The Jim Rogers Papers (1977-2014) are primarily comprised of episodes of local Las Vegas, Nevada television program, Inside Nevada with Jim Rogers which aired from 2009 to 2014 on KVBC-TV (now KSNV). The collection also contains fifty-nine segments of The Dawn and Jim Show which Rogers hosted with former First Lady of Nevada Dawn Gibbons. Also included is a video of Rogers' 75th birthday party taken shortly before his passing in 2014, and three large scrapbooks with newspaper clippings of local Las Vegas television stations content, advertising, and special features. The collection also includes the Channel 3 showing of Rogers' "Celebration of Life" ceremony after his passing in 2014 at Artemus Ham Hall at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. This collection is entirely digital video files.
The UNLV Libraries Collection of Showboat, Inc. Promotional Materials and Financial Reports includes annual reports, quarterly financial reports, equity research reports, Securities and Exchange Commission Form 10-Q, Securities and Exchange Commission Form 10-K, prospectus, press kit, press releases, promotional materials, and newspaper and magazine clippings for Showboat, Inc. based in Las Vegas, Nevada, and Atlantic City, New Jersey, dating from 1968 to 2002.