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Correspondence, Levi Syphus to Sadie George




Creator: Syphus, Levi




This folder is from the "Correspondence" file of the Sadie and Hampton George Papers (MS-00434)

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    man000295. Sadie and Hampton George Papers, 1874-1944. MS-00434. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    Panaca,Nev ada,Sept.24th,3917 Mrs Sadie B.George Los Angeles,Cal. Lear Madam Have had no word from Mr Stewart,since he made the August payment,under the terms of the Magnestite lease,excepting that 1 did hear indirectly of him thro another Los Angles rarpy, to the effect, that there were a couple of par ties, able and willing to advance him the money for the installation of a plant unonjifthe property,providing he would be willing to give them all of the profits from the business until 1 the full sum of the cost of the plant was returned to them*but. that he was standing out for half of the profits. Dont blame him very much,providing he can see a way to do bet ter,but he may loose the lease by holding out to long,and it might be better fur him to ac cept the proffer made than to waite to long and loose out dlltoget her. Under the terms of the lease he should take and remove 1,000 tons of magnesite from the premises before the 1st day of 0ctob<r next,Am informed he has not showed up,and it does not now seem possible that he will be able to do it,by the date named,andtf in that event will have failed in his agreement and the same will * be subject to cancellation. The lease is one ofthose matters that does not permit of being let go slack,because of complications that may arrise unedr It and further,there are one or two defects in the lease,*hat while not Tataljcould cause us some trouble,therefore,if he has not moved the material by Octber first,I am desirous of seeing the present lease cancelld,in order that we may get rid of said defects and get matters in better shape,in the event,that when we hear from him (which we will when he receives the notice) he desires to go on and we than conclude it is desirable to permit him to do so,if he dosent it is better to have the matter cleared up at once so that it will be open for such other opportunities that we may desire to takeadvan^age of. Hereiwth I am enclosing you Notice of forfeiture of lease to be served upon him at the proper time,If you approve the same please/signe,and in any event return the same to me without delay, have not yet taken up th^fcatter with the people at St,Thomas but shall do so iinmediatly,and desire to have the notice In * hand in time ,that al may signe and have it reach him sown after ^he first,if that course is found to be the one considered deiirabc Personally think there is no other course for us,eavem tho he watts to proceed and we desire to have him do sowfcr I want the matter in better shape,which would come through the execution of a new lease. Final lease was executed and delivered,by the salt company, to Bigelow and Main,on the 11th inst.they now have severall teams hawling and expect in the near future to comence the construction of a truck road from the deposit to StThomas,so I am informed by Gentry. Severall wee'ks before the lease was finally closed with them Mr Toland wroje saying he thought it the best thing to do,for which 3 was eery thankful 1. Mother is still seriously ill. Very truly yours StThomas, Nevada, Oc t.. 4tb ,1917 Mrs S.B.George Ijqs Angeles, Ca}. ^ear Madam; As matters developed,I was compelled to come here and meet Stewart,He requested 15 days extehtion of time in which to pay the $1,000 and also to "be relieved of the obligation to take the 1,000 tons of magnesite, everything considered,we concluded it the best thing to do,since there seems to be something to his representatfcns Am now prepareing the new lease,and expect to have bhe same ready within the comming four or five days,and ready fthed$l1000y We are glVelng him unt±11 Nov.1st in which <>o pay I gave him to understand the time had come to demonstrate as well as tak^:,which he seemed quite willing to do,and/ put up the cash for my fare to Los Angeles* and return,to witness the working of their process,and receive facts and figures by way of other demonstrations,It menas a lot of other aditlonal expense for me,and if you have a vacant romm somewhere, that you could stow^ me in while in city,without to greatly shocking your neighbors sense of proprity and irreparebly ruening you reputation,I would &£&$&&$&&&&$ be very glad to escape hotel! bills while there. If he can make good,it means a very great deal to all of us,and we could well afford to be patient and lend him some additional assistance in pu-tting the matter over, because I am satisfied he has the magnesite pen pie of California fighting him,Butit has reached a point where we must know where he is at,and if not as he represents,at the time of his next failure,if it happens,we should quit fooling with him.Unless Mother is taken worse,you will probably (over) see me within the coinming ten days or two weeks.But Mothers conditior* is extreainly critical,and 3 may be called home at, any t,i Mrs Gentry will be with her while I am away. Mrs Sadie B.George 802 East Kensington Road Los Angeles Cal.