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Land transaction




Creator: Syphus, Levi




This folder is from "Legal Records" file of the Sadie and Hampton George Papers (MS-00434)

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    man000428. Sadie and Hampton George Papers, 1874-1944. MS-00434. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    w This Indenture,made the Seventeenth day of December,A.T).l©1 0 ,between Levi W. Syphus, an immarried man, of the village of StThouas,County of Clark,State of Levada,the party of the first part,and Sadie E.George ox the City of Los Angeles,State of California,the part party of the second ^ whereas,the said party of the first part/ holds and is the owner ox a contract from the Office of the State Land register and Surveyor General,ox tne State of Nevada,under which he is granted and guranteed the absolute right to purchase from.the State of Nevada the S.lUl/ 4 ai}cl- the S.W.4S 1/4 N.E.l/4 of Section 35 T.17 S.,k .C»8 E,K.D. B.&.M, ancs. compriseirg eighty acres,be the sane more or less,at any time within Fifty years from and after the date of said contract,' upon payment to the said State the sum of Eighty Dollars,lawful money of the United States,and payment of the annual interest on said sun Ox eighty 0.61 lars,until 1 said purchase price is paid,as per the terns and conditions of said contract,which said contract is-more fulley described as follows,to wits— No«15006,issued under application No,26211,from the Office of the State Land register of the State of ^Nyepvhaudsa,,a nodn itnhe hissi day of Octobex-,A.D,lfIS,to the said Levi W. Now,Therefore,this Indenture f/itnesseth,That the said party of the first part,for and in conside­ration of the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($260., lawful money of the United States of America,, to him in hand paid by said party of the second part,the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,does by these presence remise,release and forever quitclaim unto the said party of the second part,and to her heirs and assigns,all that certain lot, peice or parcel of land,situate in the County of Clark,State of Nevada,and bounded and particularley described as follows,to-wits-xhe South Last One Fourth of the North West One Fourth ofSection Thirty Five of Township Seventeen, South, of Range SiScty EighrJ^unt Diabalo Base and lileridean,and compriseing and being Forty Acres be the same more or less, ’ 0 . 0 * J Together with all and singular the tenements,hereditaments,and appurtenances thereunto belonging,or in anywise appertaining,and athned prreovfeirtssi ont,hearnedo fr.eversions,remainder and remainders,rents.issues To have and to hold all and singular the said premises,together with tn appurocuances,unto the said party of the second nart,and to her heirs and assigns forever. In .litness ihereox, uhe said party of the first part lias her­eunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written. County of dark) :?__ 'On this 17th. day of Decamber,A.B.ISIS,personally ^appeared before me,a notary public in and for Clark County,Levi a*typhus,known to me to be the person described in and who executed the xoregoing instrument,who acknowledged to me that he executed the same freeley and voluntarily and for the uses and Purposes therein mentioned in Witness thereof,! have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. State of Nevada) Knew All Men By flies© Presents,That Sadie B*®eerge,e# Los Angeles California,the owner,in consideration of the si® of °ne"hollar,lawful money the United States,to her in hand paid,the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Ooee hereby give and grant unto Levi Syphusjof Sifhomas,County of Ularl,utate of iicvada,for the ter® ending at twelve o,doc| noon on the 15Ui day of Dceen?ber,A.D.aoriE 192',the exclusive right and option +.0 "-urchase tliat certain real property,situate'in the County of Clark,State of Nevada, par11 cular 1 ey described as follows,to wit* The Southwest - one fourth of the .Northeast on§ fourth of Section Thirty Five,Township Seventeen South,of Range S.iSs,fcy -'-'iglit 'East,!-.*- d**M*8ncl corapraoexng Forty Acres,Tic the seine - nore or less,together with the annurte-nanc. es, for the sum of Two Hundred and Eighty Eight dollars, payable in’lawful money of_ the united states,at 802,1/2 East Kensington Hoad,-hos Angeles,Cal­ifornia *i.n die event of - sale the said owner agrees to make execute,acknowlddir suici. deliver a good and stiffleieni deed,conveying title to said'described property to Levi Sypnus,or MiQ&it to his assigns,and to furnish,hut at the expence of the purchaser,a proper certificate-of title shewing said pronertr clear and free from incumberance,and that the title thereto is In” satcl owner •in the event this option shall not he exercised within the time limited as above, the- said sum of One ijollar shalT be retained by the- -said owner as liquidated and stipulated damages,and both parties s-iali thereupon be releasee froia all obligations hereunder i,i:i of the covenants and agreements Thereof shall bind© the heirs,legal . representatives ,successors and assigns,of the said respective each of the®* narties hereto la fitness .thereof the said owner has hereunto set' her w i and «eaj this" 15th, day of v one, A*D* 1020 Accepted according to its terns | ?*r m m m cy £?%'''£'?'is'1 c -' . , ^ '^r. A-*-" fl'%''^ * ? - / / / /V 0 .A ^ " 2 - ^ -C mm > rfr- /^-t'£5^J!l This Indenture,made the 11th,day of June,A;D.lS20,73etween LeTi w . oyphus,of the village of Thomas,County of Clark,State of Nevada,the | g | of the first part,and Sadie B.George,of 802,1 /2 East Kensington Bead os Angeles, California, the party of the second part,vritnesseth:That the saia party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of One collar,Inaful money of the United States,and other good and valuable, con-’ sxaeration,to him in hand paid by the party of the second part,the receipt wnereox is nereToy acknowledged,does by these presents remise,release, and . xorever quit-claim,unto the said party of the second part,and to her heirs and assigns,all of that certain lot,peice,or parcel of land,lying and being in the County of Clark, State of Nevada, particular!ey described as iOliows,to-Wit:-The .South West Quarter of the NorthSast Quarter of Section ii.irty Five,Township Seventeen,South,of Range Sixty Eight Sast.II.D.B.&.M. and compriseing Forty Acres,be the same feore or less, ? Together with all and singular the tenements,hereiflitaments and appur­tenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining,and the reversion ana reversions,remainder and remainders,rents,issues and profits thereof. io have and -o Hold,all and singular the said premises,together with the appurtenances,unto the said party of the second-part ana assigns forever and Co her heirs , . In J/itness Whereof,the said party of the first part has hereunto set m s nano, and seal the- day and year first above written. (L_ (teal! State of Nevada) ) ss County of Clark) . “ On* tnis 11th day of June,A.D.1920,before nme,a nofary 111 ancl ~or ClarIc County,personally appeared Leva; Syphiis the person described 'afn and who executed the 1 oregoing instrument,who acknowledged to me that he executed the same xreeley anc, voluntarily and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. in witness whereof,! have hereunto set my hand and official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. . ' • ---1 My Commission expj«x Aprl' 2*£ if 2, 5 - (seal)