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    JUL ESTABLISHED 1888 165 Church StteeT , SANFBANc5co7cABlF. SAJN EXAMINER. Ore. D. 225.060 - S. !?·&& Take the Casfcf Betty Grable-- Her Youngest Child Closes 'Deal J^^^Xouella 0. Parsons , Motion Picture Editor Intntl. News Service VmAtwOOD, Dec. 11.?╟÷Pardon thlfrcliche, but "out of the inouthif'of babes, etc." applies in the ca,se of Betty Grable "and Ifufin^ly Johnson. Betty, who ifas;.spent most of the past year e??gf':$usPension> was sent the ?·?^p| of "How to Marry A Mil- ItSfiiiJre'' by Nunnally. He had do^wrd, and wondered, I happened to drive his ten I old-1 daughter, -Ghristy, to ?║1 wherehVicki James, Bet- jfroungest,' goes, Vicki said to WVm&A O, PARSONS Kuanj^^^My mother read your script last nighC She loves it and she is going to do it." While "How 'to Marry A Mil? lionsuW is suggested by Zqe Akins' play, '^he Greeks Bad i a WeM tot It' it's a ?Θ╝ORipl#t?║ if* I write and bears small resemblance to the original play. This is also Lauren Bacall's first at 20th Century-Fox on her new oentf|?║fc|, Jjpb*'" * WHEN Rosalind Russelt's picture, "Netier W&m at a WAC," has its premiere in Washington on Feb' ruary 4, Mrs. Eisenhower, the new first lady, will be there. The new President, himself, will try to make it, but he cani%<efii$TPmise. Mamie and Ike are both good friends of RMm Bali Freddie Brisson, who is just back front Washington, arranged have the premiere following the inauguration in Washington in the hope that the Eisenhowers can be in the audience. General Omar Bradley has already accepted. Roz is rehearsing in New York for "Wonderful Town,'* the musical Persian pf .UM? Sister, Eileen," so Freddie and Lance will go east for Christmas* f ff?NE OF Tlt& ABLEST writ- :%s in our town is De Witt Bo- deeh, who scripted "I Remember Mamma" and many other favor? ites. Now, on Monday, De Witt, who has been writing TV shows'* checks in at TJ-I to write the script on McKinley Kantor's "Midnight Lace" for producef- Ted Richmond. "Midnight La.cef was originally bought by William Gdetz for Claudette Colbert, buj: with Claudette sitting out th| tax situation in Europe, shf Won'tgbjpiable to do it. I hear on good authority "that Loretta Young is- the lady most likely to get the top role. Sh?·/di|l so Well for U-I in "Because df You" that U-I is going to do more women's pictures. SO FAR, Nancy Sinatra has had no word of her stolen jewelry valued at $30,000. It begins to look as if a new "master mind" raffles is operating in movie circles. (The old one was caught last year and is behind bars), Mrs. Tom Tully, wife of the actOri reports to the police the mysterious disappearance of a considerable amount of jewels, including a diamond ring worth $5,000. Another visitor to headquarters this week was, Steve Crane, ex of Lana Turner, who says items of clothes and jewelry are missing from his apartment. ON WEDNSJgDAY, Joan Fontaine flew to New Yedl fco ajfges* iftlT Couple pfTfWBRbahowa siM& TYRONE POWER GIX)RIA SWANSQN to see her daughter, Deborah Dozier. Collier Young, her bride* groom,, followed her with a print of his latest picture, "The Per' suader," to show to the New York RKO office. While Joan and Collier are in New York, they will play them?╜ selves in a sequence in "Main Street to Broadway" for LestiF Cowan, who has so many celebrities in this picture that it will probably be the longest epic since Ben Hur."- mim THE SUCCESS - jj?· .Tyrone Power in "John Brown's Body,11 is one of those things that hap' pens with Paul Gregory's playi plus the great stars who are presented. Ty, who's in MiPhif&n now, played to & capacity house &itf*6it in one of the worst storms of the year. He has fetin offered a ten week guar&nti?? for tha ghubert Theater Broadway and was told that hi can count on an advance salt of $300,000- It's my guess that jfy will take it. Linda Christian, who moved-to New York when Ty went'.oft.the road, has been with him in Miehi- gan. Ty is a good actor and this SNAPSHOTS of Hollywood collected at random: It was a happy Judy Canova who told me that she and Philip Kibero expect a baby in May. She had a daughter by a previous marriage. Lilly MacMurray looks so well and has gained back all the weight she lost, and you can bet she owes some of that health to. the wonderful care Fred gave her. ffflfP Jimmy Cagney has to drop twenty-five pounds for his role in "A. Lion Is in the Street" at War- j ners. That weight sure does; creep up when you're not look-} ing. Gloria Swanson is in excellent! condition following a -checkup at Mayo Clinic. Doris Duke is putting together an act which she will take on tour of military hospitals. Yvonne de Carlb, who gets into print almost more than any girl I know, Has arranged to have Argentine Actor Carlos Thompson test with her when he arrives in ten days. Speaking of foreign actors, saw' Ginger Ropers at Chasen's with Jacques Bergerac. . Ginger is still beaming. Letitia Fairbanks and Carl Neubert a Mocambo twosome. I didn't know that Letitia had obtained , a divorce. It was kept very quiet. John Arcesi, the singer who had all that silly ballyhoo when he was supposed to put a girl in a trance in Las Vegasgis said to have been hauled into court by his ex-wife for nonpayment of support. He testified he was broke but expected to be in the money in a few months. What?╟÷ with his publicity! Sorry I had to miss the sixth annual Panhandle Dinner, hot Otie of my spies reported it and said Sam Goldwyn beat the publicity boys to the punch when he addressed them as "Members of the Goldwyn Alumni Association." Edgar Bergen's and Cftar< ley MeCiithy's wit helped putl over the dinner and a highlight | that really sent the boys was Anita IJekberg, former Miss | Sweden, who came swathed mink but dropped her coat?╟÷4f you know what I mean. Spencer Tracy has been offered a fabulous amount by a concert bureau to travel across the country reading excerpts from American literature. Spence is just the one who could do it, too. Rita Hayworth arrive* in town Monday, in time for her daugh ter Rebecca's birthday. Roberta Haynes is the flame of a very rleh man she met in the South Seas while she was making a movie. Arthur Schwartz is going on totti? with "Bandwagon," in which tw??nty?╜two dt%his songs are played. The openings of the nj Hotel jgeS%berl5 in "ilve?╜ane^Www husband, Geary Steffan, Terry Moore, Arlene Dahl, Fernando Lamas, Ursula Thiess and, I suppose, Boh fayjor. Danny Thomas IS the atteaetion?╟÷and attraction is What I mean! '''$fll?║H| That's all today. See you to- morrow. 'mmmmm ens PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 LOS AJJGE^gS San Franfciseb Portland^*^SeaJttle Beverly Hols, Calif. Citizen (Cir. 4,287} DEC 14 1952.. Vegas, Springs Openings Sfe kROUND ABOUT?╟÷ [J hostess . . '. Barbara Britten, HU R?· & the Beverly wnhywoc^new honorary rnayo. shire tell of regular luncheon . &f me ^ck Tock RestaM Fashion' Revues m the Terrace jrant . QWner Art Johnson) whoV an* main-,-, dining rooms eachjig head of thfc membership com- Wftoesday. ?╟≤ Currently showing mittee of the Hollywood Cham- ai?╜numbers suitable for holiday |ber Qf Commerce ?√ß ?√ß?╟≤ ?√ß?╟≤ Ung efforts to enlist the aid of b5 BEVERLY BILL ^ ^fe""fhe new Sands hotel in Las Vegas opensiUii wirl u w. That's getting going right fast, along about Hallowe'en, it didn't look like they-was-a-goin' to make it. This adds 200 more rooms to the town arid you still won't be able to get a reserva- j ^.^-^ hats and other fes tlon- | tive items. Reservations won't be And from Palm Springs comes | needed but there'll be $3 cover. a fancy folder telling that a fel-|Aaron Gonzales and his band ler named Ned Crawford sez as J will furnisn the music . . . Th#\ follows: " new Mardi Gras restaurant!TemPle gave its pre-holid_ay^ party "Reckon as ho.^^ughta let:which was off to a flying start you know that we'vl^ji&ken over with its Creole Cuisine suffered Roger's Ranch--'coHHfe,' Trav'a temporary set-back due to a Rogers will still run the stables I flood when a water valve failed, and we'll run the bars, dining j ruining some two thousands dol- room, cottages, swimming pooljlars worth of new carpet. Spot and vodka stingers. Whether you j is closed for a week or so 'til want to ride a horse or just [carpet can be replaced .... At horse around, come on out! Myi the Carolina Pines, Arlene Green- podner, Jerry Conlin, former; berg and Rita Solomon hosting all film city cafes to back thek Chamber of Commerce in raw-] riioting better business owidi- ttions . . . The Al Malaikah Shrine maitre d' at Howard Manor, will be on hand to dispense with drinks and chatter and give you a hand with those crazy cowboy boots. No unescorted horses allowed in the bar after 6 p.m. _ Bridal Shower in the Showboat Room for Florence Brown who'll be married Christmas Day. And in the Oak Room, Sybil Stein, enjoying her."sweet 16" birthday luncheon with mommy as -New York?╟÷Day by Day- Vets' Bag-o-Gold 4^y Frank Farrell h. ^ for its colorful Victory the Vagabond's House Wednesday with Lawrence Barnard as one of the Nobles presiding . . r Italian designer Cor-Vello of Beverly Hills with wife Marie on her birthday at the Gypsy Cstnp restaurant. Gypsy violinist Duna Berczi serenaded the couple with] several Italian favorites . . . Tom Drake and Lydia Marcus sup' ping at the Cherry Cove seafood- ery. At the same spot, violinist Pvt. Murray. Korda, on a leave from Fort Ord, and basic training, complimented on his recent "Tiie^inging Bird" reccffcL album . . . Mishel.S. Grjfejj TV producer, points out the Hit Parade doesn't mention anything as ^ulgar as a "juke-box.". It's an '^automatic coin-machine." y Frank Farrell * What started.out to be a sack of fruit has turned into a bag-o'- gold for hospitalized Korean vets come Christmas. Several months ago Mrs. George Blakeslee, wife of the eminent psychiatrist, originally '""_.' lined up a national store chain to package holiday |j|?║ gifts for the GIs, but that sponsorship faded. J _JR Somewhere along the line Nadene Blakeslee, who! %wm g^il^ conducted the famed War II Purple Heart socials,J H^ \V?U4 started to collect cuff buttons, watches, fountain I 1 pens, etc. Then she got statistics from the Penta-J gon and opened a collection shop on Madison. Onl \ Dec. 23 every Korean vet who has been hospitalized! within a 50-mile radius of Manhattan will draw a I . number that corresponds to a package in the grab-I bag and entitles him to some 14k. loot. . . . Jane! Russell told a studio pal that she and Bob Water-! field plan to adopt two more tots after their boyl and girl reach kindergarten age.... Ram grid star Harry Thompson's! wife gave birth to a daughter, making the family score 2 and 2.1 . .. Marilyn Monroe's surprise change of agents in midstream had toi do with money. Although she's had global publicity, her $750 salary! is far short of banking stardom and her contract has orfly six months! to go. . . . Only 11 shopping days to go before parlors blossom with! green trees?╟÷and what ever happened to chlorophyll. It had al shorter run than crybaby Ray's marriage. . . .John Barrymore JrJ and Hoagy Carmichael's wife checked into. Hollywood's Good SamariJ tan Hospital with minor ailments.. .. Five Miami hotels have offered! Milton Berle and Ruth Cosgrove a honeymoon on the house, if they'll only say "yes" to each other. Jose Greco's fiery Spanish dance troupe took over the Waldorf'M Empire Room last night, one of the mpst exciting outbursts of en J tertainment ever staged on a dance floor. The loud "Oles!" thai greeted this classic Latin frnw-?╟÷Mmm-mmrmpi m Manhattan and his beautifully; &n talented company in their cafel debut were like crowd noises fromf the bull ring scene in "Cinerama."? . . . Nancy "The Country Girl": Kelly phpned from Tommyl McDonald's Singapore in Chicago,; her after-show oasis for relaxing] and probing what plays with pals on either coast. Confirms that thegH I k UR?╜ I I road company hit will "come to u ^S^^f^P New York after in-between stop- Horne ':,|^feB^eco overs.... Novelist Steve Longstreet has undertaken a deal for a bio- scenario on opera's Great Dane, Lauritz Melchior. . . . Lena Horne, wto^ried. friends with her^lack. of weight, was found shy pf vita- ^^M#^r Cal^ornia;dOc-wno^'long-distanced a strict buildup diet. *"'" "3^IliiB*. -M*S*wf'wJ?╜riclag over the lasted psychiatric trend. I I^^Pill.pyegerifeed to take one's mind|jiPone's mind and place! h^Sp^lEn^asis pn one's unbalanced feeTT. s, Ray Sinatra, former! musical director of Mario Lanza's radio-show, has landed the baton! assignment in next week's opening of The-Sands in Las Vegas. . .J Producer Lester Cowan's incredible plot for future filming m Mgji hattan would co-star Bette Davis and Tallu Bankhead. Tha0Fwmt\ ?╟≤rr~~,?╟?a?Θ╝lt!*v fnrmfir board Chairman nf f*iei LOGANSPORT,IND. PRESS Circ. D. 10,41! - S. 10,935 -Niw York?╟÷Day by Day- G-Man Jitters Government iajw enforcement agents breathed with deep' relief when federal grahP^iry slacked off the line with which it was going to hang Treasur^Iarcotics ace George White for reluctance to identify his confidential source of underworld! information. Such precedent could have ''-broken: down an international network of valuable informers 'Who serve best and only in obscurity' In chain reaction sure to follow, G-men would have been without teeth or heart while sdope: smugglers staged a global mardi grast.*^v-Wfiiidy{ Carson's five-week songfest nr the PersiaggRoomj had a surprise ending. Her infant Jof?║t:l|iassed! a one-word vocabulary in her absence-?*$Daddyr ... A\Bleecker St. antique shop features recotd-j ings of War I vintage and raccoon coats that Franlj Farrell look as if they had been used to pull down goal-; posts. . . . Harold Lamb now has his dredging apparatus working up material for novel treatment of Charlemagne. . . . Hal Roach has offered to buy Marcel Le Bon's contract from J. J. Shubert. The handsome French minstrel* now yodeling in the Latin Quarter lost; a windfall chance to star in "New Faces" due to Equity rules onj aliens?╟÷but talent will out..... Laurie Anders, the "wide open spaces"! gal of Ken Murray maneuvers, is westbound for TV filming with the boss. . . . Call for Mickey Rooney: A bio-script of George Arliss is peddling around the studios. . . . National Assn. of Gagwriters is! organizing the Humor Collectors of America with Ole Olsen a charter! member. When did Milton Berle stop "collecting?" ^i^T^i Gigi Molinari, the Plaza's field marshal of "gruECipjCBugris'giad! most of his Rendez-Vous Room patrons are not duck gunners. Hisj fascinating ritual for a quacker dinner ties up a chef, waiter, captain! and himself most of the etfrly evening. . . . Coast lensmen have I made 26-year-old and married | Julie Harris look even more 12- year-oldish for "Member of the \ Wedding" filming than she originally appeared in its play ver- \ sion here three seasons ago. . . . i Bert Lahr is having a ball drum- \ ming up trade for a rival Las I Vegas saloon among Gotham and m Movieville. junketeers invited to """" The %Adj? premiere next Tuesday. -'IBHPisglift uncork his new cafe routine there the same nightj . .?.:.^p^.'s Resident Batista thumbed down a proposal to brace hi; exchequer by levying a $5 auto use tax. Seems like the echoes o N. Y. C.'s tax stamp foulup and what it's done to Impy's re-election chances reached^cigar country in the hick of time. . . . Intelligenc Sources are convinced that the night before Christmas is a secres target date fratfg&i, with noisy political surprises for Havana unles rebel blueprints are'intercepted. . . . What looked like a frantic rui| on a Madron: Ave: hajofe last week turned out to be quite a bonanza! About 150,000 que'ue^"#:rin.rotten weather to dcaw for door prlze| during a two-d^gtveaway premiere party at Manhattan Savings!) The ba,nk delivered* an?╟≤ auto and other awards.' Settled down td sedate-stachaway* business this week with about 10,000 new accounts^ . . . Hotel Edison catto>,Elise Rhodes makes her Chicago debut inf Chez Faree-ipn the sam^lbill with Jde-Kj Le^New'Year's Eve. Elise whimsic%i^. sentences her ecstacy wj^| g^agine getting paid to listen toiHoW! gags'.'*; g'i Carson Marciano SUNNY THOUGHT FOR WcNTER.!w?╜iW^| do anything special?╟÷didn't win a trophy, isn't "Miss Something- I or-Qther." She's just a pretty^mrrelaxing in the sun at aJLas | Vegas, Nev., resort hotel._That seemed reason enough for tne | prftyiujj'iwplw^lu-^flgy^^ which to cheer the folks who are chattering through another rough northern winter.