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Nate Mack B'nai B'rith lodge no. 2825 Newsbeat newsletters, item 03




Newsbeat newsletter for October 1989

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Nate Mack B?nai IirVtYx Lodge No. '2-H'LS OCTOBER 1989 Hal Schuster, Editor and Designer MAN OF THE YEAR AWARDS? THE social event of the year! Special banquet and awards ceremony. WHEN: Sunday, October 29th at 6:30pm WHERE: at the Monaco Tower, Top of the Riv ballroom, Riviera Casino ?call 737-8114 and ask for Mike Novick MEMBERSHIP MEETING ? WHEN: Thursday, October 5th at 8:00pm WHERE: TEMPLE BETH SHALOM BOARD MEETING ? WHEN: Thursday, October 19th at 8:00pm WHERE: TEMPLE BETH SHALOM Lodge members lead the Israel Day Parade SPECIAL NOTE: No you didn?t miss an issue we have sim?ply changed how we do the dating on the newsletter so that you know you?re getting news of upcoming events. SOCIAL EVENT OF THE YEAR! Las Vegas Nate Mack B?nai B?rith Distinguished Man of the Year for 1989 is Hal Ober, CEO of R. A. Homes. The Award Banquet will be held Sunday, October 29,1989, at 6;30 p.m. in the Riviera?s Top of the Riv ballroom located in the Monaco Tower. Honorary Co-chairmen for this gala event are Sherman Miller and Dr. Robert Maxson. Hal is being honored for the exem?plary devotion of his time and re?sources toward enhancing and main?taining the quality of life in Las Vegas. As CEO of R.A. Homes, he has made an integral contribution to the thriving growth we have all en?joyed in Southern Nevada. continued CONTINUING EXHIBIT Anne Frank in the World: 1929-1945 Until October 8th...Marjorie Barrick Museum of Natural History, UNLV The world of Anne Frank as portrayed in her diary is recreated through a series of 90 panels silk-screened with more than 800 historic photographs from Dutch and (iernian archives accompanied by a scale model of the hiding place, ?the secret annex? in which she hid BARBECUE SUCCESS. Over 125 merry party goers want to stand up and offer a ringing salute to Marty and Bobbie Loeb for the tre?mendous doings they put forward to make our paid membership barbecue so successful! Those members unable to attend missed a joyous and truly memorable evening of fun, food and frolic. continuedPRESIDENT?S MESSAGE Dear Brothers, It was wonderful to see so many of you at our Farewell Barbecue for Mort Kirsch! As you probably know by now, Mort & Clarisse lived in this town for 21 years, and Mort was a Co-Founder of Nate Mack Lodge here. He served twice as its president and held every chairmanship availa?ble; he organized B.B.Y.O, which was very dear to his heart. He was an inspiration to us all, especially to me during my last stay at Hershey Medi?cal Center. He touched all of our lives in these 21 years. I am very pleased to be able to tell you that the Lodge has decided to name the yearly scholarship award program to B.B.Y.O. the ?MORT KIRSCH SCHOLARSHIP AWARD PRO?GRAM.? We wish both Mort & Cla?risse good luck, good health and hap?piness in their new home. We shall miss them both very much! I wish to thank the whole social committee, who organized this suc?cessful Barbecue on real short notice, in particular Brother David Hirshom and Marty Loeb, who lent us his lovely home to mess up! Thanks Fel?lows! Our new, beautiful and revised ?NEWSBEAT? is produced under the direction of Brother Hal Schuster. Now that we have such a nice news?paper, please co-operate with Hal and send your articles and announce?ments in on time. Thanks Hal for a great job! Thanks also go to Milton Grant for ac?cepting the job of Treasurer. It is time- consuming work. I appre?ciate his volun?teering. After a prolonged ab?sence and with great need for it, we have a retention committee. Thank you Ralph Plotkin for filling this void. October is mem?bership month. Please talk to your relatives, friends and neighbors. Let them know they are always welcome in our Lodge. Speedy Recovery to Brother Ger- shon Heller. Hurry up and get back to us Gersh! We miss you and think about you. Also to Brother Jack Schuster who has been in and out of the hospital and continues a series of operations on his eyes. Good luck from all of us! Preparations are going fullspeed ahead for ?The Man of The Year Gala Dinner.? (See feature story in this newsletter) Mark your calender for October 29th for an affair you won?t want to miss. The High Holidays Rosh Hashana and Jom Hakippur are almost here. Dear Albert, Would you believe Mort has moved to San Diego? Mort who co-founded the Nate Mack Lodge. There was no facet or function of B?nai B?rith that was not touched by the presence of Mort. He was twice president, mem?ber of the district executive board, area vice president, financial secretary, treasurer, bulletin editor for many years, social chairman, program chairman, budget and finance chairman, international food festival chairman, community service...He was always there for anyone and everyone, anything and everything. I don?t know what size shoes he wore, but I do know that it will take quite a bit to fill them. All the Brothers and many mem?bers of the community will miss him, and wish him well. That?s all for now. Love, Dad president?s club Sam Alper Mike Cherry covenant club Lawrence Greenberg Harold Handelman Larry Main Leon Steinberg century club Hy Bergman Heinz Boldes Art Brand Scott Cantor David Cohen Steve Eisen Harold Gerecht Mark Goldstein Leo Hahn Gershon Heller David Hirschhorn Bernard Kaufman Mort Kirsch Larry Lehrner Ralph Levine Martin Loeb Michael Novick Hal & Jack Schuster Nat #1 Schwartz Ben Stepman David Wasserman Joe Singer Eli Welt Let me take this oppor?tunity to wish all of you and your loved ones a very Happy and Healthy New Year 5750- Leshana Tova Tikathevu. Shalom Heinz BoldesFROM THE EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT When I attended the District #4 B?nai B?rith Convention held at Monterey in July, I was astounded to hear first-hand that some older lodges have been disbanded. This is sad. Some of these lodges have been in existence for over 50 years. Unfortunately older members are not being replaced. In some situations the answer is combining two or more lodges into one. In others the chapter ceases to exist. On a brighter note, many lodges are solving the problem by organizing new units, consisting of men and women in the 20 to 40 age group. This is a great way of getting younger people into BB. It redly makes it more interesting when young married couples can at tend a function together. I noticed many new units in attendance at the con?vention, and many more are forming. What is the solution to our membership programs? My answer, is quite simple?we must get our youth interested. We should put more money into the BBYO, BBG, AZA, and especially HILLEL. I have honor of new position: Trebor Carter by R. Hornsby...happy 80th birthday: Arthur Newmark by Irv & Gladys Dorfler...memorium: Peter A. Kinev by Si Sil- verman...memorium: Hank Greenspun by Nate Mack Lodge...memorium: Donald Martin by Alvin Ep- stein...memorium: Florence Goldstein by Sloane, Jen?na, Sandy and Adolph...memorium: Louis Feldman by Art Brand every confidence we can and will succeed. I will close by wishing all my B?nai B?rith brothers and their wives and families a Happy New Year of good health and happiness. L, SHONU TIK VO SAY NU. ?Shalom, Joe Singer SOCIAL EVENT OF THE YEAR! Funds raised at the Distinguished Man of the Year Banquet benefit numerous programs in South?ern Nevada. The Nate Mack B?nai B?rith Lodge has provided support for Operation Bridge, Boys Club, Focus, Helen J. Stewart School?s aurally handicapped program, Easter Seals, Blue Coats, Las Vegas Symphony, Variety Club, Lupus Foun?dation and scholarships for deserving students. Be?fore the Clark County Suicide Prevention Center qualified for federal funds, the Nate Mack Lodge and one other organization wholly supported this worthwhile project. Four youth programs benefit more than 100 teenage Las Vegans and the Lodge maintains the Judaic Literature section at the UNLV Library. In September of last year, Nate BARBECUE SUCCESS AND MORE TO COME Mack B?nai B?rith issued monies to the Jewish Family Service Agency fund for re-settlement of Russian refuseniks which benefitted four immi?grants given permission to leave the Soviet Union and now residing in Las Vegas. Recently, the lodge joined with the Clark County PTA to provide trans?portation of young students to the world-renowned Anne Frank Exhibit currently being showcased in Las Vegas. The public is invited to call Mike Novick at (702) 737-8114 for information and tickets to this year?s dinner and to join in honoring this outstand?ing individual for his philanthropic endeavors and devotion to the B?nai B?rith ideals of Benevolence, Brotherly Love, and Harmony. WHO IS HAL OBER? ?President of the B?nai B?rith Youth Advisory Council for many years. Hal has been a member of B?nai B?rith for almost 30 years. ?CEO of R.A. Homes. ?Director of Continental National Bank and President of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas. Past President of Southern Nevada Homebuilders Association, Past State Rep?resentative for Nevada to the National Homebuilders Association, a National Director of NAHB, and member of the State Environmental Protection Commission. He also serves on the board of St. Judes Ranch for Children. All members are asked to set aside October 29th on their social calendar, prepared to wear one?s best finery to attend the Man of the Year ball. The Lodge will honor Hal Ober, a person of many virtues. Newspaper photographers will take lots of pictures of guests at this most important social event of the year for inclu?sion in the Bulletin, the Jewish Reporter and other publications. November will bring Swinging Down Memory Lane with professional performers representing the vaudevillian acts they performed on Broadway or in film in years past. This will be combined with sing- along melodies. Interested talented members are asked to contact David Hirschhom or Sam Alper at 732- 1311 so you can be included in the lineup of festivities. Of course, all members are urged to attend. If an alternative program is required due to time restraints for producing such a show, the Social Com?mittee plans a luxury busride to visit a wondrous castle in the desert. Imagine rounding a sand dune and suddenly eyeing a mirage in the barren dunes, a mirage of a magical castle. Only it is real and touchable. ?David Hirschhom, SocialAROUND THE DISTRICT ICBB TURNS 30 The International Council of B?nai B?rith is celebrating its 30th anniversary. From Latin America to the Soviet Union, ICBB has amassed a distinguished record of political action. BB1 Honorary President Philip Klutznick proposed the creation of the Interna?tional Council in 1959 because he felt B?nai B?rith groups outside the United States had no framework to facilitate action. Over the last 30- years, the International Council has become involved in such issues as PLO links to the United Nations, anti-Semitism and political oppres?sion in Latin American countries, freedom of emigration for Soviet Jews, and the struggles of beleaguered Jewish minorities in Yemen. Syria and Ethiopia. An important program of the ICBB is its Political Action Network (PAN), a grassroots organization with members in every B?nai B?rith district. PAN pro?vides a training ground and an organizational umbrella for Jewish political acti?vists worldwide. PAN Action on ?Days of Rage? PBS (Public Broadcasting System) aired a documentary on the Palestinian Inti?fada, ?Days of Rage,? on Wednesday, September 6th. Independently produced, the program was avowedly ?Pro-Palestinian? with hardly a nod to the broader political and historical context in which the Intifada is occurring. At the end of the program, many stations pointed out that serious accusations had been raised as to the affiliation and funding of the program. While PBS did not actually outright deny these claims, the network stated that it was felt that more rather than less information should be presented. In response to protests about the lack of balance, PBS is now preparing a brief documentary in Israel as well as a panel discussion which will include BB1 President Seymour Reich. Both the documentary and the panel discussion will be aired together with the original ?Days of Rage.? Please contact your local PBS station to confirm this program. Israel Mission Deadline Irv Weisberg, Mission to Israel Coordinator, reports that no reservations will be accepted after September 9, and full payment is due by September 15. Marina Del Rey Lodge The award of ?Honorary Commodore? in the Marina del Rey ?Jewish Navy? has been presented to District Four President Shimon Erem. The designation, which was recently activated, will continue in service as an arm of Marina Del Rey Lodge for ?Those who serve, who enhance and further the high ideals of B?nai B?rith.?Kadimah Couples Unit Kadimah Unit has initiated a scholarship program and has awarded two $500 scholarships to local junior college students. The awards were based on com?mitment to Hillel and other community involvement. The annual scholarships were named in honor of PGP Mike and Trudy Feld?man, who were instrumental in starting the unit. Nate Mack B?nai B?rith has renamed its scholarship program in honor of co- founder Mort Kirsch. Camarillo Lodge Rube Davis of Camarillo Lodge initiated a Speakers Committee seven years ago to provide speakers to local schools. One speaker, Marcel Lemer, 1989 winner of the Alfred Perper Community Ser?vice Award, has numerous topics to share with students: Holocaust, Righteous Gentiles, Shakespeare, (ML was an actor in Germany), Salesmanship, Battle of the Bulge and the Viennese Coffeehouse as an institution. The speakers committee was expanded and adopted by the Ventura County School District and it now has 35 volunteer speakers. Greater Seattle Lodge Robert Spitzer, PP, recently represented the Seattle Jewish community in the delegation to a conference of Soviet and American cities held in Tash Kent, USSR. His mission was to establish an exchange between the two communities and to participate at the sister city conference as an advocate of human rights. International Israel Lodge Allocations A new list of IIL grants for the community-service activities of B?nai B?rith in Israel has just been approved by the top-level IIL Allocations Committee under the chairmanship of Seymour D. Reich, International President of B?nai B?rith. These latest allocations are: B?nai B?rith World Center in Jerusalem ($35,000) with which to maintain B?nai B?rith?s presence in Israel?s capital and act as a forum and resource for programs on the central issues facing the Jewish people and the Jewish state; Roof for the Demobilized Soldier in Haifa ($10,000), a halfway house for needy and deserving young people just completing their army service; Nachal Eschar Study Center in the Galilee ($10,000), channeled through ?Friends of the IDF? and serving young people training in Israel?s unique pro?gram combining military service with civilian pioneering in outlying areas; Border Guard Welfare ($5,000), an ILF beneficiary added last year, provid?ing for the education and welfare of widows and orphans of Border Guard members who fell in the service of Israel. The Border Guard comprises Israelis of many faiths and ethnic backgrounds, including Bedouin, Druze and Circas?sian as well as Jewish citizens, and incorporates police and military functions to maintain law and order and counter violence in Israel. In addition five additional community-service projects of District 14 received funding. These include Givat Zeev Library, near Jerusalem, IDF Vocational Training Center in Golani Junction, Mishpakhton Day Care Center in Hod Hasharon, Workshop for the Blind in Rehovot, and Mitzpim (outposts) in the Segev Region of the Galilee. Finally, an award of $500 was made to pay the annual fee for Israel?s participation in the international Tay-Sach?s quality con?trol testing program. In total, since the Lebanese War in 1982, over a half mil?lion dollars has been disbursed to projects such as these, a significant expres?sion of identification.