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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, October 11, 1983






Includes meeting agenda and minutes along with additional information about the budget.

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    uac000400. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE MEETING #47 SESSION 13 11 OCTOBER 1983 4:00 P.M. MSU 20 3 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #46 IV. Executive Board Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations A. Entertainment and Programming - Louie Schiavone B. Curriculum Committee Removal - Mark Doubrava, Karen Musselman C. Curriculum Committee Members - Randy Kolquit, Norm Johnson D. Performing Arts Council - Giovanna Sardelli E. Submission of Compensation of $325 per month stipend for Ye11in' Rebel Editor VI. Board, Committee and Director Reports A. Beverage Manager B. Elections Board C. Entertainment and Programming Board 1. Coop Concert Policy Report D. Intramurals Director E. Judicial Council F. Nevada Student Affairs G. Professional Programming H. Publications Board I. Radio Board J. Student Services K. Other L. Appropriations Board VII. Old Business UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702] 739-3477 MINUTES SENATE MEETING #4 7 11 OCTOBER 19 8 3 PAGE 0 2 VII. Old Business A. Committee of the Whole to Discuss the Presentation of Michael Schivo presented at Senate Meeting #44 during Open Discussion - Eglet(from table) B.. Discussion/Action/Resolution on Michael Schivo Presenta tion presented at Senate Meeting #44 during Open Discus sion - Eglet(from table) C. Discussion/Action/Resolution(Closed Personnel Session) to Discuss the Performance and Competency of the Senate President - Eglet(from table) D. Compensation for Elections Board Chairman, D-2 Classifi cation, $150.00 per month, including September, plus a fee waiver - Eglet(from table) E. Appointment of Senator 1. Education a. Joe Somers F. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seat 1. Health Sciences VIII. New Business A. Override of Veto Dated September 29, 1983(President's Stipend $3 80 per month) B. Approval of Contract With CMMS - EMT's - Macaluso C. Approval of the Shaffer Plan - Shaffer D. Recall Election for the C.S.U.N. Presidency - Glasgow 1. Filing Dates 2. Election Date E. Approval of Student Services Operating Policy - Corrale F. Closed Personnel Session Discussion/Action Concerning Competency of Yellin' Rebel Editor G. Discussion/Action Concerning Dismissal of Yellin' Rebel Editor H. Reduction of Yellin' Rebel Editor's Stipend to $200 per month I. Removal of Yellin' Rebel Editor IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES SENATE MEETING #4 7 SESSION 13 11 OCTOBER 1983 4:00 P.M. MSU 20 3 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 4:03 p.m. II. Roll Call Members in Attendance Stephanie Pettit Jay Lezcano Sari Bloom Giovanna Sardelli August Corrales John Pasquantino Louie Schiavone Tom Ware Robert Eglet Sindy Glasgow David Mounts Murray Long Deanna Macaluso Jim Eells Mark Doubrava Randy Colquitt Senator Mounts left the meeting. Senator Macaluso moved to suspend the rules and move into New Business, item B. Vice President Shaffer seconded the motion. Senator Eglet moved to amend the motion to include item A of New Business. Senator Schiavone seconded the motion. The amendment passed with 14 in favor and 1 opposed(Long). The motion to suspend the rules and move into New Business, item A and B passed with 14 in favor and 1 opposed(Long). VIII. New Business A. Override of Veto Dated September 29, 1983(President1s Stipend $380 per month) Senator Pasquantino moved to override the president's veto of a $3 80 per month stipend. Senator Eglet seconded the motion. Members Absent Virgil Jackson - resigned Nanda Briggs - unexcused UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 MINUTES SENATE MEETING #4 7 11 OCTOBER 19 8 3 PAGE 0 4 There was discussion. Senator Mounts moved the previous question. Senator Eglet seconded the motion which passed with 13 in favor and 2 opposed(Pettit, Long). The motion to approve the override of the veto of a $380 per month stipend for the president passed with 12 in favor, 1 opposed(Long) and 2 abstaining(Pettit, Eells). B. Approval of Contract with CMMS - EMT1s - Macaluso Senator Macaluso moved to approve the contract with CMMS (Consolidated Medical Management Systems). Senator Corrales seconded the motion which passed with 13 in favor, 1 opposed (Eells) and 1 abstaining(Macaluso). III. Approval of Minutes #46 Senator Eglet moved to approve the minutes from senate meeting #46. Senator Bloom seconded the motion. Senate President Clay corrected the minutes from senate meeting #45 to change Jim Eells absence to excused and delete the excused absence for Virgil Jackson. Senator Eells corrected the minutes from meeting #46 to read that he was present at the meeting. He had been listed as absent. Senator Colquitt corrected the minutes to correct the spelling of his name. Senator Pettit corrected the minutes on page 06, item G, Publications Board Report to read that the Publications Board held three meetings on August 22, August 2 9 and October 3 which did not achieve quorum. Pettit also wanted to amend the minutes to list Deana Szabo as unexcused absent for August 22, 2 9 and October 3 meetings. Senate President Clay stated that it would be more appropriate to amend Szabo's absences in the next Publications Board Report. Pettit announced that the Publications Board had a meeting on September 6 which achieved quorum. Senator Eglet moved to approve the minutes from meeting #46 as corrected. Senator Bloom seconded the motion which passed with all in favor. IV. Executive Board Announcements A. Senate President Pro Tempore Pasquantino Pasquantino has resigned from his position on the Ad Hoc Faculty Bylaws Committee. B. Senate President Clay Clay announced that Virgil Jackson has resigned from the Senate. Under Executive Board Nominations, please delete Mark Doubrava and Norm Johnson. Senate President Clay made comments regarding President Lee's memo dated Octo-ber 10. Clay stated that she refuses to censor a sena-tor in reference to the senate agenda. She had further MINUTES SENATE MEETING #4 7 11 OCTOBER 19 8 3 PAGE 0 5 comments but wished to state them when President Lee was present. C. Vice President Shaffer Shaffer had no announcements. V. Executive Board Nominations A. Entertainment and Programming - Louie Schiavone Senator Bloom moved to approve Louie Schiavone as a mem-ber of the Entertainment and Programming Board. Senator Eglet seconded the motion which passed with 14 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstaining(Schiavone). B. Curriculum Committee Removal - Karen Musselman C. Curriculum Committee Members - Randy Colquitt D. Performing Arts Council - Giovanna Sardelli Senator Eglet moved to approve items B through D as a whole. Senator Macaluso seconded the motion which passed with all in favor. E. Submission of Compensation of $325 per month stipend for Yellin' Rebel Editor Senator Eglet moved to disapprove a stipend of $325 per month for the Yellin' Rebel Editor. Senator Lezcano seconded the motion. Senator Pasquantino asked why the Executive Board Members nominated a $32 5 per month stipend for the editor. Vice President Shaffer stated that he voted in favor of the nomination of the $325 per month stipend, because he felt it was a decision which the Senate should be allowed to make. The motion to disapprove a $325 per month stipend for the Yellin' Rebel Editor passed with 12 in favor, 2 opposed (Pettit, Long) and 1 abstaining(Eells). VI. Board, Committee and Director Reports A. Beverage Manager Beverage Manager Shields stated that the Oktoberfest acti-vities held last week yielded gross profits of $2193.11 and expenses of $775.00 which resulted in a $1418.11 net profit. The profit for this year's Oktoberfest was not as high as last year. Manager Shields attributed this loss in profit to the rising costs of beer and the reduction in participa-tion of the bar class. If anyone would like to see the actual beverage report for this event, it will be on file in the CSUN office. B. Elections Board Chairman Crum was not present. Senator Bloom reported that there was an Elections Board meeting today which did not MINUTES SENATE MEETING #4 7 11 OCTOBER 19 8 3 PAGE 0 6 achieve quorum. If anyone is interested in assisting the Elections Board, there will be a meeting tomorrow(October 12) at 8:00 a.m. to explain the procedures to the Garden Club who will be the poll workers. Senator Lezcano announced that Homecoming Queen elections will be held next week and anyone interested in helping with them should contact the Elections Board. C. Entertainment and Programming Board 1. Coop Concert Policy Report Chairman Turner announced that total expenses for Oktober-fest amounted anywhere from $6300 to $6600. Approximately 1,0 37 tickets were sold for the Oktoberfest evening event. The total revenue at the door for Friday night's event amounted to approximately $2 875.50. E & P sold the Oktober-fest t-shirts for $2.50 each. The total revenue generated from t-shirt sales was approximately $555. Chairman Turner read the informal minutes for the Entertain-ment and Programming Meeting #9 held on October 10 at 8:30 p.m Turner called the meeting to order at 8:59 p.m. The members present were Thomas Ware, Suzette Johnson and Liz Cohen. Steve LoPresti, Jay Lezcano, Murray Long and Bob Compan were all unexcused absences. Quorum was not achieved. Discussion took place. In reference to an item on the minutes in which the board approved the rental of a tuxedo for Chairman Turner, Vice President Shaffer asked whether it was common practice for E & P to pay for the tux rental. Senate President Clay stated that last year the use of the tuxedo was at no charge. Shaffer asked that Turner look into the possibility of a donation of the use of a tux. Senator Eglet stated that the contracts attached to the informal minutes could not be approved, because they did not appear on the agenda. Chairman Turner urged the Senate's approval on these con-tracts which were scheduled for the Homecoming activities. Senator Corrales asked whether the contracts could be con-sidered as emergency items. Senator Glasgow asked whether the events could be held if the contracts were approved at next Tuesday's Senate Meeting. Chairman Turner stated that the local groups(Peggy Young and Destiny, Soul Connection, King Charles Troup) could be approved next Tuesday and would probably be able to perform. The Frankie S. Band is not local and would need more time. If the Frankie S. Band were approved next Tuesday, it would not allow for enough time to perform on the following Wednes-day . MINUTES SENATE MEETING #4 7 11 OCTOBER 19 8 3 PAGE 0 7 Senator Eglet stated that Roby Turner had been told to distribute copies of any contracts that need approval and to submit them as agenda items for the senate meetings. Chairman Turner explained that the board had not decided which bands it wanted for Homecoming until last night. Senator Eglet asked why these contracts had not appeared on the agenda. Chairman Turner replied that he had been busy with planning Homecoming activities. Senator Pasquantino moved to approve the informal Entertain-ment and Programming Board meeting held on October 10 at 8:30 p.m. to show that the E&P board made recommendations for approval of homecoming contracts, Tony Flynn's report on the Coop Concert Policy. Senator Eells seconded the motion. Senator Pasquantino stated that according to NRS 241 and the Nevada Open Meeting Law there are two circumstances under which an item that is not on the agenda may be considered. An item not on the -agenda may be considered if it is a true emergency concerning threat to life or limb or if it is truly unforeseen. Pasquantino also stated that, as Parlia-mentarian, he did not believe that the contracts should be considered at this meeting according to NRS 241 and the Nevada Open Meeting Law. Senator Eells moved the previous question. Senator Eglet seconded the motion which passed with 15 in favor and 1 opposed (Lezcano) . The motion to approve the informal minutes from the E&P meeting held on October 10, 1983 as recommendations passed with all in favor. Senator Mounts suggested that Chairman Turner attempt to find another group to play for homecoming to replace the out of town band that will not be able to perform for homecoming. D. Intramurals Director There was no report. E. Judicial Council There was no report. F. Nevada Student Affairs Senator Eglet announced that his department has been research-ing the in-state requirements for out-of-state students and ha found them to be unreasonable and unfair compared to other western states. G. Professional Programming Senator Mounts announced the Common Cause speaker who will be lecturing on October 24 at 1:00 p.m. On November 2, Gary Hart will be speaking in Ham Hall. Mounts hopes to arrange a speaking engagement with President Reagan who will be in MINUTES SENATE MEETING #4 7 11 OCTOBER 19 8 3 PAGE 0 8 the area at the end of the month. H. Publications Board Senator Pettit read the minutes from the Publications Board Meeting held on October 10. Chairman Mann called the meeting to order at 1:38 p.m. Tom Flagg, Stephanie Pettit, Mojgan Sobhani and Dr. Barbara Cloud were present. The members absent were Steve Dantzig, Linda Lehman and Deana Szabo. The board approved their Operating Policy as submitted(attached). The board tabled the approval of Quicksilver petition including prospectus and budget for Quicksilver for one week. The board nominated Stephanie Pettit for Vice Chairman. The meeting was adjourned at 2:02 p.m. Senator Pettit moved to approve the minutes from the Publi-cations Board Meeting held on October 10 at 1:30 p.m. The motion was seconded. Senator Pettit moved to amend to delete the word "emergency" from page 1, under section III, Announcements and to amend the minutes from the meetings held on August 22, 29, October 3 and October 10 to list Deana Szabo as unexcused absent for these meetings and to amend the minutes to list item B 'was question as' 3toewfiether the deletion of the word "emergency" was in violation of any rules. Senate President Pro Tempore Pasquantino ruled that the dele-tion is legal. The amendment to delete the word "emergency" from page 1, under section III, Announcements and to amend the minutes from the meetings held on August 22, 29, October 3 and October 10 to list Deana Szabo as unexcused absent for these meetings and to amend the minutes to list item B before A under New Business passed with all in favor. The motion to approve the minutes from the Publications Board Meeting held on October 10 as amended passed with all in favor. I. Radio Board There was no report. J. Student Services Senator Corrales announced that the committee held a meeting last Thursday at 5:30 and the minutes will be prepared for the next meeting. Corrales announced that Evelyn Ludeman who is in charge of the Preschool has suggested that the Preschool Board be dis-banded . Senator Eglet asked whether CSUN would lose its student representation if the board disbanded. Senator Corrales stated that CSUN would still have represen-tation on Preschool matters. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #4 7 11 OCTOBER 19 8 3 PAGE 0 9 Senator Glasgow stated that in order to eliminate the Preschool Board, CSUN must rewrite its DayCare Contract. Glasgow explained that since the Preschool Board is not active, it only hurts more than helps the DayCare Center. K. Other There was no report. L. Appropriations Board There was no report. VII. Old Business A. Committee of the Whole to Discuss the Presentation of Michael Schivo presented at Senate Meeting #44 during Open Discussion - Eglet(from table) B. Discussion/Action/Resolution on Michael Schivo Presenta-tion presented at Senate Meeting #44 during Open Discus-sion - Eglet(from table) C. Discussion/Action/Resolution(Closed Personnel Session) to Discuss the Performance and Competency of the Senate President - Eglet(from table) D. Compensation for Elections Board Chairman, D-2 Classifi-cation, $150 per month, including September, plus a fee waiver - Eglet(from table) Senator Eglet moved to remove these items A - D from the agenda. Senator Schiavone seconded the motion. The chair stated that no motion was necessary. There were no further motions concerning these items. E. Appointment of Senator 1. Education a. Joe Somers There was no action taken on this item(Joe Somers was not present.). F. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seat 1. Health Sciences Senator Long explained that Matt McGuire was no longer able to attend the senate meetings at 4:00, because he works until 5:00. He asked whether there were any stipulations or provisions which would allow for McGuire to attend the meetings at 5:00. ' Senate President Clay stated that Matt McGuire did not resign from the senate; he was dismissed after accumulating three unexcused absences. Senator Glasgow asked whether a senator would be a good representative if he did not arrive for 4:00 senate meetings until 5:00. Senator Long stated that some representation is better than none at all. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #4 7 11 OCTOBER 19 8 3 PAGE 0 10 VIII. New Business A. Override of Veto Dated September 29, 1983(President's Stipend $380 per month) B. Approval of Contract with CMMS - EMT1s - Macaluso Items A and B of New Business were considered previously. C. Approval of the Shaffer Plan - Shaffer Vice President Shaffer moved to table this item for one week. Senator Eglet seconded the motion which passed with 15 in favor and 1 opposed(Eells). D. Recall Election for the C.S.U.N. Presidency - Glasgow 1. Filing Dates 2. Election Date Senator Glasgow moved to table this item for one week. Senator Bloom seconded the motion which passed with 15 in favor and 1 opposed(Long). E. Approval of Student Services Operating Policy - Corrales Senator Corrales withdrew this item. F. Closed Personnel Session Discussion/Action Concerning Competency of Yellin' Rebel Editor Senator Glasgow moved to approve moving into a closed per-sonnel session to discuss the competency of the Yellin' Rebel Editor. Senator Bloom seconded the motion. Senator Pettit moved to amend the motion to include Dr. Barbara Cloud and David Mann as members of the closed session. Senator Mounts moved the amend the amendment to include George Lorenzo as a member of the closed session. Vice President Shaffer asked whether the closed personnel session was necessary. Senator Glasgow accepted the amendments of David Mann and Barbara Cloud as members of the closed personnel session, as a friendly amendment. Glasgow rejected amendment of George Lorenzo. The closed personnel session according to the motion shall include the senate, executive board, ex officio members of the executive board, Yellin' Rebel Editor Franco Frantellizzi, David Mann and Dr. Cloud. Senator Mounts moved to amend the motion to include George Lorenzo as a member of the closed personnel session. Senator Eglet objected: to the amendment. Senator Lezcano seconded the objection. Senator Mounts withdrew his amendment. Senator Macaluso left the meeting at 5:00 p.m. When asked whether the closed session would be recorded, MINUTES SENATE MEETING #4 7 11 OCTOBER 19 8 3 PAGE 0 11 Senator Pasquantino stated that the session would be re-corded but not available for public record. Senator Pettit moved to amend the motion to allow Dr. Cloud to remain during the closed personnel session. Senator Mounts seconded the amendment. Senator Glasgow objected to the consideration of the amend-ment. Senator Eglet seconded the objection. Senator Eglet spoke in favor of the motion to object. Senator Mounts spoke against the motion to object. Senate President Clay stated that objections are not debatable issues. The motion to object to the consideration of the amendment to allow Cloud to remain during the closed personnel session failed with 10 in favor, 2 opposed and 3 abstaining. The amendment on the floor was to allow Cloud to remain during the closed session. Senator Long asked who requested the items regarding the Yellin' Rebel Editor. Senate President Clay stated that Senator Glasgow requested the items. Senator Pettit spoke in favor of allowing Cloud to remain during the closed session since the only reason she attended the senate meeting was to address the issues regarding the Yellin' Rebel. Senator Bloom spoke against the amendment. Senator Pasquantino stated that closed sessions allow for discussion on the professional competency of a person and allow ohly members pertinent to the discussion to be present. It is not proper to allow outside members to be present when discussing something as delicate as the competency of an individual. Senator Glasgow asked whether it would be proper to allow David Mann, Publications Board Chairman, to remain during the session. Senator Pasquantino stated that allowing Mann to remain during the closed session would not be proper. The amendment to include Cloud in the closed session failed with 5 in favor(Sardelli, Lezcano, Pettit, Corrales, Long), 9 opposed and 1 abstaining. The main motion to move into a closed personnel session to discuss the competency of the Yellin' Rebel Editor with the senate, executive board, ex officio members of the execu-tive board,and David Mann present was withdrawn by Glasgow and Bloom concurred. Senator Glasgow moved to move into a closed personnel session to discuss the competency of the Yellin' Rebel Editor with the senate, executive board, ex officio members MINUTES SENATE MEETING #4 7 11 OCTOBER 19 8 3 PAGE 0 02 of the executive board and Franco Frantellizzi present. Senator Mounts seconded the motion. Since the editor was not specified, George Lorenzo, as Managing Editor, asked whether he could remain during the closed session. Senate President Clay stated that the titles of executive editor(Frantellizzi) and managing editor(Lorenzo) were instituted by the Yellin' Rebel Newspaper department it-self. The senate appointed Franco Frantellizzi as the Editor of the Yellin' Rebel and only officially recognizes Frantellizzi as the editor. Chairman Mann stated that he should be allowed to remain during the closed session since this issue will be considered by the Publications Board in the future. Senator Pasquantino stated that Mann's point was an efficient but incorrect one established to protect the individual being discussed. Senator Glasgow explained that the senate would report after the closed personnel session, and Mann would be present for the discussion afterward. Senator Eglet moved the previous question and Senator Long seconded. The motion passed with 13 in favor and 2 opposed (Pasquantino, Pettit). The motion to move into a closed personnel session to dis-cuss the competency of the Yellin' Rebel Editor with the senate, executive board, ex officio members of the execu-tive board and Franco Frantellizzi present passed with 13 in favor and 2 opposed(Long, Pettit) and 0 abstaining. Senator Pettit asked whether there would be a tape or minutes of the closed session. Senator Pasquantino stated that the tape and minutes of the closed session would only be available to the people involved in the session or someone mentioned in the discussion during the session. The meeting moved into closed personnel session at 5:14 p.m. The meeting moved out of closed session approximately 5:50 p.m Senate President Clay suggested that all violations and accusa tions be submitted to the Publications Board. Clay also suggested that the accusations be submitted in writing prefer-ably upon consultation of a lawyer. Senator Pasquantino moved to reconsider the approval of the motion to move out of closed personnel session. Senator Mounts seconded the motion which failed with 10 in favor, 4 opposed(Eglet, Corrales, Eells, Glasgow) and 0 abstaining. Senator Pasquantino appealed to the senate to allow Franco Frantellizzi to speak on the issue. Senator Mounts seconded the appeal. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #4 7 11 OCTOBER 19 8 3 PAGE 0 13 Senator Eells stated that he must have misunderstood the motive behind the motion to reconsider. He thought that the motion was made so as not to allow Frantellizzi to speak or be present for the meeting. Senator Eells requested that his vote in opposition of the motion to reconsider the motion to approve the move out of the closed session be changed to a vote in favor of the reconsideration. The motion was stated as failing with 11 in favor and 3 opposed(Eglet, Glasgow, Corrales). The motion required a two thirds majority to pass. Senator Glasgow stated that Franco Frantellizzi waived his right to speak on the issue when he wrote that he would not be present at the senate meeting in Tuesday's newspaper. Senator Pasquantino stated that Frantellizzi was present now and should be allowed his right to speak. Senator Corrales stated that the agenda for this senate meeting on which this item appeared was distributed and posted three days before the meeting allowing for suffi-cient notice of the discussion regarding the editor. Corrales also pointed out that Frantellizzi stated in his editorial in today1s (October 11) newspaper that he would not be present for the senate meeting. Corrales stated that the Publications Board will be receiving written accusations regarding the Yellin' Rebel newspaper and its editor which will be considered by the board. Senate President Clay requested that Senator Eells vote change be recorded in the minutes. Senator Eglet moved to adjourn the meeting. Vice Presi-dent Shaffer seconded the motion which passed with 8 in favor and 6 opposed. X. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 5:55 p.m. Resoectfullv submitted bv. Resoectfullv Dreoared by, Catner in© Clay u^im ucou CSUN Senate President CSUN Secretary SERVICE AGREEMENT This agreement dated October , 1983 by and between Consolidated Medical Management Systems, herein after referred to as "CMMS" and Consolidated Student Union of Nevada, herein after referred to as "CSUN" is as follows: 1. CSUN hereby contracts CMMS to provide "Medical Services" at all "CSUN Events" requiring such services. 2. "CSUN Events" include but are not limited to: events and programs, concerts or live performances, social gatherings or functions, athletic activities or events. 3. The actual dates, times and location CSUN desires "medical Services" provided, shall be presented in writing or by verbal contact to CMMS or its appointed representative not earlier than forty eight(48) hours prior to the commence-ment of such medical services. 4. Unless otherwise arranged, CMMS agrees to provide one certified licensed Emergency Medical Technician(EMT) to provide reasonable and necessary medical attention to any contestant, participant, official, spectator or individual attending but not necessarily partaking in any CSUN event who becomes sick or injured during the times medical ser-vices are being provided. CMMS further agrees to provide CSUN with a full report concerning each illness or injury for which EMTs provide medical attention including a list of supplies used in such treatment. Duties of the EMT: a) Duties of the EMT shall be to: provide qualified medical attention, to any contestant, participant, official, spectator or individual attending but not necessarily partaking in any "CSUN Event" who becomes sick or injured during the times "medical services" are being provided. b) The EMT shall not provide any treatment which exceeds any formal training the EMT has had. c) CMMS is hired by CSUN as an independent contractor to provide emergency medical services at CSUN events. CMMS has full control over the selection, performance and compensation of any individual EMT; and, in per-forming such functions, CMMS does not act as the agent of CSUN. Nothing in this agreement is to be construed as creating a principal/agent relationship between CSUN and CMMS or between CSUN and any individual EMT. SERVICE AGREEMENT - CONSOLIDATED MEDICAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS PAGE 2 d) CMMS agrees to provide proof to CSUN of adequate medical malpractice insurance coverage. In addition, CMMS agrees to indemnify CSUN against any loss or damage for which CSUN may be liable which arises out of the pro-viding or performaning of any medical services agreed to under the terms of this agreement. 5. Payment for Services a) CSUN agrees to pay CMMS for "medical services" rendered, a rate of six dollars($6.00) per hour for each hour of medical coverage. b) Any unscheduled time which medical services must be ex-tended at a "CSUN Event" shall be calculated by the quarter hour and CSUN shall incur prorated cost of two dollars per quarter hour. c) CMMS is responsible for compensating any EMT in its employ and CSUN is under no obligation to reimburse the medical personnel provided by CMMS. d) CMMS shall bill CSUN twice monthly to request payment for services rendered. CSUN in turn agrees to produce cash, check or money order payable to CMMS, and to pre-sent it to the appointed CMMS representative or mail it to the CMMS off ice at 320 E. Charleston Boulevard, Las Vegas, Nevada 89104. 6. August Corrales shall act as appo.inted Representative for CMMS, functioning as a liaison between the CMMS and CSUN and shall represent CMMS in all matters dealing with CSUN. 7. This agreement may be terminated by either party wishing to do so by presenting a written document stating the intent to dissolve this agreement and the reasons for doing so. Forty eight(48) hours notice must be given prior to the termination of this agreement. Consolidated Medical Consolidated Students Management Systems Union of Nevada By By Dennis Nolan, Administrator Representative Publications Board Operating Policy The Board of Regents, as the publisher, must ultimately bear the responsibility for the contents of all official CSUN Publications, as stated in the UNS Code. The publishing authority is further delegated by the CSUN constitution and the CSUN governing body to the Publications Board. The Publications Board in turn delegates to student editors and staff members sufficient editorial freedom and financial autonomy for CSUN Publications to maintain their integrity as vehicles for free inquiry and free expression in an academic community. ARTICLE I DEFINITION OF TERMS Section 1. BOARD: the CSUN Publications Board Section 2. GOOD STANDING: not on scholastic or disciplinary probation. A CSUN member (see Article II and 9 of the CSUN constitution). Section 3. OBSCENITY: shall be the current Supreme Court ruling and current community standards. Section 4. LIBEL: shall be defined as the current Nevada Statue and whatever federal law applies. Section 5. REMOVAL: suspenion from all powers, rights, and privileges of a position. Section 6. STUDENT: a CSUN member (see Article II of the CSUN constitution) Section 7. STUDENT PRESS: the student editors and their staffs, faculty advisors to publications and the CSUN Publications Board. Section 8. STUDENT PUBLICATIONS: those publications officially recognized by CSUN. Section 9. STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STAFF: any CSUN person, except advisors, performing a regular service on a student publication. Section 10. VICE-CHAIRMAN: shall be nominated and ratified by the Board. He/She shall be enpowered -and held responsible for the board in the absence of the chairperson. Section 11. CANONS OF RESPONSIBLE JOURNALISM: a)avoid lib^l, undocumented allegations, attacks on personal integrity, techniques of harassment and innuendo, etc. b)stress sincerity, truthfulness, accuracy, impartiality, fair Publications Board Operating Policy page 2 play, decency, & independent and fidelity to the pub. interest. ARTICLE II GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. Section 5. Student editors and staff members are expected to be governed by the canons of responsible journalism. The student press shall be free of censorship and advance, approval of copy, and its editors and managers are free to develop their own editorial policies and news coverage. This Board recognizes the First Amendment rights of student publications set out in the U.S. Constitution. Editors