The Donn Arden Photographs (approximately 1920-1989) contain photographs, negatives, and photographic slides of dancer and choreographer Donn Arden. The photographs primarily document Arden's life as a dancer and choreographer in Las Vegas, Nevada and in Paris, France, including performances at the Stardust Hotel, Desert Inn, and MGM Grand in Las Vegas and the Lido in Paris. The photographs also depict rehearsals, dancers, showgirls, Arden's friends and family, and performance locations.
Archival Collection
The Clinton Wright Photographs (1964-2018) contains black-and-white photographic negatives of various sizes, dating from 1964 to 1971. The images document the Black experience in Las Vegas, Nevada during the 1960s and 1970s, and capture scenes of everyday life in the historic Black neighborhood known as the Westside, social events such as weddings and parties, and events hosted by local churches. The collection also contains a photograph of Clinton Wright from 2017 when he visited the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Special Collections and Archives, and a memorial program for his wife, Joyce Wright, who passed away in 2018.
Archival Collection
Ronzone Family Papers (1900-1991) include newspaper clippings, business documents, correspondence, certificates, yearbooks, publications, artifacts, and photographs. The papers document their lives in Nevada, their department store, and Dick Ronzone's involvement in local politics.
Archival Collection
The Barbara Raben Collection on the Las Vegas Jewish Community (1976-2018) is comprised of materials collected by Barbara Raben that document her personal life and her involvement with the Las Vegas, Nevada Jewish community, specifically the Hadassah Southern Nevada Chapter and the Jewish Family Service Agency (JFSA) of Clark County, Nevada. Hadassah and JFSA records consist of photographs and programs from events held by the organizations. Materials also document Raben's business, The Candy Factory, and her connections to the Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning.
Archival Collection
The Junior League of Las Vegas Records (1940-2023) contain annual reports, fundraising information, training manuals, articles, minutes, photographs, scrapbooks, cookbooks, and other operational and working files that document the activities of the Junior League of Las Vegas (JLLV). Also included is documentation for advocacy projects the JLLV was involved with, such as Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.), Safe Haven, the Ronald McDonald House, Read Aloud, and Literature Awareness Program for Children. Other records in this collection document JLLV's fundraising efforts such as the Repeat Boutique, Holiday Coffees, annual benefits, luncheons, and sales of their cookbooks. Also included are scrapbooks and issues of their newsletter
Archival Collection
The Union Pacific Railroad Collection (1828-1986) is comprised of the original corporate records of the Union Pacific Railroad's operations in Southern Nevada, Utah, and Southern California, particularly focusing on Las Vegas and Los Angeles. The collection documents the purchase of Stewart ranch and the construction of the original depot and town which became modern Las Vegas. The collection also contains the records of the Las Vegas Land & Water Company (LVL&W), a subsidiary of the railroad formed in 1905 to handle the railroad's land transactions. The collection contains office files, correspondence, reports, leases, various legal, governmental and financial document, the collection contains large and small format maps, architectural and engineering drawings, published technical reports, railroad operational manuals, bound legal briefs, ledgers, and payroll and receipt books. The collection also includes the personal files of Walter Bracken, the Union Pacific's special representative in Nevada and vice president of the Las Vegas Land and Water Company, and a paper index of the collection materials.
Archival Collection
An issue of the Saharan Magazine from the Sahara Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. Some of the headlines in the magazine include: "Liberace Heads Show with Special Appearance of "Day of Decision" Artist", "Sahara Maestro Louis Basil Tells All (about work with Super Stars)", "Sahara news in pictures", "Crowds Hail Opening of $3 Million Sahara-Tahoe Theatre, largest in U.S.", and "We Get Visitors!"
Mixed Content
Scrapbook of poetry and other clippings
Mixed Content