Recommendation to place additional bands on the pipeline since loose bands and certain repairs cause leaking in new locations.
General Counsel recommends an examination of the water rights and water properties embraced in the mortgage, and an examination of the title deeds before the railroad company makes any real estate decisions.
Letter accompanying a report from the Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific for Las Vegas.
Las Vegas Land and Water Company firmly refuses to extend water lines past Las Vegas city limits for fire protection due to insufficient amounts of water in the artesian channel
Comparison of population, water revenue, and service connections for 1941 and 1942
Detailed costs for operating pumps for irrigation on the Craig Ranch in 1950
With the completion of a new well near the springs, the Las Vegas Land and Water Co. was going to use the water from one of the springs for irrigation.
The water shortage was causing concern for the railroad because low water levels caused the well to spew sand which was very bad for the trains. A new well was needed to increase supply of water.
Details some of the struggles the Las Vegas Land and Water Co. was having in an attempt to increase production in the midst of a water shortage.
Walter Bracken asking for permission to fill in the swimming pool and use the company drag line to clean out the ditch to the Las Vegas Ranch so overflow could be used by the lesee rather than go to waste.