This program accompanied the performance of the Broadway adaptation of the Diary of Anne Frank by the Nevada Conservatory Theatre. The program was produced by the Jewish Family Service Agency. It includes biographies of survivors living in Southern Nevada and an educational guide.
Narrator affiliation: Physicist, First director, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory; Arms control negotiator; Director, Defense Dept. Research and Engineering
Oral history interview with Zoe Albright conducted by Barbara Tabach on October 16, 2018 for the Remembering 1 October Oral History Project. In this interview, Albright describes her work as a volunteer for the Red Cross and helping comfort those who came into the Metro Police Station after the 1 October shooting, searching for family and friends who were present at the Route 91 Harvest Festival. In addition to being a Red Cross volunteer, Albright is also a personal trainer, nutrition consultant and resident of Las Vegas since 1988.