Three year old vineyard in Las Vegas, Nevada. Caption: "Las Vegas and Clark County Nevada. With the compliments of Las Vegas, Nevada Chamber of Commerce, Las Vegas, Nevada." Negative image.
From the Fedora Bontempi Simpkin Photograph Collection (PH-00239). From left to right is David London, Marie Ripps (Clark County Mother of the Year), and Fedora Bontempi at the Flamingo Hotel, 1971.
From the Fedora Bontempi Simpkin Photograph Collection (PH-00239). From left to right is David London, Marie Ripps (Clark County Mother of the Year), and Fedora Bontempi at the Flamingo Hotel, 1971.
Handwritten description provided on back of image: "Fifteen year pin to Firestone by Cashman." Autograph on the front of the image reads: "To Jim Cashman with kindest personal regards - Leonard V. Firestone. July 30, 1946."
A postcard illustrating a man playing poker while holding a woman's hand with the caption, "If I'd Have Held This Hand Ten Years Ago-I'd Have A------'Full House' Now!" Inscription on back.