The students and principal of Overton High School. Merle Frehner is sitting by the window. The Principal A. E. Jones is standing on the left. The teachers seated on the right are Lewis E. Rowe and W. J. Flowers.
The Moapa Valley High School Baseball Team. Pitcured L-R: George Perkins, unidentified player, Ralph Leavitt, Monty Thomas [Lamond?], Will McDonald, Clarence McDonald, unidentified player, Charley McDonald, Simon Dave Conger, and unidentified player.
Boy Scout Troop 63, Las Vegas, Nevada. Photo was taken on the Las Vegas High School (LVHS) Buhler memorial Field bleachers. Pictured L-R: front row: Scott Hardy, K. Long. Carl Wollenzien, Walter Long, two unidentified boys, ? Pettiti, Thorn;ey Barnum, unidentified boy. Second row: Merle Frehner, Scout Master; Sam Case, ? Hampton, Channcey Riddle; Leonard Butch Helmiolo; Lee Wittwer; unidentified boy; Lee Dodge; Jack Wollenzier, Assistant Scout Master. Third row: Clark Anderson; Shelby Ostensen; Lynn Peters; Ted Dotson; Allen Bunker; Sam Davis; unidentified boy.
A Frehner on burro, L. Syphus on horse, Sam Reber Harvey, driver; Lee Frehner Harry Gentry Sr. team on right, Harry Gentry Jr., driver. Gentry General Merchandise Store is visible in the background, St. Thomas, Nevada.
J. I. Earl farm, Bunkerville, Nevada, July 20, 1905. (birthdate of M[erle] Frehner). J. I. Earl, standing left, gray derby hat; A[lbert] Frehner, big hat; Hector Bunker, carrying grain scale; Cal or Ace Barnum driver on horse-power.