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Report on Las Vegas water situation from F. H. Knickerbocker (Los Angeles) to W. M. Jeffers, April 4, 1936







Comparisons of water supply and use in Las Vegas with future projections. Document compares data on water consumption in 1931 and 1935. Link to Bracken's letter referred to in this document is in the references field.

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Box 13 Folder W23-3-5 Water Supply Drilling Wells for Wells 7 & 8


    hln000707. Union Pacific Railroad Collection, 1828-1995. MS-00397. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    1931 1935 Change Residential 1258 1585 327 Commercial 313 281 32 Industrial 13 10 3 Municipal 6 10 Total 1590 1886 296 This is an increase in services of 16.6%, and you will please note the large increase is in the residential class of service, which class consumes the largest amount of water. During first three months 1936, 27 new service connections have been installed, principally to new homes, and additional homes are contemplated. To date, the service increase is therefore 20%. The revenue received by Railroad from Las Vegas Land and Water Company for use of water facilities has increased from $2,400 in 1928 to $17,724 in 1935. The revenue received by LVL&W Company during 1931 was $38,005, and during 1935 was $51,664, an Increase of $13,659 or 35.9%. Los Angeles, April 4th, 1936 9215-3-W Mr. W. M. Jeffers: Regarding the water situation at Las Vegas, Nevada, with particular reference to supply for use by City: Account increase in number of services and possibility of inadequate supply during summer months, Mr. Bracken has again raised the question of increasing the supply. Below is a statement of services during years 1931 and 1935, as reflected by annual report: - 2 ? The amount of water consumed by the City during 1931 was 650,000,000 gallons, and during 1935 was 909,361,000 gallons, an increase of 39.9%. The total amount of water consumed by all users increased from 811,360,000 in 1928 to 1,101,087,000 in 1935, or 35.7%. The flow of water from well and springs west of town available for use by railroad and City varied from 2,985 in 1934 to 3,400 in 1935, gallons per minute, to which may be added 700 G.P.M. that can be pumped in the line from shop ground well at a cost of $5.00 per day. The well west of town has decreased its flow about 1,000 G.P.M. during past few years. Observation was made August 2, 1935 that with flow of well and springs producing 3,400 G.P.M. and pump at shop ground 700 G.P.M., total 4,100 G.P.M., the 2 1/2 million gallon reservoir was drawn down 536,000 gallons during 12 hours daylight use, or in other words, the consumption was 744 G.P.M. greater than production. Had the same use occurred during 1934, when production was only 3,685 G.P.M., the deficiency would have been 1,159 GPM. On March 28th this year, Mr. Bracken observed that no water was flowing from the spillway at the reservoir, which indicates that all water produced was being used. With such increase in use, the well at shop ground will not furnish sufficient additional water during the hot months to meet the demand, and I have suggested to Mr. Bracken that a watchman or inspector be used to canvas the use each day, requesting people - 3 ? wasting water to conserve for benefit of the City. The attached copy of Mr. Bracken's letter to the Mayor and City Commissioners of Las Vegas is self-explanatory. However, heretofore the City has refused to pass helpful ordinances and no doubt the present suggestion will be tabled. While the consumption of water at Las Vegas, which for some months is as high as 540 gallons per day per capita, is unreasonable, nevertheless we are faced with the situation of decreased production and increased use. The old 16" wood stave pipe line is rapidly deteriorating, and while leaks are constantly being plugged, a consider-able amount of water is lost, probably in excess of 100 G.P.M. In order that adequate amounts of water may be supplied to the City by the LVL&W Co., it is recommended that 12" well be drilled and connected to settling basin, at an estimated cost of $10,370, chargeable to Capital Account; also that existing 16" wood stave pipe line 8,400 feet long be replaced with 24" cast iron pipe line, at an estimated cost of $58,040, of which $26,440 would be chargeable Capital Account and $31,600 Operating Expense. The total project would be approximately $36,810 Capital Account and $31,600 OE; however, if desirable to reduce total expenditure, the renewal of pipe line could be programmed by replacing 3,000 feet, at a cost of $18,665, at the reservoir end, which is buried and in very bad condition, leaving 5,400 feet to be maintained and renewed as soon as possible. cc-Mr.H.C.Mann F. H. Knickerbocker Mr.W.R.Bracken