Report of meeting to discuss and outline, and if possible, form a unit plan of cooperation for the pending flood control program in the Moapa Valley and Meadow Valley Wash.
From the Syphus-Bunker Papers (MS-00169). The folder contains an original handwritten letter, a typed transcription of the same letter, the original envelope with the stamp removed, and a copy of the original letter.
The Six Companies, Inc. Hoover Dam Photograph Collection (1931-1935), consists of approximately 400 black-and-white photographic prints contained in two photograph albums and an additional twenty-one loose black-and-white photographic prints with ten corresponding photographic negatives.
Archival Collection
The Shar Rednour and Jackie Strano Papers on S.I.R. Productions (1981-2015) contain the personal and professional papers of Rednour and Strano, two lesbian filmmakers, writers, and activists from the 1990s until the 2010s. The collection contains the personal papers of both Rednour and Strano, including correspondence between the pair before they married in 2006. The collection also contains the professional files of Rednour and Strano in their capacity as creators of SIR (Sex, Indulgence, and Rock and Roll) Video in 1998. Materials include financial documents, correspondence, scripts and editing notes, crew information, publicity photographs, and direct order forms for S.I.R. Productions. In addition to records on SIR Video, the collection also contains a number of sex-positive and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) publications from the LGBTQ scene in San Francisco, California during the 1990s.
Archival Collection