Contract between Mrs. Shurtliff and the Union Pacific for the railroad to supply water (N. L. D. 2131)
The sale of drinking water to the residents of the Moapa Valley were on a case by case basis.
Bracken notifying the Union Pacific Railroad that the water situation on the Stewart burial plot was satisfactory.
Architectural plans for the addition of a hotel tower for the Sahara from 1961. Includes typical corridor plans, revisions, elevator notes, and linen chute notes. Printed on onion skin. Leon Gluckson, architect; Berton Charles Severson, architect.
Site Name: Sahara Hotel and Casino
Address: 2535 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Exterior elevations of the Sahara Hotel Convention Center from 1967. Includes revisions. Drawn by A.M.B. Printed on mylar. Berton Charles Severson, architect; Brian Walter Webb, architect.
Site Name: Sahara Hotel and Casino
Address: 2535 Las Vegas Boulevard South