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    | Tel. WOrt^3797 M4 AMERICAN^ Press Clipping Service Inc. %%9 Nassau Street Jpfew York City Fro^Sf MAY~1 9 1953 f|l??R ledger NEWARK NJ Going to Town By HAL EATON day Coast-bound, to resume careerl '.Duncan Sisters auditioning! TV stanza . . . Families ofl fourth estaters to become closely/ allied when Sylvia Scully, Frank'/ sprig, and Tyler Pearson, Drew'/ son, merge before year's end:. Mrs. Gene Nelson not rushing in* divorce or professional plans. IT, ill:-... Mary Margaret McBri| celebrating 20th year in; radio . Patricia Neal, of "Children! Haur," and Andrew Duggan, als| Equityite, at Sardi's. Doris Lilly, author of "How to ' Marry a Millionaire," steadying With John Jacob Astor, who is onfe . . , With J. J. Shubert back, Lee Shubert sails for Eurape on i 22d . .'. Top cinema stars never more careful. Studio attorneys, studying ways to void contracts, looking forN violations of minor clauses . . . Even if they split, which we doubt, Andrews Sisters \ can retire on royalties ... Lad Lfor-Mr.&~ Mrs. Peter Ortiz. He's ^kyar herb turned actor . .. Diane ^ Th'Blanc, French dancer, andj mmny Blauvelt, scripter, in a. lLf . . Code's changing. Things iJJters used to call "crazy" SBw**Maervous.'' Julie London, e$c-actres?║, toting tall torch for her estranged, Jack Webb, of "Dragnet".';^-.. Needless to say, Gwen Verdon, "C#$L, Can" click, paged by every picture plant in America. And, continuing cliche, La Verdon discovered arid auditioned by Cole Porter oi Coast, where she got nowhere dur ing four-year tenure . . . Wanna buy H'wood home? Lana Turner's] can be had for lTffimS.Includes j eight built-in TV^sets-. . . Roy Huggins, writer, J^ppAdele Mara, pretty pretender, jperger-minded, Milo Franks separated by more than distance? She's Sally Forrest, on Coast. He's casting chief of CBS-TV in N. Y. . , . Malcolm Rennicks welcomed a con. He's favorite stock broker of many showfplk ?╟≤ ?╟≤ .President Eisenhower^- and ex-President Truman see eye-to-eye. Both wrote Blevins Davis and Robert Breen, , prb^u^C^apflanding their contribution to facial and international nntfiJ si a n dings wrought by revival asMtEuro^ pean tour of "Porgy ATS^jS^T,^ * * * Geraldine Brooks, late of "Time of the Cuckoo," and Arthur Krirn prexy of United Artists, making rounds of Rome . . . Judy Holli- BROADWAY BRIEF i Ralph Meeker, of "Picnic," and ^Tean Carson, actress a consistent phantasm; Playgoers, whosee "everything/ will recall Miss C. in recent, quickie, "Men of Distinction,'; which ran four performances j ||k'^Intimates unable to Teach ticomposer-producer AT fhxt r 'Schwartz, hard hit by ffa^s, pas's-: jing . . . Ambassador Clarefftoothe jLuce clamped down on State Dep't ; personnel, who send packages to itT. S. for touring friends via APO i (Army Post Office), thus avoiding ! customs' declarations . . . George j Ehglunds expecting. He was production aide on "Mid-Summer"; she's Claris Leachman, Equityite |ra|(%. According to week-end returnee from Europe, John Hustons] j finis. She's Ricky Soma, ex-dan- icer and daughter of Tony Soma, j B'way fooniface . . . Frank Sennes, B'way booker who peddles talent to cafes, advertises himself as "the J man who saved nightclubs from ithe curse of dance teams!" Lenny Lathrop, Latin Qaurter cutie, squired by Jimmy Saun- der?·, crooner -^^^ Paulette' Goddard ,who appreciates value of money, clanged her mind about Europe' when film bid came along. Mter brief holiday in M'hattan, returned to Coast, where she'll collect over $100,- 000 for starring in 'Jezebel." Erich Remarque visits her in June . . . Al Wooleys parented a daughter. BothVjNBC staffers, she being Dalpha Fasken. Howard Hughes selling Santa $lonica -(Calif.) plant to Lockheed for 35 million? . . :. Folding of "Fourposter" ended Sylvia Si&ney-Romney Brent romance .. Irony in "Rose Tattoo" veto by Italian censors. '?√ß'- Tennessee Williams conceived play in Italy Anna Magnani, Italy's top star . . . Phil Ammidpwnsantici- pa'te their second in September. HeV social and solvent . Harold Gary, of "Man Against Crime," and.Evelyn Karlsen, also TV thesp, serious . . . "Wonderful Town" playing to weekly profit of $11,000. And wonderful Rosalind Russell ratea^^Jw: cent of gross, about $5pJ00 pe| . . . S#bt to lift tabsjor flight, food, lodgings and Ipuor wher/ B'way newsmen desc^id for Bankhead's bi&ro bow di Sands, _ms Vegas. But won't/ TffKrerwrite casino! amusements". . . Gale Storm and| Gail RobjSns cached by Eddie! Gale. Lopa WtmmMkt Jack Durante "trans-Atlantic calls to Pafe ^Taylor, London loVely. She's J$>?f Jack Hylton, j British producer J? . .Three of B*Wfty's Wj&s&s "successful com- _Mr^Bily-.Meets Girl," "Once ||$J|a'' Lifetime," "Twentieth | jjKa&j*.^'?╟÷to be converted into ' inusicals ^|i Sheila Simpson, heiress, weds Lieut. Robert Kas- satt, pf prominent Penn. family, soon as he returns from Korea .. . Coastite's capsule criticism <k Christine's act: "Loved him, hated her!" ' _ _+ ""(Florida Clipping Service, Tampa) Palm Beach Times (W. Palm Beach) FLORIDA Tfike A Look fit Las Vegas Casino Lif?║\ By BOB THOM^fl | LAS VEGAS, Nev. UPP^Thir] mst Ibe what the gold rush waRlike.l You walk into any resort' -hotels at 2 o'clock in the morningf and jthe joint is jumping. The casino] is noisy with the clink-of silver dollars, the shouts of the lucky players and the moans of the los- jers. , Each week end an estimated 25,000 to 30,000 citizens, the majority ;from booming Southern California, crowd into this glittering town, doubling its population. The pleasure seekers or suckers?╟÷according to which view you take- sleep in. hotels, motels or their own cars. Some don't sleep, at all. They stand at the tables all night, transfixed by the frbjicking dice. As in the gold rush days, entertainment is an important commod- fity in "the gambling halls. Stars of Broadway and Hollywood serve as I the highest paid shills in the world, j Shill: a person hired to stimulate gambling. You may have heard of some of . the fantastic figures paid to entertainers by the Las Vegas hotels. Some are inflated by a press, agent's pipe dream; others are (fantastically true. Insiders here believe that the $25,000 ' weekly ! figure announced for Betty Hutton lis close to reality. ; "She might be worth that," said lone operator. "But only she and a few others would be. The rest get \ around a third of her figure, which jjis an excellent salary for a week's work of an hour or two a night." Others are angry at the publicizing of such figures. "When you announce that youire paying Betty Hutton 25 G's," said one talent buyer, "how are y|u going to hire Tony Martin for what you paid him last time? "Sices are gettiftg out of hand. Whe|| yott hire a star for 25 G's, yourpvhole show will run around $40,000. You can't hope to show a profit." But most of the others don't seemS|tp worry. They keep on hiring th^best names available at the highest prices necessary. They hope that-the gambling tables will assum^ any lossJ3pn&he nigM-clubs, and they generally.'%i$jj?·:. '* Here's an example of the^kind of headliners are Ed^3^tfolobt the Sahara^ Jane JMyteft] Desert Inn; Joe ^ Jff ?╟≤*""" ??y^-l^a-n rtljojfggas; John Fjjiyne yandr Lou H3lz,*"*^???? mingo; ?√ß?╟≤jjtexjfctjen-- and. S0fis%f the P^ee^^Tmunderbijsdf Liberace ajid^Phil FosteBf^ast Friptier; PelCr Eiihd Hayes and J^^j^ealy, ^Sands^J^^f a 7 But IKiatisn't'all. Each place has Iitwo or tiftee* other, top-flight acts, il plus ?║i?║ht to a dozen girls; most ?╟≤ofjwtiojn could adorn^ajpy-n^azine cover. iV; w "Boeing talent is a M^^che," said ^|fk? show produce^B'.'You not oin|.&ave to ftghtj^M other places^rTgetting the i^^^lKilent; you also have to find ftmeaa that will stimulate betting,-" The>.4best attractions for the heav^p^mblersj|!i^&^ldctiaie nitery ^& like J^fe'lfc. Bewis and Sophi^ftijjker. Oddty?s(g??5u:'gh, Bob Crosby]^ engagelri^^wii a stimulus to %he tabl^l^^^he" :-?Θ╝^planation was that the CSr^^jiMve many well-heeled Ari^nqs.'-'%" SpikeU Jon^'-.^;^P'^thers who attract p^-..^|^fy trade are great for dUnnrtTroom business?╟÷"but the patrons emit out through the casino like a sieve." -|^skJ A surprise hit at the Sahara was Lauritz Melehior and his young singers, said to be the best show ever in Las Vegas. Van Johnson was also a big draw at the Sands. cJluen s PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 LOS ANGELEJS San Francisco ^??giand - Seattle Lorp^_|es, Calif News (Cir. D. 209,165) JUN 9 W-flHMH?╜?╜IHlfli8|inf mm0 Gave NEW YdRK Ju?·e 9.-OP)-Tallu- lah Bankhead appreciates the $20,000 a week?╟÷"After all, I've always been about one jump ahead of the sheriff despite all the money I've made in my life" but sh_e. doesn'^feyigag^any more night ^ib ^neagements. TalMjtog ^ver this initial ex- peridraM out ^.^1^ -Vegas, Nevjpller her successful debut thipJ^pri^ Tj[o^fi^wi.."jbfttpfl stage star said she. w^^oth.. thrilled Sm frightened. "^'""?√ß''. ^tt's sr^wMt Mraiii fS^Wnaier- take something like this,v"'snK said. "I doubt if I'll be able to simmer down until I get back home to my country place at Bedford, N. Y. I^IS^^^a" ^n'cottage \ chin mtmSg mm * 2W "lappreciate the A ing *?·> ^old and ga ^m people have ^^ ^^^SA if ^ to give me and the bi additional f^rvings. management of the d sired. 4 to ^ ^^ goilf tt?╜ I just cant wait lor, ^ and P>?╜Kie A chepk with Miss B^ management here, thel Morris office, disclosed. success in Las Vegas \- sulted in night clubs off^ others places but that * dates had been set. Nc* place, of coui'se, can al .?╜20,000 a week salary 1 S-former because only ^a do clubs, have the 3 SOI salaa ^.flavored *^tto \ taWesPOO^ Dissolve te^r&L cold wa- ^\n bot water ,^nprinayon ^"sounds like a lot ofj ^s^^^^S^ for three weeks, doesn't ^ |^ **g^Jlix^^^^ Muhtihgl-on Park, Calif Signal (Or. D. 18,272) MAY 2 8 1953 25SS Graitm iJluen s PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 LOS ANGELES San Francisco Portland - Seattle Chicago, III. Herald American (Cir. 970,397) 953 Shelley "Waters Iff testing, for the May" Wjragif Ttffe . in "Caine Mutiny." ^ 'il_jlK - ?╟≤ Titans- * * * ?√ß'?║&%:?√ß- Donald O'Connor |^p^Jean Coyne (Stanley Done^g^eix), hobnobbing' in .Bevj|jjf^l$ills. Don tells me he'^f ftahning eight weeks of pan^fttne in , England. And he %riight do two television &pw$f?a.s month j next seasonrr- - :Mtt^m John Wayne's Peruvian friend, Pilar Paletteiis divorcing her South Americaii hus-i; band. . . . Wayne has offered wife Esperanza $1$0O a month tax free and ftp-.^125,000: home in Encii^^And :fa& claims he has ^pd $60,OJg worth of bills since their sepa^| ation. ^ 'JM^fr^ - %3 -_}_.&.':,. Now it ^n^Ktold: Bette:' Davis's jawboh^^ais ;;?√ß sin^iH into her 1iij^Ep)efore theys removed iwd inches of bone.. The docta%rsaYthiat she'U be/ okeh in th^|^months?╟÷but If could be 9, y^at before she ca??- return to ,^K|_^^_i_|_S_^'--i||r. | Tallulah BankiM^'bfjfit'+f,. bad case, of shifig^^P^;jfp< fore her deadlineVjtfeha,^^^^ in Las Vegas. Wben s<^ieone asked her, i'why are you doing ja night-club act?" She i^e- ! plied, "strictly for the mopeyV -Whe ?√ß&$$$& 4tIn ArJen? DsWs bedr^biiststh^fe's a photo bfleniarwo iStibas at the age jof $W Tta WsT"kailwna^g clothes. 3^^ im : Redifel>on's deal Witr QBS^m* round $1^)?? P61 Iqjdetta Q# Parsons Balierina Tcherina to Knarry in Paris -h \ ?? ^Y LOUELLA O. PARSONS * International News Servlc* Motion Picture Editor. i who seems to be her constant escort. _ff^%- If you're asking ..whatever became of tfeaime MacDonald, 'the girl who followed Peter Lawford to Hollywood from | Honolulu, I can tell you. Sh.ei&?^^^^?|li^dc in Honolulu ?╟≤ following an eye operation. Jepm^gfi??Jjere^lte|jt February . an(i her friends are just now^^ingr-fre-m^H^. ^k . I j ' t ?√ß' Congratulations tojfe^ine Snd Carl S^rpeder\n thifir ?╜^ond wedding anniafflaryT Carl, westera^editor of |dod|Jpk Screen, celebrating al^he Shndf. jji L-as J^gg^s. |*^^ over-thQ lpng'distl!l^te|^^^|^ Ettij^er ?║M xhe of the wonderful^thj^^jr^ - ?√ß'?√ß'RUi Howard are having. They invited meW^^ror a weekend, k and I may just "do thati-^tl^f^^S That's all today. See-jpt- tomorrow. Hear louella Parsons Tuesdays at 9 p. m. on WBBM.