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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, January 1994



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    |. The Reform Synagogue of Las Vegas 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89121, 702/733-6292 Sanford D. Akselrad: Rabbi Bella Feldman: Cantorial Soloist Jacqueline Fleekop: Education Director Dotty Gross: Preschool Director January 1994 - Tevet - Shevat 5754 Gerald Gordon: President Monty E. Willey: Temple Administrator Shirley A. Neale: Bulletin Editor RABBI AKSELRAD TO PRESENT SPECIAL SERMON SERIES Rabbi Sanford Akselrad greeted the new year with a special Sermon series addressing several major religious and spiritual themes. Friday evening December 31st, Rabbi discussed the topic of "Second Chances: Finding Hope in the New Year." This sermon touched upon ways that we can strengthen our faith and our commitment to our religion and family. On the Sabbath of January 7th, Rabbi will discuss "What Happens After We Die?" This sermon will talk about Jewish viewpoints about life after death, and the importance of the ethical legacy that we leave behind. And finally, on the Sabbath of January 14th, Rabbi Akselrad will address the topic "Why Do We Need Organized Religion?" In this sermon misconceptions about the roll of religion in general, and the way that Judaism in particular makes an impact upon the world in which we live. Each of these sermons is intended to touch upon significant themes in Judaism and the special answers that Reform Judaism provides. Additionally during the month of January our Senior Youth Group NTTY, will present a special creative Service on Friday, January 21st. The theme of this year's creative Service will be "Ecology - The Care and Concern of Our Environment." A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!! SCHEDULE OF FRIDAY Shabbat Family Services Friday, January 7th 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Service Special Sermon Series "What Happens After We Die" Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Friday. January 14th 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Service Special Sermon Series "Why Do We Need Organized Religion?" Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood *Fridav. .January 21st 7:30 p.m. Shabbat NTTY Creative Service?The Theme? Ecology. The Care and Concern of our Environment Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood *Friday. January 28th 6:00 p.m. Dinner Grade 4 7:30 Shabbat Service Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood *Babysitting available RABBI AKSELRAD PLANNING CONGREGATIONAL TRIP TO WASHINGTON, D.C. Another Congregational trip is being lead by Rabbi Akselrad and he would like you to come along. Washington, D.C. is the final destination and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is the highlight of the trip which runs from May 12th to May 15th. The Holocaust Museum is more than a museum or memorial to the victims of the not only serves to teach, but it also makes one contemplate, think and to reflect upon one of the worst events in history. The group will stay at the deluxe Holiday Inn Crown Plaza Metro (5-star rated). Admission to the Holocaust Museum is included in the price. The cost of the trip is $1039 for a single, $879 for a double and $809 for a triple. If you are interested in participating please call Judy at 733-6292 or Ken Schnitzer at Your Travel Place- 798-7988. Make your reservations before Feb. 2nd!2 Congregation Ner Tamid | WELCOME ? _________________________________ % NEW MEMBERS | There is a rabbinic admonition often told that suggests the importance of simple, basic acts to beautify and perfect our world. The rabbis asked, "What should one do if they are told, 'hurry...the Messiah has come!'?" The answer, "First, plant a tree, then go and see if the Messiah has come!" The tradition speaks of the skepticism that has greeted Jewish history because of the plethora of "false Messiahs." But it makes another basic and important point. We cannot simply wait for the Messiah nor dream about a Messiah, we must take concrete actions to better the world. And the planting of a tree is a statement of conviction and hope for the future. After all, when a tree is planted, its fruit is for the most part enjoyed not by the present generation, but by the next. The month of January corresponds with the Jewish month of Shevat. January 27th marks Tu B'shevat, Jewish Arbor day. While our religious school students will be finding special ways this year to commemorate this holiday by beautifying the Temple and other areas in the Las Vegas community, as parents we must also set an example. This holiday can easily be observed at home by the planting of trees and flowers in ones own garden. Take this time to speak to your children about the importance of ecology and recycling. These are not just "abstract concepts," but vitally important issues that are of major concern in an increasingly polluted world. And finally, remember the tradition of planting a tree in Israel. The Jewish National Fund has done a tremendous job for decades in revitalizing the land of Israel. Their work should not go unnoticed nor unsupported by any of us. Planting a tree in honor or in memory of a loved one is a wonderful gesture appreciated by everyone. As the secular New Year greets us once again, I want to wish you and yours a very happy and healthy year ahead. May it be filled with good tidings and a loving appreciation of the world in which we live. B'Shalom, Rabbi Sanford Akselrad ATTENTION CONGREGANTS! Rabbi Akselrad makes regular weekly visitations to area hospitals to see members and friends of our congregation. Since there is no notification by hospitals, it is necessary that you notify the Temple office when a member of your family is hospitalized. Please call Judy at 733- 6292 -- so we can better serve you! Lois Kline Dr. and Mrs. Reuben Cohen Michael Mehr and Susan Beddia -Sf fl Study Torah A class meets in Rabbi Akselrad's Study every other Tuesday at 12 noon to discuss how the Torah relates to life today! If you are interested and desire more information, call Rabbi Akselrad at 733-6292 or please call Katherine Scott at 564-0903 THANK G-D IT'S SHABBAS! Remember to support our special Sabbath program to encourage students to attend Sabbath Services. Each Friday night that they attend they should present their special cards to the usher for acknowledgement of attendance. If cards are forgotten simply write a note for your child and have them just present it to the usher the next time that they come. Our goal is to have as many students enjoying Sabbath Services as possible! We need parents to encourage and support this program. Make Friday night, Temple night! | 5E%> Efjo sdjo e5? e^o e^o jAdConereeation Ner Tamid 3 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Another new year is upon us. Most importantly, another year has transpired. I remember as a child how each year (except for the summer) seemed like an eternity. I had no clue as to what adults meant when they said that as I grew older time would pass more quickly. Now, as I state the same truism to my children I encounter the same quizzical look on their faces that must have been on mine. At the beginning of each new year I succumb as do most people, to setting goals for the coming year. It does not matter that at the beginning of each previous year I performed the same ritual, and it is not a deterrent that most of my resolutions and goals remain the same. What is obvious is that while each year begins and ends at a specific moment in time, my hopes and aspirations are not so regulated. Goals are achieved only through constant effort and determination; they are not affected by artificial time constraints. A review of the past year of our Congregational experience should energize and excite us for 1994. We can all take great pride and satisfaction with our successes and accomplishments; the Sanctuary Campaign, providing a quality Jewish education for our children, addressing our senior and young adult membership and enhancing and expanding our programming, among other things. While, on one hand I hope we achieve all of our goals and expectations for 1994, on the other hand, if we don't achieve them all, we won't have to think quite as hard at the beginning of next year in determining our 1995 goals and resolutions. Happy New Year! Jerry Gordon ADMINISTRATOR'S MESSAGE Joining a synagogue is like entering into a covenant, both parties have responsibilities and neither can function properly unless those obligations are met. Worship, education, and sense of community are the goals of every synagogue. Over the past 20 years, the Board of Directors, the Rabbis and staffs have endeavored to provide quality programs and services for our membership. This has been done in a sincere, caring manner with only one request in return ? maximum participation, in all aspects, by the membership. There are numerous ways to be involved in Temple life. Attending services, observing Shabbat, participating in adult education programs, sharing in your child's religious education and reinforcing it at home, supporting the work of the Temple auxiliaries, joining a committee ? the list goes on and on. As we enter a new year, we again must call upon our membership to help us with the financial load that comes with providing the quality of services and programs at Congregation Ner Tamid and for running our Temple. These operational costs cover more than just salary and utilities. All the special programs the Rabbi and Bella create, cost. And these special programs are programs that you as members have asked for. In order for us, the staff at Congregation Ner Tamid, to provide the best possible for you, we need the covenant to be honored by paying any outstanding dues, pledges or balances owed the Temple. If you have any questions regarding your dues or balances owed, please feel free to contact me at 733-6292. In summary, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and yours a happy, healthy and prosperous new year. Monty TEMPLE BOARD Jerry Gordon PRESIDENT Alan Mann VICE PRESIDENT, ADMINISTRATION Stephen Joseph VICE PRESIDENT, WAYS & MEANS Lois Doctors VICE PRESIDENT, MEMBERSHIP Steven Weiss man VICE PRESIDENT, RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES Denise Schnltzer VICE PRESIDENT, EDUCATION Jack Nltzkln TREASURER Paul Cohen, Nadine Cracrafl Roger Ewan, David Gross Debbie Levy, Jerry Polls Stacey Yahraus, Bob Unger Ron Worth TRUSTEES Helen Zllser SISTERHOOD Lenny Gropman BROTHERHOOD Ronae Fink GOLDEN CHAI Judy Kollins NTTY Cal Lewis, Eileen Kollins Kenneth Schnltzer, Dr. David Wasserman Dr. Steve Kollins, Michael Cherry PAST PRESIDENTS Leo Wllner ADVISOR Rabbi Sanford Akselrad EX OFICIO Monty Willey TEMPLE ADMINISTRATOR A very happy and healthy 1994 to every one! c 3 BEAT THE CROWD!!! UAHC CAMP SWIG Is Ready to GO for 1994!!! Pick up a 1994 brochure from the Temple office or UAHC CAMP SWIG 703 Market St., Suite 1300 San Francisco, Ca 94103 SESSIONS FILL FAST!/.' REGISTER TODAY!!!CANTOR'S CORNER HAPPY NEW YEAR! I am happy to report the Chanukah Musical was a great success! We had over three hundred people here at Congregation Ner Tamid to see the show and celebrate Chanukah with us. Everyone enjoyed this experience! Our audience was delighted to hear the original Chanukah music and our Junior Choir loved performing to such a large, receptive group. A great big thank you to the following: Louis Bradfield and Joel Fischman of Bally's for providing professional lighting; TNT and Sisterhood for preparing refreshments for our party and to all the parents for making costumes. Most of all, thank you to all our cast for putting forth so much energy and talent. There is much more music to come in the next year! For the first time, Congregation Ner Tamid will present a series of musical concerts. Dr. Stephen Kollins is graciously underwriting this series in honor of Jewish Music Season, and everyone is in for a treat! Our celebration of Jewish Music will begin during Shabbat services on Friday, February 11th. Lillian Kollar and I will present an entertaining lecture on the history and evolution of the music we sing at our services, with musical illustrations by the Congregation Ner Tamid Choir. Our feature performer in this series, Doug Cotier, is a Grammy Award?winning composer, and an accomplished singer, songwriter and musician. Doug will be performing on Sunday, March 20th, at 7:00 p.m. in our Social Hall. Our second concert will be Sunday, April 24th, at 7:00 p.m. This program will feature oboist Stephen Caplan, Assistant Professor of Oboe at UNLV, and our own pianist Lillian Kollar. Our final program in the series will be Broadway and Pop Favorites by Jewish composers presented by myself and the Ner Tamid Choir. The series will appeal to all types of audiences. It is my goal to expose our Congregation and the entire community to a variety of Jewish music. Details about these performances will follow in my bulletin articles over the next few months. I am very excited about our concert series and look forward to seeing you at each concert. Shalom, Bella USHERS FOR THE WEEK 1ST WEEK OF THE MONTH Arthur Rachild & Joe Schwartz 2ND WEEK OF THE MONTH Lennie Gropman, Burton Rosenberg & Doug Stadt 3RD WEEK OF THE MONTH Jack Nitzkin, Burton Rosenberg & Doug Stadt 4TH WEEK OF THE MONTH Joe Fink, Max Blumenfeld & Doug Stadt 5TH WEEK OF THE MONTH (If there is one) Joe Schwartz & Arthur Rachild REMINDER!!! RABBI AKSELRAD SENT OUT LETTERS IN MID-DECEMBER TO FAMILIES CELEBRATING A BAR OR BAT MITVAH IN 1995. BAR/BAT MITZVAH DATE REQUESTS MUST BE TURNED INTO THE OFFICE BY JANUARY 10TH. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS REGARDING SETTING A DATE. PLEASE CALL RABBI AKSELRAD AT 733-6292 OR REQUEST TO TALK TO JUDY. RABBI'S SECRETARY C1AAAAA/Conereeation Ner Tamid <\ EDUCATION DIRECTOR?S COMMENTS M. B. Dalitz Religious School Happy New Year!!! This new year is fresh and full of hopes, dreams, and plans. Our school has had a few months which permitted new ideas and changes to take place. Now that we have our feet wet, we are ready to go forward with heightened enthusiasm for the remainder of the school year. Plans are already being made for the next school year. Calendars and events must be planned well in advance prior to the start of the school year. If you have ideas or suggestions that might be of interest to our students, please contact Jackie at 369-8699, Denise Schnitzer at 435-1617, or Gale Husney at 435-7961. Become part of the support team! We will be having school on January 16th. and plan to have a special program pertaining to Black/Jewish relations. Also in January?our annual Passover Candy Sale will take place. (The Holidays are earlier that you think this year). Passover begins March 26th. If you wish to purchase candy and do not have a child in our school, contact Jackie. Speaking of holidays, if you told me, or perhaps someone else that you would like to help with the Purim Carnival, please make sure that your name is on the sheet in the school office so that you will be contacted regarding this matter. During this busy month of January, we celebrate a delightful holiday called Tu B'Shevat. Tu B'Shevat is known as "The New Year for the Trees." It marks the beginning of the spring planting of fruit trees in Israel. During this holiday, we plant or give trees and shrubs to be planted. We also donate money for trees to be bought and then planted in Israel. Students at Congregation Ner Tamid will be making and donating planter pots for area shelters and nursing homes. Once again, we will be reminding our students that we are part of a family, a religious community, and a secular community. Remember?holidays are to be experienced as well as shared. Enjoy a fruit salad and give thanks for the trees that gave us their fruit during January. Have a good month! Jackie Fleekop Director of Education Time to Return to SCHOOL! First days of classes Tuesday, Jan 4th, Thursday, Jan 6th and, SUNDAY PROGRAMS WILL RESUME JAN. 9th PLEASE HELP SUPPORT OUR GROWING LIBRARY! ON YOUR CHILD'S BIRTHDAY, A DONATION OF A BOOK IN HIS OR HER HONOR WOULD BE A WONDERFUL REMEMBERANCE! HOW ABOUT LENDING A HAND WITH OUR UPCOMING 1994 PURIM CARNIVAL We want to make this one the best ever! With your help we can make this possible, with Congregation Ner Tamid youngsters predominating!. PLEASE CONTACT JACKIE AT 733-6292 We need your help in making our School Carnival a success! TWO ANNE FRANK EXHIBITS AT UNLV Two Anne Frank traveling exhibits will be open to the public beginning January 25th and will run through February 18th. They will be housed at the Majorie Barrick Museum of Natural History, located on the campus of University of Nevada. The exhibits are free to the public and will be accompanied by weekly forums featuring authors, scholars, photo journalists and students affording the community the opportunity to discuss their reactions to the exhibit. What About Today: The Ugly Face of Nationalism, looks closely at the rapid rise in ultra nationalism in Europe and the resulting violence caused by people against people movements. Startling parallels are drawn between actions taking place today and the tragic history of the 1930's. Alicia Appleman Jurman, a holocaust survivor and author, will be the featured speaker for the opening reception. In the exhibits, the faces of individual people and their families reach out to show how their lives have been effected by discrimination and prejudice. "The end of the cold war has in one sense made the world a safer place, but in another a much more dangerous place because of resurgent nationalism unchecked by super power domination," states Phyllis Darling, Social Studies Specialist for Clark County School District. "This exhibit encourages people to reflect on the dangers of nationalism in our world." Please contact the National Conference at 739-6225 for information. These exhibits are a "must see" and well worth your time!6 Congregation Ner Tamid Reform Judaism's Second Annual G LEGE G ONVENTION March 10-13,1994 FALLSVIEW HOTEL, Ellsnville, NY (90 minutes from NYC) Join hundreds of college students from across North America for three unforgettable days of: Thought Provoking Workshops ? Reform Judaism, visions for the 21st century ? Israel, Peace in the Middle East New hopes, New challenges ? Social Justice and Reform Judaism ? Exciting Jewish learning - Study with scholars from the Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion Fun & Frienship: ? Full use of all of the hotel's recreational facilities ? 1/2 day slci trip available For an application please contact UAHC College Department PO Box 443 f|J^ Warwick, NY 10990 (914) 987-6300 * TP ARE YOU INTERESTED IN TEACHING OR PARTICIPATING IN A "MOMMY (OR DADDY) AND ME" PROGRAM THIS GROUP WILL INCLUDE AGES 18 MONTHS TO 2 1/2 YEARS OLD PLEASE CALL DOTTY GROSS AT CONGREGATION NER TAMID 733-6292 NEWS FROM PRESCHOOL Congregation Ner Tamid had a wonderful time celebrating Chanukah in December. Bella taught us many new Chanukah songs, and Rabbi Akselrad told us a story of the Holiday miracle. Ronae Fink, our storyteller Grandma, came to read us a wonderful Chanukah story. On December 10, we had our own Chanukah party, complete with latkes made by Sandy and Megan Stolberg. We would like to thank all the parents who contributed food and other items to our celebration The children had a special treat on December 17th, our last day before winter break. On that day Aladdin and Jasmine came to visit us. The staff and children would like to thank Spencer Aguiar and his parents Curtis and Karen, for providing this special event for us. Please remember that CNT preschool now offers a three or five day program. Children range from age 3 to 5 years old. We are now opening our five day program to three year olds. The staff and children would like to wish everyone a happy, healthy new year! Dotty, Leah and Annette PICTURED ABOVE ARE A FEW OF CONGREGATION NER TAMID'S CLASS OF PRESCHOOLERS DURING THEIR CHANUKAH CELEBRATION. LATKES WERE THE FAVORITES AND RUNNING "NECK-TO-NECK" IN POPULARITY WERE COOKIES IN A GRAND VARIETY. PRESCHOOLERS AND PARENTS HAD A GRAND TIME!JIM BRIDGER MIDDLE SCHOOL HAS JEWISH AMERICAN WEEK Volunteer Opportunities in the Third World Available to YOU Jim Bridger, a middle school made up of students of diverse cultures, celebrated Jewish American Week for December 6th through December 10th, 1993. Each day a brief biography of a successful Jewish American was read over the public address system. Students learned about the contributions of Albert Einstein, Jonas Salk, Irving Berlin, Selman Waksman, Hank Greenberg, Emma Lazarus, Henrietta Szold, and many other famous Jewish Americans. Many teachers implemented activities in their classrooms dealing with art, food, music and literature. In Dr. Block's English class students learned to dance the horah and recite Emma Lazarus's poem, inscribed on the base of the Statue of Liberty. These were presented in the school cafeteria where other students joined in the festivities. It was a joy to see the children holding hands and singing "Hee ney ma tov u may nayim shevet ahim gum ya had" ? "How good it is for brothers to sit together." Throughout the week classes were held on Jewish culture. These activities culminated with the lecture by invited guest Jackie Fleekop, who held the students captivated with her varied stories about Jewish life. She told the Bridger students "Not to forget your roots, because it weakens the tree.? Later Jackie was moved when a student told her that she would always remember those words. Mrs. Naomi Goynes, Vice Principal at Bridger expects the varied cultural programs to continue at Bridger, so that we can continue to share and celebrate our difference while appreciating these things that bind us as humans. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Congratulations, Jackie...rumor has it that your presentation and educational documentary captured and held the interest of your audience! You also received enthusiastic response in audience involvement and participation! You are, without a doubt, a great messenger to spread the word of Judiasm and Jewish culture). A THANK YOU from COMMISSION ON SOCIAL ACTION OF REFORM JUDAISM "We want to thank all the temples and schools that participated in our 'Saying Thank You 8,000 Times' project. We have received nearly 14,000 letters to the Queen of Denmark honoring the 50th anniversary of the rescue of the Danish Jews. This response has been profoundly moving. All types of letters and cards from religious school children poured into our office. We received many letters from adults who were so moved by the children's project and letters that they had to write as well. There were even two public school classes that participated in the project after reading about the Danish rescue. We will be presenting the letters to the Danish Ambassador sometime before the end of the year. In addition, the Embassy has requested the letters ultimately be forwarded to the Danish Resistance Museum. The museum embodies the unparalleled heroic effort carried out in 1943. Many of the children asked for a reply to their letters. No doubt it has been explained to them that sending replies to so many people would be difficult. When we do receive an acknowledgment of the letters, we will send it on to all the temples and schools that participated in this project. In this year of unprecedented prospects for peace, we are grateful too for l> having the opportunity to say thank you for the acts of others who dared to stand up for what was right. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Our very own Social Action Report person, Eileen Kollins, is very active in conjunction with the Commission on Social Action of Reform Judaism). The UAHC is seeking to identify American Jews who would be interested in traveling to Africa and/or Latin America for volunteer service for an average stay of six to eight weeks. These volunteers will serve as participants in the American Jewish World Service's new Jewish Volunteer Corps (JVC), and would be placed with AJWS through the UAHC Jewish Corps of Service. As you may know, the American Jewish World Service is the only national Jewish organization working full time to help alleviate the hunger and despair which is rampant in the Third World. Since 1985, the AJWS has launched dozens of projects aimed at self-sufficiency in some of the poorest countries of the world. Applicants to the Jewish Volunteer Corps should possess skills and experience in one of the following areas: * fundraising/marketing * organizational development * strategic planning * finance and systems * health and education For further information, please write to Glenn Stein, Director of Volunteer Services, at the AJWS office: 15 West 26th St., 9th floor, New York, NY 10010, or call him at (212)682-1161.8 Congregation Ner Tamid SOCIAL ACTION REPORT A big and appreciative thank you to all parents of religious school students who encouraged their children to bring in gifts to distribute to needy children at holiday time. You brought a great deal of happiness to youngsters whose only gift was because you cared. Our committee members also assisted at the Weekend Assistance Emergency Program in preparing food baskets and their distribution during the month of December. It is one of our most important projects. Many of our congregant's children and grandchildren received Chanukah packages at their various campuses throughout the country. Thanks to Sisterhood, Brotherhood and Golden Chai for their support. Projects that are coming up in the future, include a health forum on March 4th, and an ecological Tu B'shevat celebration. We will pass on the details of each of these events as they are finalized. Happy New Year to all of you and thank you again for the wonderful support that you give our many mitzvah projects. Please remember to keep on bringing in the soaps and shampoos. They are always very much appreciated by the various shelters where that are distributed. Eileen Kollins OUTREACH The Committee for Interfaith Families On December 5, 1993, the Outreach Committee, Jewish Family Services and Congregation Ner Tamid sponsored a holiday workshop where Rabbi Akselrad presented background information on the holidays of Chanukah, Tu B'shevat and Purim. Jackie Fleekop, Religious School Principal for Congregation Ner Tamid, conducted a delightful experimental workshop with clever crafts and tasty foods cooked to order. Our next program is tentatively scheduled for February 13, 1994. There will be a discussion on life cycle events. It will be held at Jewish Family Services with Rabbi Akselrad conducting the session. Items discussed at the last meeting of the Outreach Committee included: * A new cover for its brochure * Wrap-up of securing some statistics on interfaith families * A means of identifying and welcoming new interfaith families to the Jewish Community Nadine Cracraft Sue Joseph Mah Jongg CARDS ARE $4.25 EACH. HOLDERS ARE $3.50. TO ORDER, PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO FLORENCE WEINSTEIN 4255 CHANNEL 10 DRIVE #93 LAS VEGAS, NV 89119 MANY THANKS! ?Y4 4 ? y* y.iy*y.4 y& y.i y* y& y* y Brotherhood News At our December 5, 1993 meeting several items were discussed. The fireworks booth to be relocated to Pecos and Flamingo Rds. (Workers requested as needed). A night at the Hockey Game at the Thomas & Mack arena is tentatively set for a Saturday night in February. A mailing will be sent Entertainment books are still available. The price is $30 per book. Call Congregation Ner Tamid for your book orders. Our next meeting, Sunday January 9th, 1994, is at the Temple. We need your input to help plan future activities. Please join us to help Brotherhood grow! Coffee and bagels will be served after the meeting. Sisterhood News m Happy New Year! Sisterhood ^ is now entering the second half of our fiscal year. We are very pleased with the results of the past six months because of several successful events and the fine work of our board members. We now look forward to another happy six months beginning with a general meeting on Jan. 27th. We will have a noon luncheon on that day, and then Rabbi Akselrad will discuss Modern Morality as it relates to Jews. This should lead to quite a healthy discussion, since life styles have changed so much in recent years. Please join us for an unusually interesting and provocative meeting. Debbie McKinnon, our Membership Vice President, is planning to lead a class in parenting beginning in January. She is certified in Adlerian parenting and also is a kindergarten teacher. Her class will be open to all Sisterhood members free of charge. So all you ladies with young children who would like to attend, just join Sisterhood and be our guest. Cont'd. on page 10Congregation Ner Tamid 9 JUNIOR CHOIR PERFORMS TO 'PACKED HOUSE" AUDIENCE It was a tremendous show of talent, excellent coordination and joyous "voice over action" when Congregation Ner Tamid's Junior Choir gave their grandiose performance December 12th at the Temple. All seats were taken and a standing room only crowd hovered around the perimiter of the room. The "frosting on the cake" was the standing ovation that the talented group received at the conclusion of their performance. Compliments galore were received, not only by the Junior Choir, but by the very talented director, Bella Feldman LEOPOLD PAGE OF "SCHINDLER'S LIST" TO SPEAK JANUARY 23RD Steven Spielberg's powerful movie "Schindler's List? was inspired by Leopold Page (Pfefferberg in his earlier life). Leopold Page will be speaking at 7:00 p.m. on January 23rd at Temple Beth Sholom as part of special programs sponsored by the Las Vegas Board of Rabbis, Jewish Federation of Las Vegas and the Governor's Advisory Council on Education Relating to the Holocaust. Page owned a luggage shop in Beverly Hills for 30 years and he told the story of Schindler to any writer or movie type who walked into his store. Finally, in 1980 an Australian novelist Thomas Keneally heard his tale and turned his story into a book which eventually inspired Steven Spielberg's movie, "Schindler's List." Mark your calendar now for this special event. ?H^Iigh School in II I I ISRAEL ?EARN High School credit ?IMMERSE yourself in Jewish history & culture ?LEARN to speak Hebrew ?ENJOY the NFTY campus in Jerusalem ?LIVE with an Israeli family ?ADVENTURE filled touring ?SCHOLARSHIPS available Create a Reform Jewish community with outstanding students from all over North America. For Mere Information Please contact: NFTY in Israel UAHC Youth Division PO Box 443 Warwick, NY 10990 (914) 987-6300 NFTY High School in Israel- Elsendrath International Exchange Fall or Winter/Spring semestersJO Comreeation Ner Tamid Sisterhood...Cont'd. from page 8 We try to have programs to fit every age group and every interest group. Your input is welcome and so are you! The Sisterhood Board extends best wishes to all of you for a happy and healthy new year! Shalom Helen Zliser, President GOLDEN CHAI CALENDAR January 6th - Misfits Dancers January 20th - Phil Levy, Singing & Music February 3rd - ????? February 17th - Rabbi GOLDEN CHAI We ushered the year 1994 with a joyous celebration. Because we are the United States, we celebrated with a multitude of customs. In the month of December, we as Jews, lit Chanukah candles and blew whistles for New Years. Others celebrated Christmas. All saying in their own beautiful way, Peace and Freedom. Why then, do I have this peculiar feeling at the back of my neck? The rustle and whispers are making me uncomfortable. The whispers I hear are fear and hate. The demons are again insisting we learn predjudice. The Russia we knew is no more; boundaries are back almost to the year 1918; churches are now open publicly and people are worshiping in plain view. Where then, is this ugly "mist" coming from? Hate is spreading through the sewers in Poland, Bosnia, Hertzonegovia, Albania, anti-semitism is growing in leaps and bounds from Germany across the old U.S.S.R. As soon as the Wall came down the mist began to surge, to teach hate again. Never it seems to learn from the past; where are the governments to stem the tide? Where are the peoples' voices crying, "No! Never again!" Why are we and our politicians so quiet? Are we really willing to wait until it's too late again? I hear only a whisper - the demons are really winning - Now that is fear! Ronae Fink President TODAH RABAH PARTY SHOP THANK YOU RITA MALKIN AND FRANCES KLAMIAN! THE PARTY SHOP SERVED A PERFECT LUNCH FOR 115 GOLDEN CHAI SENIORS, DEC. 2ND, 1993. THE LUNCHEON WAS DELICIOUS AND SUPERB. THE ROOM SO FESTIVE WITH COLORED CLOTHS AND CENTER PIECES DESIGNED BY GRADES 1 THROUGH 5. THANK YOU JACKIE FLEEKOP AND "COMPANY."