Engineering department work order detailing work to be done and estimate for new well on the Las Vegas Ranch.
Letter referring to water received by the Stewart family from the Union Pacific Railroad.
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from handwritten text on letter: "May 1st, 1940 - Placed dam in ditch to divert all water to Burial Plot; May 27 - 2 1/2'' on weir, 8'' around weir. At Steward fence, water 3'' deep, 10'' wide."
Bracken informing McNamee of the solution to the water delivery problem to the Stewart burial plot.
Bracken asking Clark how to proceed since a man had offered to buy a small plot of land near the Las Vegas Springs who had promised not to drill a well. Bracken recommended to not allow it.
The present water system of Las Vegas furnished cheap and seemingly satisfactory service, yet in order to bring in new businesses or agriculture, new sources of water would need to be found.
Strikes were making it impossible for the water company to expand their sources of water.
Bracken demanding that the fruit company do something about its water waste.
Recommendation to place additional bands on the pipeline since loose bands and certain repairs cause leaking in new locations.
General Counsel recommends an examination of the water rights and water properties embraced in the mortgage, and an examination of the title deeds before the railroad company makes any real estate decisions.
Letter accompanying a report from the Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific for Las Vegas.