Born in 1939, Sharon Maurer-Schwartz’s life experiences have traversed a groundbreaking era: she’s a female, Jewish and a married to a Protestant lesbian. This oral history reveals what it has been like for her as she explored her Judaism and recognized her personal identity. Her Judaic foundation began in the Reconstructionist movement in Indianapolis, Indiana. She has never wavered from her religious identity, though she has belonged to various types of synagogues. She and Ande (Edna) Rice, who also participates in this interview, were legally married in California in 2008, but have been together since the 1980s. They raised Sharon’s daughter Julie, pursued careers and moved to Las Vegas in 1999. Ande is a Protestant and the topic of blended religious couples is discussed. Sharon is devoted to her life coaching business – Growth Unlimited – and to helping others.
Folder of materials from the Mabel Hoggard Papers (MS-00565) -- Personal papers file. This folder contains newspaper clippings, jewelry designs, a "Basic Principles of Parliamentary Law and Protocol" booklet by Marguerite Grumme (not digitized in its entirety), event programs (including Las Vegas school graduations and reunions), "Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations" booklet (November 1980), "Black Women: The Unsung Heroines, Black History Week 1979" booklet, and other miscellaneous booklets (not all are digitized in their entirety).