From the Historic Building Survey Photograph Collection (PH-00345). Bertha's Gifts and Home Furnishings, west side view, 896 East Sahara Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada.
A Black Crowned Night Heron is seen next to Lake Sahara, a private pond that gives The Lakes its name. Built in the 1980s, The Lakes is one of the last development's with a manmade lake as its feature. This area is just south of West Sahara Avenue near South Durango Drive. August 29, 2017 UNLV Libraries Special Collections / Aaron Mayes N36 °08.359' x W115 °17.066')
Oversized postcard showing the exteriors of three hotel-casinos in Las Vegas, Nevada: the Dunes, featuring its "genie" statue; the El Rancho, with its "windmill" sign; and the Sahara, with plaster camels and its marquee advertising entertainer Dan Dailey. Caption: "Shootin' the works on the Vegas Strip." Site Name: El Rancho Hotel (Las Vegas, Nev.); Sahara Hotel and Casino; Dunes Hotel and Casino (Las Vegas, Nev.)