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University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

Freeman company PUBLIC RELATIONS XjL | J 8/19 \ Jack REPORT ON WORK DONS IN LOS ANGELES WEEK OF AUGUST 7th THROUGH AUGUST 12th 1. Set LIFE coverage on Sands set in MGM movie. Shooting Tuesday, August 16th. 2. Worked up details of Variety International flight with John Haskell which you will produce. 3. Worked on COLLIER'S story outline on you with Bob Cahn* Am sending him more material and will set date for personal interview with you* Story is pegged on "The New Ziegfeld" and will hinge a great deal on such activities as producing the International good will tour and your movie producing efforts. 4. Arranged for Jim Bacon of ASSOCIATED PRESS to come down for Labor Day weekend, taking him away from Riviera. 5. Arranged for Erskine Johnson to come down for period before Labor Day, Sunday, August 28th through August 31st. 6. Took Loudon Wainwright, West Coast Editor of LIFE - Ruphert Allen, West Coast Editor of LOOK - Aline Mosby, CWPWP PRESS Entertainment writer - Betty Beal, WASHINGTON DAILY STAR Entertainment Editor to Ciro's* 7. Set up arrangements to display Cadillac for WAIF and worked details out with Marty Burns* 8. Initiated a story on The Sands as an example of a successful American business for FORTUNE MAGAZINE. 9* Initiated plans for feature story on Jack Entratter for Globe Photo Syndicate (31 United States papers) as America's fastest rising producer. 10. Worked further on TIME MAGAZINE color layout, which is scheduled to be photographed late September, and featuring lavlshness of floor shows. I had inside track on the story as it was my idea, but am afraid Ezra Goodman of TIME may be assigned to do the copy, and he is a loag time friend of Sahara press people. Am working with Al Josephy, Color Editor of TIME in New York. BEVERLY HILLS, CAL. ?╟≤ 449 SOUTH BEVERLY DRIVE ?╟≤ CRESTVIEW 6-4326 yw