The Production Company Audiovisual Collection consists of commercials, advertising, and political campaigns from approximately 1965 to 1995 created by The Production Company, a television production company founded by Thomas “Bob” Patrick in Las Vegas, Nevada. The collection consists of primarily 16 mm film and video formats such as VHS, U-Matic, Betacam, open reel, Type C, and quadruplex. The videotapes and films in this collection represent advertising and marketing for hotels and casinos, entertainment companies, politicians, and local businesses located in Las Vegas, Nevada.
The website for Freed’s Bakery happily displays the headline: Baking Sweet Memories Since 1959. Today the third generation of Frieds (correct spelling of the family surname) is hard at work creating incredible wedding cakes, cookies, and delightful desserts for the Las Vegas valley. For this oral history interview, Joni Fried, her daughter Sarah Fried, and nephew Max Jacobson-Fried sit to share stories of working in the family business started by Joni’s parents Milton and Esther Fried. Joni has handed the reins over to the third generation who invest their delicious souls into maintaining this Las Vegas tradition. Their tales range from childhood memories of holidays baking and cleaning to their personal favorite desserts. They also explain the impact on their business as early adapters of computer technologies and social media marketing. In October 2017, Freed’s Bakery landed a TV show, Vegas Cakes, on the Food Network.
Part of an interview with Robert D. "Bob" Fisher on January 08, 2015. In this clip, Fisher discusses his time in Las Vegas and his involvement with Temple Beth Sholom.