Letter from Reinhardt requesting to the Nevada Public Service Commission clarification on some figures found in the attached report regarding water production. Chart showing Las Vegas monthly production and consumption of water for 1945, 1946 and 1947.
The spring on the ranch had slowed to the point where livestock could not be supported. Bracken recommended that the Las Vegas Land and Water Company drill a well or permit Wittwer to do so.
Bracken telling Jeffers that the Stewarts were seeking financial gain from the railroad company, yet something needed be done to supply them with water. He gave three possible solutions. A copy of Stewart heirs' letter is referenced below.
When applying for a permit for the water from the new artesian well they needed to be careful not to apply for more than the actual flow, minus the amount of water needed for other purposes. Letter also refers to Mr. Drew and Mr. Perkins.
The city could purchase the water company, but not by condemnation except for cause.
Summary of latest water crisis with the recommendations of Commissioner Williams to correct it.
An inspection of the pipeline showed that in many places, the asphalt was coming off the pipe and there were quite a few leaks. Maintenance would allow it to last perhaps a year longer, but then it would need to be replaced.