The preface and script for a sitcom television show conceived of by Hank Henry and Bill Willard "to evoke the spirit of fun and laughs springing out of conflict and understanding between the old comedy school and the new school."
From the Clark County Economic Opportunity Board Records -- Series I. Administrative. This folder contains memos, agendas and minutes from meetings of the Clark County Economic Opportunity Board from January 1969 through June 1969.
The Antonio Morelli Papers include materials spanning from the 1910s to the 1970s that chronicle the professional and private life of longtime Sands Hotel and Casino orchestra conductor and musical director, Antonio Morelli and his wife Helen. The collection includes snapshots from Morelli's early life, three scrapbooks, one box of sound recording tapes, and a box of slides from Thailand. The collection also documents Morelli’s efforts to provide classical music concerts for the Las Vegas, Nevada community and his involvement with the Guardian Angel Church on the Las Vegas Strip.