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uac000758. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President MINUTES SENATE MEETING 24-03 MOYER STUDENT UNION ROOM 201 NOVEMBER 17,1993 5:00P.M. I. SENATE PRESIDENT BUD BENNEMAN CALLED THIS MEETING TO ORDER AT 5:04P.M. II. ROLL CALL PRESENT ALLISON, WESLEY AMEND, STEVE BLOCK, PHOEBE BOIXO, STEPHANIE (LATE) CAMPBELL, SHAWNA CHELLINO, NICOLE ELLIOTT, ANTHONY FOX, JAMIE GORDON, PHIL HADDOCK, CHAD HUCK,STEPHEN JOHANNSSON, THELMA MARTIN, JOE MCMILLIN, JODI PIDA, JOHN POBST, HELENE RENTERIA, MERCEDES SCHWARTZ, SCOTT VODRAZKA, JR., WALT III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 24-01 AND 24-02 Senate President Bud Benneman announced that the minutes where out of order due to the Senate Secretary not doing them. Stated that he already spoke to her in regards to the constitution's code of 72 hours after meeting the minutes have to be completed. Asked that the Senators convey their disapproval to her. No Questions. ABSENT POPICK, AARON(UNEXCUSED) SALIBA, BRIAN(EXCUSED) 4505 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 8 9 1 5 4 • (702) 7 3 9 - 3 4 7 7 • FAX ( 7 0 2 ) 597-4606 Page Seven Senate Minutes 24-03 IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS Senate President Bud Benneman announced that the senate hand books are finished and can be picked up in the senate chambers after the meeting. These are your books, he stated, write in them and keep them with you. It will have a number so you will know it is your book. Any question regarding the books please don't hesitate to contact me at my office. V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS Point of Information Senate President Bud Benneman please have anything you need on the agenda to me by Monday, due to the holiday the agenda needs to be posted by Tuesday at 9:00a.m. Please put information in the yellow folder on the Senate Secretary desk. A. Senate Committee Reports Ways and Means Chair Senator Martin states no announcements, but please let him know if anyone is interested in sitting on the board. Rules Committee Chair Senator Amend states no announcements, please let him know if would be interested in setting on the Rules board. Constitution Revision Committee Chair Senator Martin states no announcements. Bylaws Committee Chair Gordon announced that the Bylaws board needs to be filled as soon as possible, please contact me if you are interested in being on the board. 1. Nomination/Election of the Senate President Pro-Tempore (nominations are closed at this time) Senator Martin and Senator Pida have been nominated. MOTION by Senator Block to talk for two minutes, unlimited question and answer, and roll call vote. SECOND by Senator Schwartz. DISCUSSION on the motion none Page Three Senate Minutes 24-03 VOTE on motion 18-0-0 motion carried a. Senator Martin announced that he was approached previously about Pro-Tempore. He stated that he enjoy the senate. Qualifications for Pro-Tempore are; Chair of the Way and Means committee, his work with the the E & P committee, he has also chaired on another committees. Stated that the Constitution Revision Committee is basicaly a weekend commitment and that he will have the time needed to devote to this possition. In regards to the Ways and Means he feel that all the kinks are already worked out and it is running smoothly. Pro- Tempore needs to be a person that other senators can turn to and feel comfortable with. QUESTIONS none b. Senator Pida announced that he already had the opportunity to speak with most of the Senators. He telephoned them last night to talk with them to avoid a long drawn out meeting. That is a reflection of his personality. Pro-Tempore he feels needs to know each individual and people need to be comfortable with the Pro-Tempore. Stated that his experience in the military has given him discipline. Stated that he is not a expert in the Robert Rule of Order, but that it will always be available. He feels that he has a great repore with the E-Board. Stated that Willie will be hard to replace. QUESTIONS none ROLL CALL VOTE Senator Pida 9, Senator Martin 4, with 5 abstentions B. Executive Committee Reports Danielle Rapuano Office of Student Information stated she is working on a new student government brochure. State that she would like all the Senators to be on the front of the brochure wearing tee-shirts on December 1, front of fine and performing arts building by the fountain. QUESTIONS none Nevada Student Affairs Pat Smith, David Turner speaks for him. Pat could not be here. Stated his apology to Joel Kostman for not having a copy of report for him yet. He gave information on the review of UNLV's programs. This year all three programs that where reviewed got great ratings. Stated that most schools Page Seven Senate Minutes 24-03 didn't have many new programs because of funding problems. He said that the administration would like to stream line the review procedure because it alone cost a lot of money. Answered questions regarding the key chains, Turner stated that he had no information on the key chains but that Pat asked for them to be tabled. Senator Boixo Arrives 5:29 Organizations Board Ed Marshell announced that he would be giving gifts to Senators from the Comdex convention if they would go to a meeting he would be having. Stated that for the record, Basketball tickets will be available for the four home games (winter session) on December 2, 1993 and that for the rest of the season tickets will be available on January 19,1994. Stated he is trying to get things arranged for students to camp out for tickets. Lotto for tickets will be held on Tuesday for school organizations. Answered questions stating that ID's are required by Thomas and Mack because they need to know who will be in what seats. Marshal stated that no exhibition game tickets will be available to the students. Answered question about whether the athletic department is agreeing with student government on the tickets. Stated that they were not. Announced the end of their association with Shawn Roach who helped with the Thunder tickets and organizing student day at Thunder, this is due to a mis-understanding. Senator Boixo stated that she felt it was unnecessary to put blame on Mr. Roach and that the mis-understanding mite of been between the Thomas and Mack employees and executives in charge of the noise contest. Marshal stated that the problem was with the noise makers and with the Thomas and Mack employees confronting UNLV students for making too much noise. The award for noise making subsequently went to the ski club. Mike Alloyian elections Board Director announced that he had nothing to announce, but asked that if students didn't have anything to do Saturday they should consider going to the foot ball game at 1:00 to give their support, since this could be the last game they have. Resident Hall Liaison Jason Weber stated that he didn't have any official report.. Business Manager Lori Synder excused ( Page Seven Senate Minutes 24-03 KUNV Suzanne Weis announced that the radio station has been cited as a station that people listen to for arts & culture. Senator Pobst asked how she was doing in finding a director and how she liked working the job, stated she was having a good time working the job and a hard time getting good resumes for the director position. 1. Nomination/Election of the Faculty Senate Committee Student Representative to the General Education Committee. (Nominations are closed at this time) a. Phoebe Block b. Jamie Fox MOTION by Senator Schwartz to speak for two minutes, question/answer, roll call SECOND by Senator Martin VOTE on Motion 19-0-0 Senator Block withdraws from nomination Senator Fox States that she fairly knows what is involved in this position, but feels very confident in her ability. Roll Call Vote Senator Fox 15 with 4 abstentions. 2. Nominations/Elections to the Faculty Senate Committee Student Representatives to the Grievance Committee. 3 Seats Open Nominations are closed at this time. Senator Amend withdraws at this time. MOTION by Senator Pobst to allow two minutes, question/ answer, roll call vote SECOND Senator Allison. Senator Vodrazka states that he has dealt with grievances believes that one must be open minded, look at all the evidence, keep a good repore with faculty. Senator Boixo speaks on Senator Popicks behave, she stated that he wants this position, and is very open minded. Stated that he would be a valubal member to the committee. Senator Johannsson Stated that she has training with law enforcement, one needs an objective opinion, she worked Page Seven Senate Minutes 24-03 in legal field also which she feels will be good qualifications. Senator Huck Stated that he felt this would be a good committee for him to be on because he deals with complaints in the dorms on a daily basis. He feels he can work with faculty and feel confident in his ability to do a good job. Senator Pida Stated that he is has a good ability to speak with the faculty, students need to be represented in this committee. Roll Call Vote (vote for three) Senator Vodrazka 15, Senator Popick 6, Senator Johannsson 14, Senator Huck 7, Senator Pida 4 and 11 abstentions. VI. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of $70.00 for the collegiate honors Council out of the 2704 Organizations Board Account. Motion to approve by Senator Boixo Second by Senator Fox. Discussion Senator Boixo supports it, Senator Martin states that the money is for events. Vote on motion to approve item A 19-0-0 motion passes B. Approval of $500.00 for The Political Economy Club out of the 2704 Organizations Board Account. Motion to approve Senator Boixo Second by Senator Block Discussion right side of room receives their papers on this item. Senator Pobst states her approval of item. Vote on motion to approve item B, 17-2-0 motion passes C. Approval of $1,000.00 for the purchase of a minimum of 100 preprinted key chains to promote safety awareness out of the 2711 Nevada Student Affairs Account. Motion to postpone by Senator Haddock, Second by Senator Allison. Vote 11 -7-1 carries to December 1, 1993. Page Seven Senate Minutes 24-03 D. Approval of $199.00 to purchase software for the office computer. Page Maker retails for $895.00 will be used to produce the OSI page on the office computer. Funding to come out of the 2708 Office Of Student Information Account. Motion to approve by Senator Amend, Second by Senator Johannsson. Discussion President Joel Kostman States that the software will be used to create brochures, OSI page and flyers which will save students money by allowing those things to be done in the office instead of going to other places that charge a fee of the use of their programs. Vote 19-0-0 Carries E. Approval of allowing the Executive Board to make expenditures up to $500.00. This is per the CSUN Constitution Article VI Section C number 4 part F. Motion to approve by Senator Pobst Second by Senator Vodrazka. Discussion President Joel Kostman elaborates on what the money will be used for in student government. Kostman stated that it is for purchases under $500.00, which will save time, and will be used for things like pens, office supplies, anything that is under $500.00. Stated that all purchases go on a report through the business office which all senators have access to. Senate President Bud Benneman states that all contracted items will still go through the Senate. Stated also that the Senate has the power to revoke it, if they will necessary. Senator Pobst states that the money usually come from specific accounts. Senator Elliott asked about who had the power to authorize, Kostman Stated that it takes two signatures form different executive board and the CSUN business managers signature. Senate President Bud Benneman states that it does go through a check and balance procedure. Vote on Motion to approve item E, 17-0-2 motion approved. VII. OPEN DISCUSSION Senator Haddock stated he would like to express his concern with the meeting change date for the new semester. Senator Elloit apologized for leaving early last week. Page Seven Senate Minutes 24-03 Senator Gordon stated that students should show their support with the Rebels Sports. Senator Schwartz congratulates Senator Pida, and other Senators who were approved. Senator Fox Congratulated Senators, stated that Sunday would be Sleepless in Seattle. Senator Chellino Congratulations to all Senators. Senator Johannsson Thanked everyone for approving her, enjoyed meeting today. Senator Amend no comment Senator Renteria Congratulated approved Senators, and wished good luck to all of them. Senator Vodrazka yields the floor to Former Senator Alan Kandcer, stated that he needed the Senate and Executive boards help in representing students at a meeting in regards to student insurance. Senator Pida stated that reports are available on the E-Boards spending, review it if you have any questions. Senator Huck Congratulated Senators approved. Senator McMillin Congratulated Senators approved, and asked senators to come by a bake sale at the engineering building. Senator Martin Congratulated Senators approved, stated that it was a good idea to postpone the key chains. Senator Boixo Stated that please get a hold of her if interested in being on her committee. Sorry she was late, disappointed that more questions weren't asked to the pro-tempore candidates before the vote. Senator Allison no comment Senator Pobst congratulated senators approved, stated that senators need to do homework on issues that the senators will face. Page Seven Senate Minutes 24-03 President Kostman Congratulated senators. Needs to see all senators tonight regarding Board of Regents meeting. Stated that they have destroyed the football team and made near impossible job of coaching. Stated that he needs people to volunteer for the softball team that will play against the Rebel Yell, game will be in two or three weeks, also stated that theRebel Yell owes Student Government a BBQ. Senate President Bud Benneman Congratulations to Senator Pida needs people to represent the committee's soon, to represent students. Students have a powerful voice. Will be a list of Committee Chairs sent out, new lists with committee members names will be available. Please get information needed on the agenda from December 1, 1993 meeting before Tuesday. Come in office and talk about agenda, one on one. Do some research on the items. Vote as individuals not as what others agree on, keep students first. Stated that people that put down fraternity's on campus have never been in one. Please get information for committees so they can be posted on agenda. Stated that the constitution needs to be changed, very important that those students get represented. VIII. ADJOURNMENT Motion to Adjourn by Senator Pobst Second by Senator Huck. Vote to Adjourn 19-0-0 carries at 6:35p.m. Bud Benneman Debra Planells BB/dp