The Bob Weinstein Papers on Compulsive Gambling (1945-2024) contain pamphlets, brochures, conference packets, promotional material, correspondence, and ephemera related to Weinstein's involvement in Gamblers Anonymous (G.A.). The collection contains G.A. recovery resources, workshop and training booklets, and meeting minutes and correspondence from Weinstein's time on the G.A. International Board of Trustees. Also contained in the collection are copies of correspondence from Jim W. (founder of Gamblers Anonymous) to Bill W. (a founder of Alcoholics Anonymous) and many books and other publications related to compulsive gambling.
Archival Collection
Celia Strauss describes her family history in Poland and fleeing the Nazis, narrowly escaping being captured or shot several times. She and her family came to the United States in 1947.
In 1979, Eileen Brookman was honored as a Distinguished Citizen of the Year by the National Conference of Christians and Jews for her continued service to the community. The program includes highlights of her accomplishments.
Interview with Arthur "Art" Lurie by Cheryle Bacot on April 25, 1986. Lurie talks about his family and upbringing with Kenny Washington, who was the first African American to sign with the National Football League. Lurie discusses knowing everybody in Las Vegas in the 1950s, being in the service/retail sector and watching the city grow. He operated several businesses including grocery stores and the liquor department at Wonder World. He talks about his love of boxing, serving on the boxing commission, and advantages of living in southern Nevada.
Arthur C. Lurie lived in Las Vegas for 33 years at the time of this 1986 oral history. He and his wife Eleanor had relocated from Los Angeles area to help run his brother-in-law's food market. Over the years his career would include the grocery, bar (Art's Place) and restaurant businesses; including being co-owner of the liquor store at Wonder World. He shares memories of adjusting to the more laid back culture of small town Las Vegas and how he feels like a native after watching the city grow over the past decades. Art was a founding member of Temple Beth Sholom, where he served as an early vice-president. Being in the non-gaming sector provided gave him the opportunity to work with youth programs and he started the Golden Gloves gym in Las Vegas. He judged over 40 title fights and had a long career on the Nevada Boxing Commission. Arthur Lurie past away in 2014 at the age of 96.
Interview with Bess Rosenberg by Jerry Masini on November 12, 1975. In this interview, Rosenberg describes coming to Las Vegas in 1942, and the desert landscape. She gives an in-depth recollection of the first atomic test, and talks about different weather and the seasons in Las Vegas. Rosenberg describes several clubs and hotels around downtown and the recreation at Lake Mead and Mount Charleston.
Herman Jimerson and his younger sister Ruth Jimerson-Carter, along with her husband Leon Carter Jr., gathered on March 3, 2021, to talk about their memories and experiences growing up in West Las Vegas—the Westside.
OH-03746 contains additional interviews with the Carter family that are not transcribed in this document. Contact for more information.