Telegram informing Bracken that Union Pacific Railroad President Jeffers had approved the drilling of a well on the Las Vegas Ranch.
Letter accompanying the agreements with the Las Vegas Land and Water Company and the drilling company.
Letter confirming details regarding the drilling of a new well at the Las Vegas Ranch.
Cost estimate for a new well on the Las Vegas Ranch.
Transcribed Notes: Page is annotated with additional numbers and calculations
Letter informing Wittwer that he was responsible for laying pipe to direct the new water from the new well.
Engineering department work order detailing work to be done and estimate for new well on the Las Vegas Ranch.
Letter stating status of the work and cost of well drilling on the Las Vegas Ranch.
Actual newspaper article reporting the completion of a well on North Fifth Street, opposite the Las Vegas Ranch. The well was to supplement water supplied by the Las Vegas creek and a spring to the ranch for domestic and dairy purposes.