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Report, Revenues, expenses and investments on the water system in Las Vegas, Nevada, February 1927


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Summary of revenues, expenses, losses, and investment of the water company in Las Vegas comparing the periods January-November 1926 and January 1927

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Box 13 Folder W23-3-3 LVL&WC (Report of R. G. Greene, Geologist)(re: water situation in LV Valley)


    hln000869. Union Pacific Railroad Collection, 1828-1995. MS-00397. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    WATER SYSTEM - LAS VEGAS, HEVADA 11 months to Nov.30,1926, 1 month (January) 1927 REVENUES Commercial water sales, 11 Months to Nov. 30. $12,305.09 " " " January 1927 1,138.64 13,443.73 Industrial water sales, to Nov. 30, 209.00 " " " Jan. EXPENSES Taxes, to Nov. 30 472.07 Jan. 1927 48.40 $520.47 Water purchased to Nov. 30, 2200.00 " " to Jan 1927 200.00 2400.00 Supervision to Nov.30 1937.49 " To Jan. 1927 232.67 2170.16 Collections to Nov.30 1407.51 " Jan. 1927 176.19 1583.70 Maintenance To Nov.30 15769.42 " Jan. 1927 2467.21 APPROXIMATE LOSS, 1926 11,239.23 (#) Maintenance includes extraordinary expenditure of $15,733.69 water mains. Summary, excluding this amount: REVENUES - $13,671.73 EXPENSES Total $24910.96 Less Work Order 15733.69 9.177.27 Net ordinary return (estimated) 4,494.46 INVESTMENT Water Mains $20,030.74 Service connections 1,284.11 (excluded ) Return on Investment, about 21% (However, the proposed increase of $3600.00 per year in the charge for water will practically wipe this out).