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Letter from Walter R. Bracken (Las Vegas) to F. H. Knickerbocker (Los Angeles), April 26, 1933






Recommendation to place additional bands on the pipeline since loose bands and certain repairs cause leaking in new locations.

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Box 13 Folder W23-3-3 LVL&WC (Report of R. G. Greene, Geologist)(re: water situation in LV Valley)


    hln000874. Union Pacific Railroad Collection, 1828-1995. MS-00397. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    Las Vegas, Nevada, April 26. 1933 R-ll Mr. F. H. Knickerbocker, General Manager, Los Angeles, California. Dear air: Referring to your letter January 9. 1933, file 9215-3-3 in reference to the 16-inch wood stave pipe line serving railroad facilities at Las Vegas, and subsequent conversation a few days ago concerning this matter: One day last week, Mr. winn of the water service department was required to repair over one hundred leaks in this line, and it has been only a few weeks prior to that time I had our service man Neeley repair about forty leaks. from close observation I would say that most of these leaks are caused by looseness of the pipe bands, which allows the tongue in the stave to spring a little and when the leaks are repaired with plugs or wedges it eventually only increases the number of leaks at other places along the stave. I realize that Mr. Prater has made examination of this line and did not approve our former recommendation to repair and cover same with dirt on account of the expense and in this I heartily concur, as we have eliminated the fire hazard connected therewith; but really believe that for the preservation of this line each band on the pipe should be tightened and a number of new bands placed thereon where needed. In conversation with Mr. Winn, he concurs with me in this thought, and as an estimate of the time re-quired to to this work, it would take one man possibly two Pipe Line to springs: Mr. Knickerbocker: April 26, 1933 weeks, at a labor coat of seventy to seventy-five dollars. However, I believe that this job could be contracted for much less than that,?possibly forty to fifty dollars, and if done under our supervision, would be equally as good as though it were done by days labor. On account of the increased consumption of water during the summer months, if this work is approved I would suggest that we start it at once, as by the time it is fin-ished the hot weather will likely be on us. will you kindly review the situation with Mr. - Prater and let me have your advice. Yours very truly, Vice President and agent. cc - Mr. B. H. Prater, cc (blind) - Mr. J. E. Winn.