Summary of the amount of water used by the railroad, the water company, and for irrigation on the Las Vegas Ranch in 1928 for use in calculating water rates.
Agreement for the railroad to deliver water and power for the water company to sell in Las Vegas. Covering easement to carry water through Railroad Company's water pipelines from Las Vegas Springs, artesian well and other sources to a connection with the pipeline of Las Vegas Land and Water Company in Las Vegas. Contract Audit Number 7322 by Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company
Response for request for information needed to report to the Nevada Public Service Commission regarding electricity used and details of water users and sales in 1929.
General overview of the Las Vegas water situation, covering possible municipal ownership, the Las Vegas Springs, irrigation on the Las Vegas Ranch, and more.
Letter from H. C. Mann discussing Walter Bracken's recommendation to drill a new well to guarantee water for irrigation on the Las Vegas Ranch. Bracken's letter is referenced below.
Paper from notepad listing the number of gallons of water used in 1935 by the water company and the railroad. Information is provided by Johnson, Office Engineer. Typed telephone message from Mr. Johnson, Office Engineer.