Oral history interview with Jose Leonardo Martinez conducted by Barbara Tabach and Nathalie Martinez on August 19 and 29, 2020 for the Latinx Voices of Southern Nevada Oral History Project. Session 1: Jose discusses his childhood and what it was like growing up during the Salvadoran Civil War. He recounts the dangers he's faced and how he made his way to the United States after traveling through Guatemala and Mexico. Subjects discussed include: Salvadoran Civil War; Ciudad Arce, El Salvador; Guatemala; Mexico; Los Angeles, California. Session 2: Jose continues his discussion of growing up in El Salvador and the violence he witnessed in the country's army during the 1980s. He also talks about his personal life after moving to the United States and his experiences navigating gang culture in Los Angeles, California. Jose recounts his previous jobs, his schooling, how he met his wife, and his family's move to Las Vegas. Subjects discussed include: El Salvador army; gang violence.
Mixed Content
On March 4, 1976, Gordon Brusso interviewed former miner, Joe Lappin (born November 14th, 1914 in Santa Paula, California) about his life in Boulder City, Nevada. The two discuss his early occupational history and his work for the Bureau of Mines. He then goes on to explain the different housing systems that developed in Boulder City during World War Two.
On March 14, 1981, Randall Williams interviewed Eldon Cunningham (born 1920 in Granby, Missouri) about his life in Las Vegas, Nevada. Cunningham first talks about his family background, his reason for moving to Las Vegas, and his service in the military during World War II. He also mentions the Twin Lakes area of Las Vegas, his hobby of prospecting, and his work with Clark County Electric as an electrician. Cunningham also talks in detail about some of his experiences while working at the Nevada Test Site in electrical work. As the interview concludes, Cunningham talks more about family illnesses, experiments at the Test Site, and his former hunting practices.
On February 24, 1977, Bill Teepe interviewed Hal G. Curtis (born 1926 in Galt City, California) about his life in Southern Nevada. Curtis talks first about his work on the Union Pacific Railroad before discussing changes and development in Las Vegas, including development on the Strip and Downtown areas. He also talks about Block 16, the El Rancho Vegas fire, social clubs, and religion.
On March 8, 1975, Beatrice Scheid interviewed Mary and Bruce Eaton about their lives in Boulder City, Nevada. Mary first talks about her life in the early days of Boulder City, specifically the influences of the churches and schools. She also talks about housing, transportation, and her career as an educator. Bruce (born 1904 in Toronto, Kansas) also talks about his life in Boulder City and his arrival to Southern Nevada as he sought employment in working on the building of Hoover Dam. Bruce talks about his employment with Six Companies, Inc. and discusses topics such as the employment wages, his and Mary’s experiences in building a house, and their experiences in buying a house built by Six Companies. Bruce also talks about the roles of Sims Ely, the city manager of Boulder City, and Frank Crowe, the construction superintendent of Six Companies. Bruce then discusses the issues of worker’s compensation as it related to work on the dam, and he describes, in detail, the cooling system us