At top of map: 'United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey. State Engineer of Nevada. Water resources bulletin No. 5, Plate 1.' Relief shown by spot heights. Includes 3 inset maps of wells and springs in the vicinity of Pahrump, Manse Ranch and Indian Springs, Nevada. Scale [ca. 1:126,720. 1 inch to approx. 2 miles] (W 116°--W 115°/N 40°--N 36°). Originally published as plate 1 in Geology and water resources of Las Vegas, Pahrump, and Indian Spring Valleys, Clark and Nye Counties, Nevada by George B. Maxey and C.H. Jameson (1948), which is number 5 of the Water resources bulletin published by the Nevada Office of the State Engineer.
Interviewed by Laurents Bañuelos-Benitez. Barbara Tabach also participates in the questioning. Valorie J Vega was born in raised in Los Angeles County. Her father, Fred Vega, was one of the first firefighters hired in the Los Angeles County area. Vega was one of three children, and remembers spending her childhood surrounded by family. In college, Vega began studying biology only to realize that she was better suited studying Spanish. Upon completion of her undergrad, Vega went on to earn a Master's in Spanish interpretation. As a result of her studies, Vega was able to secure a job in the Court Interpreter program in Las Vegas, moving here in 1978. Her position in the interpreter program, led her to pursue a degree in law which in turn led to a successful career as a lawyer and a judge.
The Las Vegas High School Tales of Las Vegas Collection consists of two hand-bound books written by the 1924 modern history class and the 1925 United States history class at Las Vegas High School. The two books, both entitled "Tales of Las Vegas", chronicle Las Vegas, Nevada history starting in the 17th century with the Spanish Jesuit and Franciscan Monks. The books then focus on the 1905 "boom" stage of Las Vegas, discussing topics including Mormons, Native Americans, and mining. The two books are similar in content but not identical, and both contain photographs of early Las Vegas, Nevada life.
Archival Collection
Site plan of the existing structure and additions to the Mather residence in Las Vegas, Nevada, including floor plans and details for a garage and additional bedroom. Included are the garage floor plan, drawings of the front exterior and entry elevations, and details for a skylight and the patio ceiling. "Date: 14 Oct. 1975, revisions: 15 Oct. 1975."
Site Name: Mather residence
Address: 2800 Cowan Circle;