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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, May 2005



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    Congregation Nek Tamid ?o Looking Towakds The Flitlike 7 Worship Services Friday, May 6 6:30 pm Tot Shabbat Services 7:30 pm Sisterhood Shabbat ~ Oneg sponsored by Men's Club Saturday, May 7 10:00 am Jeremy Lellouche Bar Mitzvah ~ Kiddush sponsored by the Lellouche Family 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan (Beit Tefillah) 11:00 am Torah Study Friday, May 13 7:30 pm Shabbatone Family Service ~ Oneg sponsored by the Moldave Family Saturday, May 14 10:00 am Alyssa Ingerman Bat Mitzvah ? Kiddush sponsored by the Ingerman Family 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan (Beit Tefillah) 11:00 am Torah Study ^^Friday, May 20 3 | 7:30 pm Confirmation Service ? i l Oneg sponsored by Confirmation Class Families Saturday, May 21 10:00 am Sean Moore Bar 1 Mitzvah ? Kiddush sponsored by the Moore Family P 9:00 am Bible Study ?J 0 10:00 am Minyan (Beit Tefillah) ?v ?-.j: 11:00 am Torah Study Friday, May 27 ? 7:30 pm Shabbat Services ? Oneg sponsored by the Dreiman Ip Family 3 V Saturday, May 29 10:00 am Stephanie Dreiman Bat Mitzvah ~ Kiddush sponsored by (o' the Dreiman Family 9:00 am Bible Study i. 10:00 am Minyan (Beit Tefillah) 11:00 am Torah Study r Note: Office is closed Monday, May 30 Candle Lighting Times May 6 May 13 May 20 May 27 7:14 pm 7:20 pm 7:25 pm 7:31 pm May 2005 Vol. XIX No. 5 Nisan/Iyar 5765 cO Annual Temple Meeting and Brunch vJjrSl Sunday, June 12 10 - Noon Join us for our Annual Temple Meeting and Brunch. We will introduce the newest Temple Board members, share the newest plans for our new campus, and the Men?s Club and Sisterhood will install their officers and board members. Men?s Club will also award their Leo Wilner Man of the Year Award. All you need to do is show up - a fabulous FREE brunch will be provided. Bring the family! RSVP to the office 733-6292 by June 5. 6- am an If,a CEft etman. G>a*afi lBfa?C Gun t?ofun. Tfe pa-t-enE l&e (SanjTrma/tiatv C&taa a^ 200b p/rmuJ&j. Incite, you la aJkxvve awv jay aa, ckifcLea cue ccmjhmeJ (TtJcuj., 01Gup 20, 200b, 7:30p.m. (SanyzeyalAan cTanviJ. a a: Coi-ina Cotcfxin, ($rnan3a c^Liatt. ^ an f laapm, Ociofiofaa rjvou,...? ?Q f' <? r Cr '-3 T r Sisterhood Shabbat Friday, May 6th -7:30 pm Join us for an evening celebrating the Women of Sisterhood. The Men?s Club has been gracious enough to sponsor, prepare and serve the Oneg. Thank you! AFrom The Rabbi % <*-? ? ? *jft! 1 There is a cardinal principle in Judaism that has never waivered: "Yehudi Aravin Zeh L'zeh" -"Every Jew is responsible for every other Jew." This Talmudic dictum is an ancient reminder of a value that has been true in every age. I can remember vividly how this notion was part of the very fabric of my Jewish life when I was growing up. Marching for Soviet Jews. Working to free Jews of Ethiopia. Giving tzedakah in blue boxes to the Jewish National Fund. The ways of giving were many and varied, but always the message was the same: there are Jews around the world that you have never met who are relying on you to help them. While everyone can name a myriad of Jewish organizations that beckon for support- all worthwhile, and all important, I thinkthat it is importantto think annual of the one Jewish-umbrella organization that seeks to help other Jewish organizations (including our Temple) fulfill their missions locally and abroad. This organization is our Federation. To list but a few of their accomplishments: A Delivering more than 2,200 kosher Meals on Wheels to the needy elderly # Assisting seniors with transportation, congregate meals and prescription assistance $ Making Jewish education available to children with learning disabilities in Southern Nevada # Assisting local synagogues with outreach efforts to increase affiliation # Providing resources for Hillel to maintain Jewish programming at UNLV # Supporting the Sperling Mack Holocaust Library & Kronberg Media Center for Holocaust education In addition to these specific programs, the Federation helps area synagogues, Day Schools and religious school meet the ongoing needs of the many Jews constantly moving into Las Vegas. Beyond these local concerns, the Federation also supports Jewish causes around the world particularly in the Former Soviet Union where Judaism is enjoying a renaissance of activity and Israel where the needs are always so very great. Through the generosity of the Greenspun Family Foundation, every new dollar contributed to the campaign up to $5,000 will be matched to a total of $500,000! Therefore, if you have never given before to Federation, you have a chance to double the impact of your philanthropic gift. I encourage everyone in our Congregation to support this year's Federation Campaign. We can be proud that many in our Congregations have achieved the highest level of leadership and involvement in Federation. We can be proud too that in giving tzedakah we are answering our religious ancient call to help each other. Rabbi Sanford Akselrad 2 Committees & Auxiliaries Adult Learning Adult Education m IT MONDAYS RSVP to Temple Office 733-6292 "First Mondays" continues May 2. These classes cover a broad range of Jewish Life -? Jewish Contributions to Dance Art, What is Religion: A Sociological Perspective, and the Educated Jew: Survey of Jewish History, Ideas and Peoplehood. There is no charge for these classes but pre?registration is required. RABBI'S LUNCH & LEARN Tuesday, May 3rd, Noon Committees / Auxiliaries MEN'S CLUB BREAKFAST Sunday, May 22nd, 9:30 am In Social Hall This month we will have Nate Tannenbaum from Channel 13 talk to us about what it is like to be a TV weatherman in Las Vegas. This will also serve as our annual meeting to elect our officers and board members, so don?t miss it! As always the breakfast is free to members. All others are welcome for only five dollars. I hope to see you all there. g An Afternoon of World Music and Vj Broadway on the Opera Stage ?ENSEMBLE VOCALIS? FROM SAN FRANCISCO MAY 1@ 2:00 PM TICKETS: $10 Join us after the picnic! RSVP to temple office 733-6292. \____________________________________J Bring your lunch and join Rabbi for an open discussion on Midrash. TASTE OF JUDAISM Mondays, May 2, 9, 16 7:00 - 9:00 pm family or friends that are cl^Pis about Judaism? This is the class for them! Rabbi Akselrad will be briefly touching on Jewish life cycles and holidays. Shema Necklaces Information contact Sheryl Chenin- Webb at MORE, just in time for Mother's Day! Sisterhood is selling sterling silver Shema Pendants with a chain for $18. They are available in the gift shop and make a great gift! Yom Hashoah Services Wednesday, May 4th at 7:00 pm Temple Beth Sholom 10700 Havenwood Ln. in Summerlin For directions or more information, contact Temple Beth Sholom at 804-1333. Help With End-of-Life Decisions This spring the Terri Schiavo case placed end-of-life decisions front and center in the national consciousness, and led millions of people of all faiths to write living wills. Fortunately, the Union publishes a guide that addresses end-of-life decisions from a Reform perspective. A Time to Prepare, written by Rabbi Richard F. Address and published by the URJ Press, is a resource?part informational guide, part workbook?that covers topics including durable power of attorney, organ donation, wills, ethical wills, rituals for saying good-bye, and more. To order, contact the URJ Press toll- free at 888.489.8242,, or order online at For still more information on end-of-life decisions, please visit For Yom HaAtzma-ut?Israel Independence Day ARZA has prepared a variety of resources to help you and your family celebrate through study and worship. Visit israelmatters.htm, and you'll find "Simchat Arzeinu: Discovering Our Land," ARZA's Yom HaAtzma-ut resource guide. Featuring a brief history of Y^ri HaAtzma-ut, information about Jewish communities in the Diaspora, bi'^Pliphical sketches of important Zionists, a bibliography that lists important Israeli literary, cinematic, and musical achievements and a guide to selected poems by Yehuda Amichai, "Simchat Arzeinu" offers a wealth of resources for learners of all ages. Mqy 2 0 0 5 3 Philip?s Message____________ Just a - First, I'd like to thank Brad Torchin, Eddie Birch, Jay Poster, Lillian Kollar, the CNW Adult Choir, Lori Frankl and the CNT Jr. Choir for making the Music Season Sabbath with Steve Dropkin so enjoyable. Secondly, mark your calendars and get your tickets now for the May 1st concert at 2:00 p.m. featuring Ensemble Vocalis, from San Francisco. You may rememberthem from last year and their incredible selection of Opera, Broadway and World music. And now, on with my bulletin article... Sharing The Beauty Of Our Legacy Through Music Aside from Israel, politics and anti-Semitism, Jews seem to reserve their most passionate opinions for the area of synagogue service music. Certainly the occasional sermon will provoke expressions of either praise or alarm to the rabbi. However, the fortunate recipient of the bulk of these feelings is the cantor or cantorial soloist, and most of us welcome feedback on this issue; we only ask that it not come immediately following a service at the Oneg\ What is it about music that so excites, inflames and polarizes? Music is the cradle of our Jewish experience, and transports us back to our childhood memories of Shabbat and family and camp. All of us tend to like what we already know, as it is comfortable and requires no effort to learn. I say this without disparagement because I am no different. However, considerthis: would you ask the rabbi to do only a few select Torah portions during the year, such as Noah or the Ten Commandments, because you already know them and are familiar with the lessons within? Cantors and cantorial soloists walk a fine line between serving the desires of their synagogue members and being true to the cantorate itself. I have shelves and notebooks and files full of music, and have learn^k at least a part of the amazing richness of our musical heritage. I personally feel that if I don't teach you sonW^ of this legacy, I am neglecting what my job really means. Jewish music like Jewish food is time-specific. We have weekday morning melodies and weekday evening melodies. We have Shabbat evening modes and Shabbat morning modes and specific modes for Pesach, Shavuout and Sukkot. Just as we save hamentaschenfor Purim and matzah for Pesach, we wouldn't dream of doing the High Holiday Barchu at any other time! (There are synagogues that sing the Chanukah candle blessing melody for Shabbat all year long because everyone knows it and therefore it is easy.) But it goes beyond these basic principles. There are Jewish music composers that have written literally scores of music you have never heard, and my cantorial passion is that I want you to hear them. We tend to sing the same one or two Shalom Pav's every Shabbat evening, and the same K'dusha every Shabbat morning. It was not so long ago that Debbie Friedman's Mi Shebeirach was unknown to Congregation Ner Tamid. I have in my office at least twenty other Mi Shebeirach melodies; of all the passionate music responses here, that is the prayer that most incites opinions. Realize that if you don't know a melody orthe Hebrewto a prayer, you can still pray! A singing congregant can be one who sings along in his or her heart, or who hums underneath without words. Perhaps we have been singing a new melody for a few weeks while you have been out of town. It's possible that a song will arrive in the mail on Thursday from Transcontinental Music (the publishing house of URJ) and I wantfeedback on Shabbat, or I have rediscovered a gem in an anthology. My hope is that we all learn and become more educated, and help each other pray through song. B'Shalom, Philip 4 www.IvneriamicLorg B?nai M itzvah & Youth N ews Jeremy Lellouche May 7, 2005 Hi, my name is Jeremy Lellouche. I am a seventh grader at Greenspun Jr High. In my spare time I enjoy playing all types of sports, especially basketball. I love music and have played the drums for two years. I like hanging out with my friends whether it be playing sports, video games or going to the movies. I worked very hard to become a Bar Mitzvah and I hope everyone will join me on my very special day, May 7th. Alyssa Ingerman May 14, 2005 My name is Alyssa Ingerman; I am in the 7th grade at Silvestri Jr. High School. I have been a member of their girl's basketball team for the past two years and a member of the National Junior Honor Society. I am an avid snowboarder and I basically love all sports. I very much look forward to beaming a Bat Mitzvah on May 14th. I hope you can joi^ffie on this very special occasion. Sean Moore May 21, 2005 I'm Sean Moore and I am a 7th grader at the New Horizon's Academy. I really like math, skiing and roller blading. I also like to watch my leopard gecko, Bionick, hunt crickets. I am looking forward to having myfamily and friends with me when I become a Bar Mitzvah on May 21st. Stephanie Dreiman May 28, 2005 Hi my name is Stephanie Dreiman and I will be called to the Torah in honor of my Bat Mitzvah on May 28. Before attending CNT Religious School I attended Temple Ner Ami Torah School in Camarillo California for seven years. I am a 7th grader at Greenspun Ji^u- high in Green Valley. I take advanced classes in reSRg and math. I am 3rd chair in the flute section in the concert band. My hobbies are talking on the phone, making people laugh, playing with my dogs and spending time with my whole family. NTTY EVENTS Attention All 9th - 12th Graders! May 1 - Rock Climbing 2:00 pm NO NTTY MAY 8 - MOTHER'S DAY! May 13 - Shabbatone Service/Sleepover May 14-15 - Retreat at Mt. Charleston May 20 - Confirmation May 22 - End of Year BBQ/Pool Party If you would like to attend an event, or have questions, contact Yvonne Weiss-Greenfield at 304-0605 or OR NTTY President Jen Zuckerman at jenlynnl Preschool Pics May 2 0 0 5 5 A Salute to Moms and Grandmas - It?s Mother?s Day! Your Executive Director_______________________ The month of May, the time of year when we start to seriously think about school ending (secular an^ religious alike), summer starting, vacations being finalized, and of course, in general, ?time off?. We all recall, when we were younger, and summer meant less work, more play time and relaxing, whatever that meant. Forward to 2005. People are working longer hours, longer days, and in general longer years. Moms and Dads are both working, Grandparents are working more and waiting longer to retire, and life in general is different than before. That?s what?s different, aside from many other factors. What?s the same? Mothers. They are the same, except more is asked of them, in general. Moms, and in many cases, Grandmas, are now expected to do the same amount of ?homework? that they have done in the past - -laundry, cooking, cleaning, coordinating of family matters, carpooling, family communication, attending to school matters and homework, and being the best role model that they can be. These days, in addition to these responsibilities, many more areas are now being heaped on the top. Working full shifts and jobs, running companies, having major government roles, athletes, professionals, taking as much responsibility as any male has ever taken on, Moms and Grandmas are to be celebrated. Whether it?s a single-parent family, or a blended family, or any number of combinations, women in general are to be celebrated, and Moms and Grandmas even more. Congregation Ner Tamid has many wonderful Moms who work at temple. Whether they are paid staff or volunteers, these wonderful women are core to the success of our Temple. Just a few areas that come to mind are our Adult Choir, Chesed Committee, Outreach, Social Action, Board Members, Staff members, Onegs, the Gift Shop, Membership committee, IHhL and of course, at the core of our women participants, our Sisterhood. More and more women are stepping up and taking more responsibility, and I want to extend my warmest and most sincere thanks to all those women who are doing so. Let me be one of the first to wish all the women of Congregation Ner Tamid the Happiest of Mothers Day! You certainly deserve all of the recognition that you are about to receive, as well as much more. Happy Mothers Day! to be continued..... Irv A GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING In his March column, Scott Stolberg talked briefly about the history and purpose of CNT?s Perpetual Trust. Soon you will receive a short note from Stewart Blumenfeld, CNT?s Immediate Past President and current president of the Trust Board of Overseers, in which he will provide more details about how the Trust oper?ates and the important role it plays in providing for the long-range, well-being of the congregation. While gifts to the Trust are welcome at any time, as both Scott and Stewart note, one of the best ways to leave a permanent legacy for future generations is to remember the CNT Perpetual Trust in one?s will. Because the gifted capital of the Trust is never touched and a significant portion of its capital gains and| dividends is reinvested, your gift will continue to grow and to provide an ever-increasing benefit in the future. Please watch for Stewart?s note. If you want more information, please contact Stewart through the temple office. 6 www.lvnertamid.oi-g Temple Board # Scott Stolbcrg, President Marla Letizia, VP Administration Mike Unger, VP Ways & Means Hillary Torchin, VP Education & Youth Maxine Molinsky, VP Ritual David Shapin, VP Membership Recruitment Andrea Harris, VP Membership Retention David Stahl, VP Social Action Debbie Levy, Treasurer Yvonne Gordon, Corporate Secretary Nanette Spector, Trustee Jordie Primack, Trustee Stacey Yahraus, Trustee Fern Percheski, Trustee Debra Cohen, Trustee Bernie Matusow, Trustee Beth Bromberg, Trustee Beth Falk, Trustee CindyJensen, Trustee Sheryl CheninAVebh, Sisterhood President Dr. Fred Toffel, Men?s Club President Jen Zuckerman, NTTY President _______________President?s Message For the last two years I have written many times to you about how my family celebrates the holidays. The interesting part is that although we celebrated all the BIG holidays in my home growing up, my parents did not-live a Jewish lifestyle. I have often joked how my mom SLOWED DOWN to let us out of the car to attend religious school. Sandy and I knew this was not what we wanted for our children. Now Passover has just ended as you are receiving this and, as always, we hosted a second night Seder at our home after attending the temple Seder the first night. We continue to have a diverse group of friends and acquaintances to our home. But everyone who has attended will tell you it is a hamisha experience. By living a Jewish life, we try to make it so those who have nowhere else to go for this holiday have somewhere to celebrate. We want to make living a Jewish life easy for others. Sandy and I live a Jewish life and teach our children to also. You know you do all the right things and sometimes you think they do not pay off. Others who cut corners and cheat seem to always win. Well I am here to tell you that if you do the right thing and live a Jewish life, it does pay off. I see it everyday in my children. They do not resent their religion like I did for so many years. They want to be involved in Jewish activities and groups. One of the people I have to thank for helping me reach my children and making them good Jews is Yvonne Weiss-Greenfield. Most of you know her as Miss Yvonne. She has been ouryouth advisorforthe last year and a half and has done such a remarkable job. For just about every activity, we have had great youth attendance and NTTY membership has never been higher. Flowever Miss Yvonne is leaving us at the end of this school year to pursue bigger and better opportunities in education, generally and Jewish education in particular. She will be hard to replace and deserves the thanks of each one of us for hertime and effort. We will be announcing a new youth advisor soon. When we do, he or she will have big shoes to fill. Ouryouth are our future and this may be the most important position in the congregation. Again, thank you Yvonne for helping all of us raise well-committed and loving Jews. Best of luck to you in your future endeavors. Even though Passover has just ended, we need to remember the story and how fortunate we are that we did not have to live in slavery as our ancestors did and how we can teach our children to be proud, committed Jews and live a Jewish lifestyle. B'Shalom, Scott May 2 0 0 5 7 Special Announcements May Birthdays 1st-Hon. Sylvia Belter Nicole Ruvo Kimberly Cohen Mrs. June Friedlander Mrs. Nina Tiep Lindsay Sickle Ms. Anita Gramont Alexa Katz 11th-Cara Buchanan 20th - Stephanie Dreiman Mr. David Rounds Mrs. Janet Buchanan Jarrod Misner Mr. Harry Sax Casey Cornett Lauren Ober Mr. Leonard Spektor Jeffrey Fine Mrs. Susan Plotkin Jacob Wellinghoff Justin Shiroff Sarah Timpa 2nd - Dr. Stewart Blumenfeld 12th - Mr. Robert Hechter 21st -Mrs.JoniAkselrad ? Mr. Joseph Giancaspro Dr. Alan Miller Dylan Alterwitz Stephanie Lehrner Dana Benedict 13th - Mr. Michael Downs Brian Berman 3rd-Mrs.Andrea Harris Mrs. Amy Gold Ms. Anna Cohen Sailor Heims Sean Moore Mrs. Avery Lewisohn- Short Jeff Skolnik Mr. Russell Misner 4th - Josh Fisher 14th - Mr. Paul Cohen Mr. Ron Ellen 22nd - Mr. Nathan Chaddick Ms. Judith Jensen Mrs. Gloria Fenster Mr. Michael Geiger Mr. Michael McDermott Dr. Lynn Greene Mr. Wayne Palbaum 15th-Ryan Crighton Ms. Karen Galatz 23rd-Mrs. Arlene Kagan 5th - Mr. Randall Brody Ashley Geiger Mr. Craig Kurtzman Jordan Goldstein 24th - Lauren Boyers Mrs. Lindsay Legator Ms. Sarah Goldstein Louis Shulman Mrs. Vera Stern Alyssa Ingerman Tierney Torchin Mr. Norman Laefer 25th - Mrs. Caren Epstein Mr. Brett Primack Mr. Richard Fenster 6th - Mrs. Bonnie B. Levy Mr. Lawrence Sasso Brian Frankl Mrs. Jayn Marshall Nathan Venger Mrs. Susan Joseph Mr. Neil Miller Kevin Walton Rachael Rowland Lindsey Ober Mr. Robb Worth Erik Swezey 7th - Mr. Harvey Eisner Robert Worth 26th - Mrs. Denise Bass Noah Jack Geeser 16th-Ms. Sally Nyberg Maxwell Berkley Mrs. Susan Giancaspro Mrs. Linda Schnitzer Dr. Lee Bernick Mrs. Jodi Kurtzman Hannah Geeser 17th - Mr. Carl Cato Mrs. Jodi Goodheart 8th - Mr. David Epstein Mrs. Angie Coleman Mr. Michael Milano Mr. Daniel Freid Mrs. Sharon Gordon Mr. Richard Swiler Hannah Morgan Greenis Mrs. Anita Rosen Daniel Unger Todd Jasienski Hilary Scheele Mrs. Mara Lieberman JadeThuna 27th - Mr. Steven Bass Mrs. Beth Miller Mrs. Amy Bredlau Mr. Marc Oppenheimer 18th-Mrs. IdaAberman Mr. Mitchell Cohen Mr. Michael Rissien Mr. Claudio Dreiman Mr. Jack Nitzkin Aaron Spector Eric Glyman Mr. Stuart Solomon Mr. Bernardo Werner Mrs. Barbara Lander 9th - Shane Bernstein Shawn Silber Ms. Kristin Theys Mr. Robert Goldstein Justin Webb Mrs. Lisa Jasper 10th-Arie Charles 19th-Marisa Brody Mrs. Elaine Burke Adam Knopow Jessie Cohen ^hank <you to our Sustaining ^embers ?ari 81 ?Paul jftizley Adelaide $ Jfarry filter Judy $ ?avid jftpplebaum ?harna $ gtewart (glumenfeld Barbara 8( Jfarvin <gudgar Jfadine Joe c6racraft ?Renee 8c *1/60 ?iamond <5ernice 8c Jvan Tissenberg Jlaris 8c Marshall ?Everakes JJary 8c Jerry Tox cEdie 8c JJarold ^lasser ?Ruth 8c ?Richard ?granich garita 8c *Lynn ?greene ?Loretta 8c *Vic JJollander ?Lulu 8c Jack ?Lehman <phyllis 8c ?fial ?Lewis ?Eve 8c Sidney Jjarco Sandra 8c ?onald Jjarcus ?gertrude 8c Sam Jfoldave ?Carol 8c Leonard ?Raizin cCoral 8c ?eter <Reveen Susan 8c Jfichael ?Rodin J^nne 8c ?Lawrence ?andell ^ran 8c JJarvey ?anoff ?ebra 8c JJerrill Schultz JJatalie 8c filbert Shaw ?Vera Stern JJelene 8c ?onald ?Unger ?These are all members who, even though they are eligible for our Senior ?ues rate, continue to give at the higher, standard rate. ?This is a wonderful 5Mitzvah and allows us the ability to never turn anyone away because of their finances. ?If you would like to add your name to this list, please talk to ?Irv. II Iflflay Anniversaries wii Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey JJale 21st r. Jay Bloom Sr ?Ms. Garolyn Parkas 2Qth (Dr. Sr Mrs. Kickard Capidus 30 th ?Dr. Sr Mrs. Bernard Parrow Mr. Sr Mrs. Vic Hollander 31st Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Cisenberg Mr. Sr Mrs. Murk fine W & Mrs. Jason SkoboloffIN MEMORIAM: Pmlc Gabrieleff, dear sister of Fern Cffnin, dear aunt of Alan Chenin, Lori Frankl and Sheryl Chenin-Webb Hy Schwartz, beloved father of Jerry, beloved father-in-law of Simone, beloved grandfather of Dana and Alexa Larry Rutman, beloved uncle of Richard Weinberg Christine Penrod, beloved sister of Fern Chenin, beloved aunt of Alan Chenin, Lori Frankl and Sheryl Chenin-Webb Nettie Price, beloved mother of Harriet Kushner ? TELL & KVELL Mazel Tov tojulie Charles for receiving her Doctorate Degree in Education Leadership. Husband Steven and children Noah and Arie are very proud of her accomplishment. Mazel Tov Sara and Dan Shuman who wanted to share good news with everyone. Mazel Tov to Zev! Today was medical residency matching day for our son, Zev. He got into Harvard. He will be doing psychiatry for the next four years, and yes, he will get a salary. Mazel Tov to Jon Wellinghoff for being recommended to President Bush to be Nevada?s first consumer advocate for a Democratic seat on the Federal Regulatory Commission Mil Tov to Dr. J ohn Anson as editor of the first Las Vegas based medical journal ?The Nevada Neurosciences Institute?. Yahrzeits ~ M emoriams ~ Simchas May 6 Eugene Adler Jacob Adler Esther Alter Mortimer Axenfeld Lillian Beller Sadye Brender Herman Bulavsky Joseph Cardone Esther Epstein Celia Fischbein Hyman Goldstein Lucille Goldstein Elaine Greenberg Anna Klein Phillip Kuller Hiram Lewis Joseph Lieberman Abe Linderman Sheila Luwisch Sheryle R. Mettille Jack Novak Sophie Pietsky Pauline Rosenblum Phil Seltzer Richard Shaffer Doris Shapiro Penny Sheer Kate Silber Murry Spiegel Max Waxier May 13 Mollie Ackerman Samuel Bierman Kurt Borenstein Belle Brenner Bernard Cohen Joseph Esbin Gordon Ian Fink Bette Ruth Fratrick Robert A. Fratrick Louis Giordano Buford Hicks Morris Israel Bessie Kreisman Margreta Marquez Chaiken Nathaniel Dora Nath anson Yahrzeits May 27 George Asch May 13 cont. Max Benisch Albert Pessin Robert A. Blaine- Pierre Picavet Samuel Richard Bossak Henry Ritchie Samuel Brodsky Gloria Starkman Albert Charon Milton Wasserman ?Bernice Cohen Ida Weinberg Jessica Doctors Sadie Esbin May 20 Rhae Flushman Freida (Daisy) Bornstein Louis Green Herman Ebinsky Paula Greenspan Rachel Catherine Epstein Leo Hahn Yetta Goldberg Issac Hirshorn Abraham Goldstein Reagan J asienski Zachrey Gottlieb Joseph Light Arthur Grutman Adele Lundy Rose Kantor Kate Lutz JackKur JackMargone Mina Leboff Bertha Martin JackLeBow Rochelle Mendoza Sidney A. May Maurice Meyers Saul Miller Edward Miller Jacob Newman Harry Nathanson Maurice Noyek Alvan Paul Sarah Pitcher Ruth Plotnick Abraham Schwartz James Robertson Joseph Skillbred Esther Roitman Daniel Stucker Phillip Rosen Taylor Marie Weiss Anne Salins David Wert Miriam Slavitt Isadore Wexler David Stearns J oseph Y archever Delia Stearns Augusta Sternberg Albert Stine Sheila Wolf NOW YOU CAN MAKE A SISTERHOOD TRIBUTE TO THE CAMPERSHIP FUND! Check out the NEW Sisterhood Tribute Form in the temple office. Or call Shirley Gellin at 457-6320. May 2 0 0 5 9 Ongoing Monthly Programs Community/Self-Help JACS TUESDAYS, 7:00 pm, Room 6 Are you a Jewish alcoholic or cheically dependant person? Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent and Significant Others is a self-help support group. Tell someone you love. Alzheimer's Support Group MONDAY, May 9th, 7:00 pm, In the Library This support group is open to caregivers, family, and friends of loved ones suffering from dementia related to alzheimer's disease. For more information please call 617-6430. Alcoholics Anonymous THURSDAYS, 7-9:00 pm In the Social Hall Now meeting at CNT weekly. For more information, contact the temple office at 733-6292. Do you have a family member or friend who is hospitalized? Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Due to confidentiality laws, there is no notification from the hospitals. Please contact Karen at the temple office 733-6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. JFSA Needs Food Questions? Call Temple office CNT delivers food left in the bin in the front lobby to JFSA Community Food Bank all throughout the year. Baby formula, cereal, peanut butter, canned vegetables, pasta, soup, and canned chicken or tuna are always needed. ( ^ Committees / Auxiliaries v_______________________________> IHN Needs Volunteers To volunteer, contact Bette Stahl 735-8104 / OR Jennifer Cohen 896-4973 / jcohenl IHN, Interfaith Hospitality Network, is a community wide program. Homeless families come to our synagogue each evening for a week, enjoy a hot meal, sleep in one of the classrooms, and then return to a day house each morning. Volunteers are needed to spend one night with them at the temple and bring hot meals to the temple for them in the evening. Rosh Chodesh MONDAY, MAY 9?, 6:30 pm Each month the women of CNT gather to celebrate Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of the new Hebrew month. The evening blendx learning, spirituality, and sharing. Presentation topics and speakers vary monthly. Social Action News % I want to take this opportunity to thank eacj and every person who has either served on event committee or who has given of their time serving on the Committee for many years. Your efforts have led to many successful projects and I appreciate your efforts. The Committee will continue to sponsor the High Holidays Food Drive. This year?s Teen Inter-Faith Passover Seder had to be cancelled due to a lack of response. Therefore, the Seder remains questionable for next year, as does Mitzvah Menorah, as we know it, due to changes by the Jewish Family Service Agency. We determined that Committee?s involvement with the Suitcase Project, Mitzvah Day and the Political Forum would be limited, as these projects operate independently. With the streamlining of these projects, the Committee is looking at four new project possibilities. Among them: a cooperative effort with Habitat For Humanity, a Senior ?End Of Life? Fair and Panel discussion, possibly a beauty make-over for IHN clients and a clean?up for a teen shelter. ^ As always, any project the Social Actic^r Committee sponsor?s requires manpower and Congregation support. Without that support, more and more projects will be eliminated. This is YOUR Committee. The Committee?s next event is the High Holiday Food Drive, which will be held the first week in October. Therefore, the Committee will next meet August 22nd at 5:00 PM for those interested in participating. Michael Rissien Social Action Chair Get Involved! Volunteer - Take A Class! 10 www. I vne rta m i4 ? o rg MAY 2005 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday R/S 9:15-12:15 Confirmation Class 12:30pm Temple Picnic Noon Ensemble Vocalis 2pm 2 First Mondays Class 6:00-6:50 pm 7:00-7:50 pm 8:00-8:50 pm Taste of Judaism 7pm 3 Rabbis Lunch & Learn NOON R/S East 4:30-6 pm JACS 7:00 pm Adult Choir 7:00 pm 4 Yom Hashoa Service @Beth Sholom 7:00 5 NO R/S West AA 7:00 pm 6 Tot Shabbat 6:30pm Sisterhood Shabbat 7:30 pm 7 Bible Study -9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am 8 NO R/S Mother?s Day 9 Alzheimer?s Support Group 6:30 pm Rosh Chodesh 6:30 Taste of Judaism 7pm io R/S East 4:30-6 pm JACS 7:00 pm Adult Choir 7:00 pm 11 12 R/S West 4:30-6 pm Sisterhood Board Meeting 6:30 pm AA 7:00 pm 13 Shabbatone Family Service 7:30 pm 14 Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study