The "Presidential Evening" event at Treasure Island was held to raise funds for the Nat Hart Scholarship Endowment Fund and General Scholarship Fund for the Meadows School in Las Vegas.
Oral history interviews with John Fudenberg conducted by Barbara Tabach and Claytee D. White on May 3, 2018 and May 23, 2018 for the Remembering 1 October Oral History Project. In this interview, John Fudenberg, the coroner for Clark County in Las Vegas, Nevada, gives an account of his experience during the October 1, 2017 mass shooting on the Las Vegas Strip and what his role was during the tumultuous days after the shooting. He explains how he and the staff of the coroner's office prepared for the large number of casualties as well as their arrival at the Route 91 Harvest festival venue. Fudenberg speaks of setting up the Family Assistance Center at the convention center and how it supported the community but also aided the coroner's office in gathering information about the deceased and identifying them. Fudenberg discusses the main job of the Coroner's Office during the first week after the shooting, which was to autopsy the bodies and communicate with the families, as well as the Police Department. He also talks about the emotional impact the shooting and its aftermath had on him and his staff members and the wellness program they implemented, of which trauma yoga and meditation had a large impact.
Commencement program from University of Nevada, Las Vegas Commencement Programs and Graduation Lists (UA-00115).
From the Syphus-Bunker Papers (MS-00169). The folder contains documents about the history of George Burton Whitney and his wife, Lovina Syphus, and Luke Syphus and Christiana Long, Lovina's parents, and a genealogical data sheet for John Mathieson Bunker and Mary Etta Syphus.