Invitation from the Chamber of Commerce to attend a meeting to discuss the water situation in Las Vegas. Includes an enclosure listing the topic of a meeting held the day before to discuss the same issue.
Suggestions of a few minor changes that would allow the Las Vegas Ranch to become profitable in a few years time, as it has the essential fundamentals.
Comparisons of water supply and use in Las Vegas with future projections. Document compares data on water consumption in 1931 and 1935. Link to Bracken's letter referred to in this document is in the references field.
Bennett was requesting the name of the chairman of the Senate Interior and Insular Affairs Committee as well as members so see if there were any that he could influence for a favorable passage of the water district right-of-way bills.
Granting of an easement by the Union Pacific Railroad to the Las Vegas Valley Water District for the purpose of maintaining the water supply facilities. Notarized by Louis Scholnick in Douglas County, Nebraska on June 3, 1954.
Granting of an easement by the Union Pacific Railroad to the Las Vegas Valley Water District for the purpose of maintaining the water supply facilities. Notarized by Louis Scholnick in Douglas County, Nebraska on June 3, 1954.
The Las Vegas City Manager informs Union Pacific Railroad that it would no longer be providing the one million gallons of effluent to the Las Vegas Ranch for use in irrigation.
The temporary expedients they used to bring the new well into production, like the makeshift settling pond, needed to be permanently settled before the state and county health authorities got involved. The office of Mr. Osborne and Engineer McKee is mentioned.