Meet A Friendly Machine-Gun Crew! poster from the Las Vegas United Jewish Appeal asking for contributions to aid Jewish refugees. The text across the the front reads: "MEET A FRIENDLY MACHINE-GUN CREW! "America will lose the entire near East -- except for Israel! As long as ISRAEL is HELPED BY AMERICAN JEWRY, Israel can survive as our ONE FRIENDLY OUTPOST in the Near East!" - a statement made by General "Lightening Joe" Collins, former Chief of Staff, United States Army, at the Army and Navy Club, Washington, D.C., on July 1. 1958. TODAY IS AN EMERGENCY!! 80,000 persecuted Jewish refugees from Poland and Moslem lands must be helped to get to Israel - and quickly! Your contribution to the UNITED JEWISH APPEAL will help the emergency SPECIAL RESCUE FUND of $100,000,000 - and will help build up the newborn state of Israel - to remain strong - well-armed -- fiercely proud of its freedom - ready and able to remain YOUR ONE FRIENDLY OUTPOST IN A HOSTILE PART OF THE WORLD! -wouldn't you feel a little more secure with a friendly outpost guarding your freedom in the Near East? Las Vegas United Jewish Appeal Post Office Box 1981 Las Vegas, Nevada. Carl Cohen, chairman/Co-chairmen: Moe Dalitz and Jacob Kozloff/Nevada State Chairman: Edward Levinson"
Includes meeting minutes and agenda, along with additional information about bylaws, letters, and surveys. CSUN Session 33 (Part 1) Meeting Minutes and Agendas.
On February 17, 1976, Jeannette Lonpergan interviewed well driller and dairy worker, Mr. Louis Evans (born on August 8th, 1914 in Jones County, Iowa) in his home in Las Vegas, Nevada. Mrs. Lonpergan’s husband, Mr. Dennis Lonpergan, was present during the interview and joined in on the discussion. Mr. Louis Evans’ wife, Mrs. Evans, was also present during the interview. Mr. Evans relocated to Nevada from Iowa in search of employment. Construction on the Hoover Dam had begun at this point; Mr. and Mrs. Evans recall their earliest recollections of Nellis Air Force Base and McCarran Airport. The interview covers the history of Nevada from Mr. Evans’ perspective. Mr. Evans discusses the paving of roads, employment, religious activities, housing developments, early above ground atomic tests, social and environmental changes and mining in Nevada.
Pete Barbutti (also spelled Barbuti) played the accordion, the piano, and the trumpet. He was also a comedian and appeared numerous times on the Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson and toured with Nat King Cole. He and his family have lived in Las Vegas since 1960