Folder contains a grant application for a proposed law school building for Texas Technological College, 1966; a bibliography of resources related to law schools; a scholarly article titled "Libraries, Liberties, and the First Amendment" by Robert M. O'Neil, 1973; and memos related to the development of a law library at UNLV. From the University of Nevada, Las Vegas William S. Boyd School of Law Records (UA-00048).
Schedule for the 1994 Conference: "Teaching the Lessons of the Holocaust" with a sticky note to speak with parking attendant.
From the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Theta Theta Omega Chapter Records (MS-01014) -- Chapter records file.
From the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Theta Theta Omega Chapter Records (MS-01014) -- Chapter records file.
Dynamite explosion breaking ground for the Southern Nevada Water Project, creating the River mountains tunnel.
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from photo sleeve: "Shown is the dynamite blast at the inlet portal of River Mountains Tunnel, which officially launched construction of the first stage of the $81 million project. The blast was detonated by U.S. Senator Alan Bible from the speakers stand 1.7 miles away, where the groundbreaking ceremony was held."