Commencement program from University of Nevada, Las Vegas Commencement Programs and Graduation Lists (UA-00115).
Commencement program from University of Nevada, Las Vegas Commencement Programs and Graduation Lists (UA-00115).
Commencement program from University of Nevada, Las Vegas Commencement Programs and Graduation Lists (UA-00115).
Folder contains materials related to establishing a law school at UNLV, including: "pre-law at UNLV" brochure, August 1975; lists of related archival materials; "UNLV Law" survey of previous law school studies, compiled by Jan Gould, 1976; an issue of "Factor E" magazine containing "The Law School Story," spring 1975; newspaper clippings; and other related reports and correspondence. From the University of Nevada, Las Vegas William S. Boyd School of Law Records (UA-00048).
Nevada Library Notes, Vol. 1-4 issued by the Nevada State Library. Materials about the news of library activities and articles for publication by Nevada librarians. It also contains minutes of the 18th annual convention.
Commencement program from University of Nevada, Las Vegas Commencement Programs and Graduation Lists (UA-00115).
From the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Theta Theta Omega Chapter Records (MS-01014) -- Chapter records file.
From the Clark County Economic Opportunity Board Records -- Series I. Administrative. This folder contains memos, agendas and minutes from meetings of the Clark County Economic Opportunity Board from July 1969 through December 1969
Cherina Kleven appears on pages 43, 46, 55, 56, and 70.
Mixed Content
From the Clark County Economic Opportunity Board Records -- Series II: Projects. This folder contains documents, reports, and some correspondence from Operation Independence Day Care Center and Operation Independence Community Service Center as well as some correspondence about Clark County School District