Cross-section of drama theater (later named the Judy Bayley Theatre) at Nevada Southern University, Las Vegas, Nevada (later the University of Nevada, Las Vegas).
Site Name: Nevada Southern University
Address: 4505 S. Maryland Parkway
The Clark County, Nevada Financial Reports (1974-1982) include yearly financial reports prepared by the Office of the Comptroller.
Archival Collection
The University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) Faculty, Staff, and Student Directories (1960-2009) contain published directories for UNLV students, staff, and faculty. Directories contain contact information for individuals and departments on the UNLV campus.
Archival Collection
The University of Nevada, Las Vegas Office of Admissions Records (approximately 1954-1999) contain early enrollment and admission records for Nevada Southern University (NSU), later the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). The collection contains correspondence between NSU and other universities regarding transcripts and course credits for potential students, admissions reports, and newspaper clippings of the University's early years. Booklets, flyers, posters, and photographic film and slides used by the University to recruit students are also in the collection.
Archival Collection
'At top of map: ' United States Department of the Interior. Geological Survey.' ' Bulletin 1021, Plate 32.' At bottom of map: 'Geology by Donald E. Hibbard and Mike S. Johnson, 1952.' 'Base from USAF Aeronautical Chart and Information Service, April 1952.' 'Interior--Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. MR-3767.' Scale 1:63,360 (W 116°10--W 115°55/N 37°15--N 36°40)
Geological Survey bulletin, 1021
The University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) Academic Council Records (1957-1984) document the meetings of UNLV's Academic Council, formerly known as the Academic Committee. Materials include four volumes of Academic Committee meeting minutes and nine volumes of Academic Council meeting minutes, agendas, correspondence, and announcements dealing with course schedules, tenure and promotions, budgets, and other administrative topics.
Archival Collection
The University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) Graduate College Records (1959-2001) primarily contain graduate program reviews, as well as correspondence, meeting agendas, and meeting minutes pertaining to various UNLV academic departments, administrative offices, and committees. Also included in the collection are program proposals, handbooks, policy manuals, research funding proposals, curriculum and instruction documents, brochures, and newsletters.
Archival Collection
The John Wittwer Collection on Agriculture in Nevada (1898-1972) contains the professional papers and records of John Wittwer in his capacity as an Agricultural Extension agent for the University of Nevada from 1921 to 1954. The records are primarily annual reports containing text, photographs, newspaper clippings, and charts that provide a rich chronicle of the conditions of agriculture and ranching in southern Nevada from 1898 to 1972, with the bulk of the material dating from 1929 to 1955. These conditions span water issues, such as flood control and irrigation, to the general difficulties of sustaining agriculture and viable food production in a desert environment. The reports come from the Agricultural Experiment Stations in Clark and Lincoln counties and most contain both a statistical report and a narrative summary.
Archival Collection