Dennis McBride interviews Hanford Searl about a number of things: his being gay, his being gay in Las Vegas and other places, religious issues. Also, some information about working at the Las Vegas Review-Journal, and for Bob Brown at the Las Vegas Valley Times.
Raya was born in Tel-Aviv, Israel on July 8, 1935 to Edith and Gerhard Munzner. Her Mother was the daughter of Elsa and David Flachs from Berlin, Germany and her father was the son of Rachel and Zvi Munzner from Mannheim, Germany. Raya's father was jailed in 1931 as a 23 year old attorney, for being "out of the ordinary intelligent, and, therefore, highly dangerous," he was accused of being a communist because he defended social welfare cases. On the day of his release, he fled Germany, crossing the border overnight into Czechoslovakia and onward to Paris to reunite with his then fiancee (Raya's mother) and await immigration papers to the then Palestine, today's Israel. Raya's parents married upon their arrival in Jerusalem and settled in Tel Aviv in 1933. Raya's father obtained his doctorate in Economics and Law at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. Upon arrival in Israel, he got a job counting the out-of-circulation money in the basement of "Bank Yaffet" in Tel Aviv an
Ann Lynch discusses her background - born in Kansas City, 1934; attended Baker University in Baldwin, Kansas; classes at Kansas University; a year in theater; director of PR at Evansville University. In 1959 she came to Las Vegas as director of the clubs at Nellis Air Force Base. Ann shares in depth on her parents and grandparents and on her family today, which includes a brother 14 years younger, her son, and a nephew. She describes Las Vegas in the early sixties, meeting her husband, and her duties as club manager at Nellis. She comments on becoming camp director for the Girl Scout program at Mount Charleston, which led to training scout leaders and board members. When Ann's son Edward went to kindergarten, she took on the PTA job of parliamentarian, then president of Ruth Fyfe ES PTA. She eventually became President of the Las Vegas Area Council, Nevada State PTA president, and finally national president of the PTA. The school named after her (Ann T. Lynch Elementary) has benefited from her other charity organizations. Because of her PTA involvement, Ann became very active in legislation in Washington, D.C., traveling to other countries to help activate parent involvement. She had also worked with Sunrise Hospital during this time and when she was relieved of some of her PTA duties, she helped found the Sunrise Hospital Children's Foundation and the Public Education Foundation. She details the many functions of both foundations. Ann comments on the lobbying she does in the Nevada legislature and in Washington, D.C., medical billing through Medicare and Medicaid, and the ongoing shortage of nurses nationwide. She offers opinions on unions for nurses and mentions robotic surgery, the stroke center, neonatal center, and breast cancer center as evidence of recent developments in medicine at Sunrise Hospital.