Meeting minutes include reports from committees of the board, correspondence, and balance sheets.
Bound compilation of four issues of the Holocaust Survivors' Group essays and poems.
The meeting minutes of the board of directors of Temple Beth Sholom, then known as the Jewish Community Center of Las Vegas, Inc., include the proceedings of meetings held from 1952 to 1956. Also included are periodic reports from committees of the board such as Jewish education, cemetery, and building committees, and budget reports.
The meeting minutes of the general membership and board of directors of Temple Beth Sholom include the proceedings of meetings held from 1973 to 1974.
Meeting minutes include reports from committees of the board, correspondence, and balance sheets.
The meeting minutes of the board of directors of Temple Beth Sholom include the proceedings of meetings held from 1973 to 1974.
This program accompanied the performance of the Broadway adaptation of the Diary of Anne Frank by the Nevada Conservatory Theatre. The program was produced by the Jewish Family Service Agency. It includes biographies of survivors living in Southern Nevada and an educational guide.