather to celebrate Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of the new Hebrew month. The evening blendx learning, spirituality, and sharing. Presentation topics and speakers vary monthly. Volunteer - Take A Class! 10 w w w .Ivn e rta m iT o rd AUGUST 2005 | ^Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 10WaystoSpiceUpYour Spirtual Life 7:15 pm. 2 Adult HH Choir 7pm JACS 7:00 pm Beginning Hebrew 7:15pm 3 4 AA 7:00 pm Answering Christian Missionaires 7 pm 5 Shabbat Services 7:30 pm 6 Jacob Wellinghoff B/M 10 am Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am 7 8 Alzheimer?s Support Group 6:30 pm Rosh Chodesh 6:30pm 9 Adult HH Choir 7pm JACS 7:00 pm io 11 AA 7:00 pm 12 Shabbat Services 7:30 pm Community-Wide Shabbat @ Gov?t Center 7:30 pm 13 Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am 14 Men?s Club Baseball in LA 6:30 am Sisterhood Lunch at Bootlegger Bistro Noon 15 16 Men?s Club Board Meeting 6:30 pm Adult HH Choir 7pm JACS 7:00 pm 17 18 AA 7:00 pm 19 Shabbat Services 7:30 pm 20 Ashley Frankl B/M 10am Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am 21 ??? 22 Sisterhood Board Meeting 7:00 pm 23 Adult HH Choir 7pm JACS 7:00 pm 24 25 AA 7:00 pm 26 Shabb