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Archival Collections

Identifier Title Collection Dates Extent
MS-01170 Jack Kent Tillar Papers 1890 to 2010 31.06 Cubic Feet (47 boxes), 28.00 Linear Feet
MS-01168 Art Wolf Professional Papers 1988 to 2018 6.30 Cubic Feet (11 boxes), 5.67 Linear Feet, 2,827 digital_files (3.340 GB) data, dll, dmb, dxr, exe, htm, ico, inf, lib, lst, mmm, mov, mp3, pdf, pfb, pfm, reg, rsrc, shlib, txt, x32
UA-00145 UNLV Athletics Programs and Memorabilia Collection 1974 to 2002 5.87 Cubic Feet (7 boxes, 1 unboxed item, 1 oversized box), 5.89 Linear Feet
MS-01169 Christie Young Collection of Las Vegas Show Programs 1971 to 2023 1.28 Cubic Feet (2 boxes), 1.08 Linear Feet
MS-01150 Babe Pier Papers 1962 to 2012 4.03 Cubic Feet (4 boxes, 1 oversized box), 4.86 Linear Feet, 297 digital_files (2.750 GB) JPG, M4V, MP3
MS-01165 Dan Lovil Audiovisual Collection 1970 to 2000 2.59 Cubic Feet (4 boxes), 2.17 Linear Feet
MS-01167 Las Vegas Television Viewer Reports and Programming Guides 1955 to 1982 2.17 Cubic Feet (4 boxes), 1.84 Linear Feet
MS-01166 George Petri Collection 1977 to 2010 5.19 Cubic Feet (5 boxes, 2 oversized boxes), 5.14 Linear Feet
MS-01164 Michael Circuit Menu Collection 1989 to 2019 37.79 Cubic Feet (46 boxes, 8 oversized boxes), 37.30 Linear Feet
UA-00143 UNLV Public Lands Institute Records 1946 to 2017 30.54 Cubic Feet (41 boxes, 6 oversized box, and 2 rolls), 27.22 Linear Feet, 49 digital_files (13.500 GB) MP4, MOV
MS-01163 Las Vegas Jewish Film Festival Records [UNPROCESSED] 1990 to 2023 30.76 Cubic Feet (43 boxes, 18 posters), 27.90 Linear Feet
UA-00144 Nevada Southern Campus Fund Collection 1955 0.66 Cubic Feet (1 oversized box), 1.35 Linear Feet
PH-00457 Alan Byron Olson Photographs 1933 0.02 Cubic Feet (1 box), 0.25 Linear Feet, 102 digital_files (0.890 GB) JPG
PH-00456 Ray Tutaj Jr. and Harv Kahn Photographs 1990 to 2009 0.73 Cubic Feet (2 boxes), 1.17 Linear Feet, 4864 digital_files (13.937 GB) JPG, MP4, PDF/A, GIF
MS-01145 Charley Henchis Papers 1945 to 1987 17.46 Cubic Feet (22 boxes, 7 oversized boxes, 3 flat files), 14.35 Linear Feet
MS-01130 Scott Rayer Collection of Television Programs about Las Vegas, Nevada 1988 to 2023 410 digital_files (1,230.000 GB) JPG, MP4
MS-01162 Brian Gross Professional Papers 2000 to 2021 9.68 Cubic Feet (14 boxes, 1 oversized box, 1 flat file), 10.96 Linear Feet
PH-00455 Roy Baugher Photograph Collection 1965 to 1979 0.19 Cubic Feet (1 box), 0.21 Linear Feet, 1 digital_files (0.244 GB) MP4
MS-01161 Women of Diversity Productions, Inc. Records 1920 to 2018 12.80 Cubic Feet (17 boxes, 7 oversized boxes), 12.94 Linear Feet, 85 digital_files (0.352 GB) EXE, GIF, JPEG, JPG, M4V, MDI, MOV, PDF/A, PICT, PSD
OH-00143 Carole Terry's "Germans in Las Vegas" Oral History Project 2007 2.17 Cubic Feet (4 boxes), 1.87 Linear Feet