The Production Company Audiovisual Collection consists of commercials, advertising, and political campaigns from approximately 1965 to 1995 created by The Production Company, a television production company founded by Thomas “Bob” Patrick in Las Vegas, Nevada. The collection consists of primarily 16 mm film and video formats such as VHS, U-Matic, Betacam, open reel, Type C, and quadruplex. The videotapes and films in this collection represent advertising and marketing for hotels and casinos, entertainment companies, politicians, and local businesses located in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Folder of materials from the Mabel Hoggard Papers (MS-00565) -- Personal papers file. This folder contains greeting cards, postcards, letters, and invitations from friends, family, and some organizations.
The Joseph "Wingy" Manone Papers (1934-1996) include a partial draft of his autobiography, newspaper clippings, correspondence, magazine articles, and press releases related to his musical career. Manone also wrote music, some of which is included in the collection.
The E.P. Carville Scrapbook (1941) compiled by former Nevada Assemblyman H.E. Hazard documents Carville's governorship of Nevada. It contains articles from a number of Nevada newspapers on topics including the Rio Tinto mine strike, mining, gasoline and liquor taxes, Civil Defense activities, and other issues of importance in 1941.
The International Association of Gaming Attorneys (IAGA) collection is comprised of materials collected from various corporations and casinos in Nevada and New Jersey, ranging from 1977 to 1986. There are a wide array of documents including: gaming license applications from corporations in Nevada and New Jersey, copies of casino control acts from New Jersey, gaming publications, gaming-conference proceedings, gaming commission reports, newsletters and correspondence of the National Association of Gaming Attorneys (NAGA).